Chapter 832 Qiao Yun is fierce: kill him

Li Hanzhou held Qiao Yun's little hand, confirmed that she was still calm, and then asked Li Miao, "What's going on?"

Li Miao carefully looked at Qiao Yun's face, frowned and explained: "I just saw that he was stabbed, and now he has been sent to the ICU."

Hearing that Qiao Yun frowned in the ICU, he remembered that Lu Zhanxing had been in a car accident before and was sent to the ICU.

She took out her phone and clicked on Weibo.

Although she did not authenticate Weibo, she still registered to follow Lu Zhanxing's news, but she rarely used it.

At the first glance, I saw #卢浩行重失伤,已经入ICU# on the hot search list.

The topic was followed by an explosion, which was unusually eye-catching.

Qiao Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and her pink lips were tightly pursed.

Li Miao let go of her hair, and persuaded in an unaccustomed manner: "Qiao Qiao, nine out of ten news on the Internet are fake news, and even a little bug can give you an exaggeration. Your brother is definitely fine. This is all fake news by the media. .”

Qiao Yun hummed without any reaction, her face remained unchanged, even Li Hanzhou couldn't tell what mood she was in now.

"I'll call and ask."

Qiao Yun directly found out Lu Zhanxing's phone number and called.


The phone rang for a while, and no one answered until it hung up automatically.

Qiao Yun frowned slightly, and continued to call the second one.

This time it didn't ring for so long, but it was hung up just after it rang.

Qiao Yun's expression turned serious.

Li Miao was stupefied, she let out an ah, and muttered to herself: "Your brother is such a sister-in-law, it's impossible not to answer your call, is something really wrong?"

Qiao Yun was indeed quite calm just now. Lu Zhanxing had bodyguards she sent by her side, so the chance of accidents was very small, but now that the phone couldn't be reached, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Li Hanzhou knew that Lu Zhanxing was an important brother to Qiao Yun, so he said softly: "It may be inconvenient, don't worry, I'll send someone to see it."

Qiao Yun nodded, already thinking about whether to go back to Shangjing directly.

At this moment, her cell phone rang.

It was Lu Zhanxing who called back.

Qiao Yun picked it up quickly and called softly, "Brother?"

"It's me." Lu Zhanxing's voice was quite energetic, not at all like a seriously injured person, "I'm sorry, the phone was with Xie Ying just now, as soon as I knew you called me, I immediately called you back."

Qiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a hoarse voice, "How is brother?"

"I'm fine." Lu Zhanxing smiled: "Have you seen the news?"

Qiao Yun whispered: "Yes."

Lu Zhanxing coaxed: "It's all nonsense, your brother is so hard on me, how could something happen, let you worry, I'm fine, don't worry."

Xie Ying patted his forehead beside him, and he said that he forgot something.

It turned out that he forgot to notify Lu Zhanxing's family.

Qiao Yun was puzzled and said, "What happened?"

Lu Zhanxing said speechlessly: "I met a mental patient and suddenly went crazy at me and wanted to stab me. Now he has been arrested and sent to a mental hospital."

He thought that the man was sick before, but he didn't expect that he was really sick.

It is not against the law for a mental patient to go crazy and kill someone. Now he has nothing to reason with, so he can only think of himself as unlucky.

Lu Zhanxing touched the gauze on his waist, but luckily it was just a scratch, just apply some medicine and it will be fine.

Qiao Yun instructed: "Be careful, is it really all right?"

Lu Zhanxing repeatedly assured: "It's okay, nothing happened, it's just a scratch, it's really not that exaggerated, sister, you have fun, don't worry about me."

He grumbled and complained: "Why am I unlucky? I participated in a drinking party and suddenly encountered a mental illness. Fortunately, Zhou Chong is here."

Knowing that Lu Zhanxing was fine, Qiao Yun was relieved. She chatted with Lu Zhanxing for a while before rushing Lu Zhanxing to rest.

Lu Zhanxing said goodbye to Qiao Yun reluctantly. After hanging up the phone, he suddenly looked up at Xie Ying as if thinking of something.

Xie Ying: "??? Why are you looking at me with such malicious eyes?"

Lu Zhanxing raised his eyebrows: "I don't have good intentions, but you see, I'm injured now, can I push back my recent schedule?"

He wants to find his sister to play with.

"Hehe." Xie Ying rejected him mercilessly: "Did you forget what the doctor said, come a step late, and the wound will heal automatically."

Lu Zhanxing: "..."

Lu Zhanxing sighed deeply, gritted his teeth and said, "Xie Paipi, you are really cruel, can you pay attention to the physical and mental health of artists."

Xie Ying said modestly: "Acceptance. No way. Don't pretend to me."

He murmured again: "Remember to tell me when you go to the toilet in the future, I will go with you, so as not to encounter such a thing again. But speaking of it, is the hotel's security set up so that it is so easy for a mental patient to break in . No, I have to ask them to argue! Make them compensate!"

"Show your face first and tell everyone that you're fine, otherwise, if it's later, the news of your being sent to the funeral home will be all over the sky."

Lu Zhanxing took the phone dumbfounded, and recorded a video to report his safety to fans.


Just as Qiao Yunhang and Lu Zhanxing hung up the phone, Li Hanzhou also put away his phone, looked sideways at Qiao Yun, and said slowly, "The wine party that Lu Zhanxing participated in is in Venus."

Qiao Yun was at a loss, "Really?"

Li Hanzhou touched her face with his fingers and felt the delicate touch of the girl's skin. He squeezed it in a good mood, and when Qiao Yun's face was about to change, he quickly withdrew his hand, coughed lightly and explained: "Five-star hotel, It's not so easy to get in, let alone a mental patient. Maybe it's a coincidence, but there are not many coincidences in this world."

Qiao Yun's heart sank, she understood Li Hanzhou's meaning.

Lu Zhanxing's assassination may not have been his own bad luck, or it may have been intentional.

Although she doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, because Lu Zhanxing would occasionally tell her about the entertainment industry as a joke.So she knows that this circle is the easiest to offend people, and there are many open and secret fights.

It's hard to guarantee that this kind of thing didn't happen because Lu Zhanxing blocked someone's money.

Qiao Yun looked at Li Hanzhou with clear eyes: "Thank you."

Li Hanzhou hummed: "Thank you for what?"

Qiao Yun told him: "You reminded me."

Li Hanzhou looked at Qiao Yun's dazzingly beautiful face so close at hand, silently raised his hand, and squeezed again: "We are a family, you don't need to thank me."

Qiao Yun nodded seriously, and then grabbed Li Hanzhou's hand: "The whole family is not allowed to pinch."

Li Hanzhou withdrew his hand with regret on his face.

Li Miao rolled her eyes at the side, she got used to the light bulb after doing it.

Qiao Yun raised her face, thought for a while, took out her mobile phone again, and sent a message to Zhou You, asking him to check it out.

It happened that Zhou Chong was Lu Zhanxing's bodyguard, so he knew what was going on.

If someone did it on purpose.

Qiao Yun squeezed the phone tightly, thinking ferociously: Kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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