Chapter 843 I Haven't Taught Them For Too Long
Han Er held a piece of bread in his mouth and chewed it slowly, his eyes were bloodshot, he swallowed his throat when he heard Han Si's words, and said in an extremely exaggerated tone: "What, your computer is garbled? God! Ah! It’s too scary, is the world going to end? The only way now is to take it for repairs! Fourth brother, hurry up and run with your computer! Come on yo~”

Han Si: "..."

He gave Han Er a mentally retarded look, and then pitifully went to the third brother for comfort: "Third brother, my computer is broken~"

"Oh." Han San was drinking a cup of Chinese medicine slowly, without giving him a look: "It's broken, wait for me to prescribe some medicine for it, and make sure the medicine will cure the disease."

Han Si: "..."

Han Wu came in through the security door, and heard that the fourth brother's computer might be broken, he immediately gloated and said, "fourth brother, I told you to take good care of the computer, if you don't listen, it's broken now, hehehe, such a good thing I have to report it to Sister Lu, and let her teach you a good lesson."

As he spoke furtively, he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a small report, with a sinister smile on his face.

Han Si glanced at him, and Han Wu's heart skipped a beat, and he tried to cover up and explained: "Fourth brother, I'm just joking, I definitely didn't mean to make a small report, don't worry, even if I want to make a small report, I'm sure I won't let you know I did it."

Han Si sighed with a long way to go, alas, he is the only normal person left in the whole research institute.

Han San lazily said: "If it breaks, just replace it. It's better to use a computer. If the human body breaks down, it can be replaced, and life will continue. This is really a medical problem. It would be perfect if there are experimental subjects for me to experiment with." .”

"There are ready-made ones now." Han Er yawned, he had been seriously deprived of sleep recently.


"Who is that? The person who abducted the teacher also came this time." Han Er raised his finger and pointed at it, and smiled sullenly: "Wait a minute, we will quietly kidnap him."

Han San's eyes flashed cunning: "That's a good idea."

Han Si no longer wanted to participate in their discussion. He was holding his laptop to check, typing on the keyboard quickly with his ten fingers.

After a while, he groaned, and said with a straight face in shock: "Is there a computer in this world that I can't fix?"

Han Si did not give up, and concentrated on overhauling it again, but the computer froze. He squinted his eyes, rubbed his chin, and said inscrutably, "Something is wrong."

"What's wrong? Can't it be repaired?" Han Wu leaned over and said in a tsk-tsk voice, "Your technology has regressed. Get up and let me see."

"Your skills have regressed!" Han Si yelled and laughed angrily: "I think it's obviously poisoned."

"Poisoning? How is it possible." Han Er suddenly regained his energy, his eyes were as big as copper bells: "Impossible, there should be a bug."

How could Tianqi's computer be poisoned.

Well, although it was invaded by viruses before, and some important data was almost stolen, but since the protection was upgraded, this kind of thing has never happened again.

Han Wu sighed: "I think you broke the computer by playing games, no, I have to report to Sister Lu and let her talk about you."

"You will die if you don't make a small report?" Han Si gritted his teeth, slapped the table firmly and said: "I said that if you are poisoned, you are poisoned, and it is definitely not because I am playing games and the computer is stuck!"

Crowd: "..."

See, you admit it yourself.

Han San couldn't stand it anymore, and folded his hands on his chest and said, "Tianqi's computer will only break down under the following conditions. First, there is a problem with the system; second, the computer detects a virus and activates its own protective measures; Three, it was ruined by the fourth child playing games."

Han Sinu: "My game and I are innocent!"

"Okay, since it's a virus, let's check it out and get rid of the source first." Han Er restrained his exaggerated look on his face, and said grimly: "If it is really a virus, someone must be there. secretly trying to do bad things."

Han Si nodded, and finally felt a little better: "Look, I just said it, it's not because of my playing games."

He squeezed his fingers and began to search.

After a while, Han Si was upset and said: "This man must be a coward, he can hide like this, come out and fight to the death if he has the guts! I hate this kind of person the most!"

The few remaining people expressed their helplessness.

Not everyone at the Apocalypse Research Institute is a computer expert.

They each have their own professional fields, and they are the best in their own fields, but the computer technology of Tianqi Han Si and Han Wang is the strongest.

Han Er swallowed the last bite of bread wholeheartedly, and asked, "Should we inform Sister Lu first?"

Han Si said: "I can solve it myself, so I don't need to tell her."

"No, I still have to inform Sister Lu, otherwise she will definitely settle the score after the fall."

"Wait, we will misunderstand who made it up."

A group of people ignored Han Si's objection, and Han San came forward to contact Han Huang and informed her of the matter.

Han Wang didn't really want to answer this phone call, she didn't want her rare alone time with Professor Qiao to be ruined, but she could call at this time, maybe there was something wrong.

After thinking about it for a while, she frowned and answered, rather bluntly said: "It's better for you to come to me if you really have a big problem, rather than someone causing trouble again!"

Han San is usually such a vicious person, when he heard Han Wang's words, he immediately sat up straight, and said in a very sincere tone: "Sister Wang, something really happened, Xiaosi'er's computer seems to be poisoned."


"Ah, yes, we suspect someone is hacking into the system."

Qiao Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at Han Huang suspiciously.

Han Wan narrowed his eyes: "That's all?"

She lowered her voice and said, "This trivial matter can't be solved. How dare you say that you are Professor Qiao's students. You are really too lax with you!"

"Sister Lu, I can solve it." Han Si interrupted: "The other party must be a coward, hiding and hiding, not daring to do anything, and I will definitely catch him when he shows his feet."

"Hurry up and get rid of it, Tianqi comes whenever he wants, and leaves whenever he wants?"

Han Jue sneered, and didn't take this little accident seriously at all. After hanging up the phone, she thought about it and said to Qiao Yun, "Teacher, I'll go and have a look."

"Need not."

Looking at the data in the computer, Qiao Yun said with a sullen face, "It's been a long time since I taught them a lesson, why are they so stupid?"

It was rare for Han Wang to show a confused look.

A glint of displeasure flashed in Qiao Yun's eyes: "The other party is not a coward, this is an illusion. He is lurking and eroding silently. When the time comes, he will reveal his true colors."

Han Wang's expression became serious in a second.

She understood what Professor Qiao meant.

(End of this chapter)

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