Chapter 845 is such a sharp hit
Han Wan didn't know Professor Qiao's intentions, but she fully supported her, but there was one thing, she said irritably, "I really think highly of the Huo family, if they don't cooperate with them and engage in such obscene means, it's hard to guarantee that they won't come this time." Come second."

Gee, so annoying.

"Perhaps, it's not what the Huo family meant." Qiao Yun had heard Li Hanzhou mention Huo Lin, the patriarch of the Huo family, before, so she guessed that this time it might be Huo Chi's own idea, just like Huo Chi wanted to embarrass Tianqi on the cruise ship. After the failure, the Huo family was also very decisive.

She lowered her gaze to look at the data displayed on the computer. The data had been transmitted, and the other party got what she wanted and was secretly withdrawing it.

Looking at the other side, the candidates at the scene didn't know that Tianqi's system had been hacked just now, especially Jiang Jing, who knew nothing about being used by others, because she attacked too violently, some of the remaining candidates had already united Get up and try to get her out of the game first.


There was silence in the room, except for the hum of the machine running.

Jiang Jing's eyes were red, her lips were biting tightly, and her fingers were almost broken in the face of the combined attack.

Her strength is indeed not bad. If Qiao Yun hadn't given her a blow, she would have organized her organization more carefully, at least she wouldn't be as disorganized as she is now.

Especially when Han Luo made a small move, her computer as a medium suddenly had many loopholes because of the virus implanted by Han Luo, causing her to be overwhelmed.

Jiang Jing was shocked, her heart was beating wildly, she bit her lip and asked for help again: "Who will help me?"

No one answered.

Jiang Jing's behavior just now made their group a target. Now that they have a headache, how can they have time to help Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing endured the grievance in her heart, and said in a persuasive manner: "You should know that I am from the Jiang family, and my family is engaged in the technology industry. If you have needs in this area in the future, I can at least help."

When the remaining two people heard this, they only felt that they were insulted.

Someone dissatisfied: "Jiang Jing, what do you mean, who do you take me for?"

Jiang Jing didn't understand: "Aren't you going this way for fame and fortune?"

"Of course not, I love this industry and want to contribute to society!"

"Although I also want to be successful, but at the beginning I devoted myself to scientific research because of love."

Jiang Jing still understood the truth that no profit can't afford it, she couldn't hold back the sarcasm on her face, but soon changed her face again, and she saw the look of disgust from their faces.

Jiang Jing's heart skipped a beat, and she was annoyed for a moment why she became so impulsive?
It's all Qiao Yun's fault!
It was Qiao Yun who made her so irrational.

Seeing that they didn't want to help, Jiang Jing really panicked now.

She even began to doubt her own ability. If she couldn't resist such an attack, how could she dare to say that she was stronger than Qiao Yun?
Jiang Jing's fingers trembled suddenly, and she found herself flinching, wishing to escape from here immediately.

Her eyes were inexplicably dry, and she felt wronged and wanted to cry.


Seeing this, Qiao Yun yawned a little bored, and said in a tired voice, "She's going to lose."

Han Wan nodded: "I don't know how to cooperate, it's normal to lose."

Jiang Jing made enemies for herself from the very beginning, not because she was very radical herself, or because she was too confident that she could do it alone.

To be honest, this kind of personality has suffered a loss, and it may be difficult to recover.

Han Wan didn't sympathize with Jiang Jing at all, who made Jiang Jing question Professor Qiao just now.

Qiao Yun stood up from the chair, moved her body, and said to Han Wang: "I'll go out for a while, you watch."

Han Wang asked, "Do you need me to accompany you?"

"No need." Qiao Yun told Han Wang to stay well, picked up the phone and went out.

Qiao Yun didn't go too far, she stood in the corridor, looking down into the distance.

Tianqi is rich and powerful, even if it is only a place specially used for press conferences, it is also very magnificently built. From her perspective, she can just see the city buildings of different heights in the distance.

Qiao Yun looked away, took out her mobile phone and called Zhou You.

She would come out because she remembered what Zhou You hadn't finished saying in the car earlier.

Zhou You answered almost instantly, and said respectfully, "Professor Qiao?"

"Yeah." Qiao Yun said bluntly, "It's about my second brother."

Zhou You was holding the phone over there, and said with a serious face: "That mental patient has a family background. He was betrayed by his ex-wife and a celebrity before, and he was already sick. After being stimulated, his condition became more serious, so he is very sad. He hates celebrities, he probably regards Young Master Lu as the celebrity whose ex-wife cheated on him."

He paused for a moment, and continued: "I didn't have time to say it before, Zhou Chong found out that the mental patient was lured there on purpose. Not long after this incident, the patient's family got a sum of money."

The Zhou family has been in the army for generations and is very sensitive to this aspect.

The mental patient's family owed a large amount of foreign debt due to business failure. After Lu Zhanxing was assassinated, they suddenly got a sum of money to turn around.

So Zhou Chong followed this clue and finally found something tricky.

"The funds were transferred from a foreign account. Although it was very concealed, we found out. The person in that account is a relative of the Huo family and Huo Chi's mother."

Zhou You has been by Professor Qiao's side all the time, so he naturally knows that Huo Chi has gotten into a fight with Tianqi recently.

Qiao Yun lifted her eyelids, her expression was quite cold: "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard, this is what we should do."

"This month's bonus will accompany you."

"Thank you, Professor Joe."

Qiao Yun hummed and hung up the phone. There seemed to be a gleam of cold light in her black pupils. She put away her phone, turned around and returned to the assessment site.


Han Wang stared at Qiao Yun, wondering.

Why did you go out just now and feel a little unhappy when you come back again?

Who messed with Professor Joe?
Han Lu's face turned cold: "Teacher, who made you unhappy?"

Qiao Yun sat back in her seat, didn't say much, and said succinctly: "The AI ​​system is going to be listed."

Han Wang understood in seconds, his face was still cold, but his tone was a little surprised: "Teacher, you mean to publicly announce the existence of the AI ​​system? Go ahead of Huo's to go public?"

Qiao Yun nodded: "Yes."

Han Wang looked at Qiao Yun with adoring eyes.

Qiao Yun sat lazily, with her hands resting on the keyboard, her small face was exquisite and beautiful, with long eyelashes drooping, she was clearly a well-behaved and harmless portrait, but there was an aura of superiority that was hard to ignore around her.

Han Wang sighed in his heart.

As expected of Professor Qiao, he does things so sharply.

Huo's painstaking research for more than ten years, but was one step ahead of Tian Qi, he must have died of anger, but there was nothing he could do.

The Huo family has invested so much money in this area, and there will be a lot of bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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