Chapter 848 Patriarch Huo Comes to Apologize in Person
Although Huo Chi was flustered, he didn't dare not answer the call. He quickly picked up the phone and pressed the answer button with trembling hands.

"Big brother?"

A cold and indifferent voice sounded faintly: "I only give you one day, do you want to come back by yourself, or should I send someone to arrest you?"

"Brother, listen to my explanation..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

Huo Chi's hands and feet went weak, and he finally realized that he was going to be doomed.

He suddenly thought, Tianqi made such a big deal, is it just waiting for him here?
Huo Lin was angered, and he had no way out.

Huo Chi's back was covered with cold sweat, and he made another phone call: "Book me a plane ticket to go abroad. You can go anywhere. Book now."

If he can't fight, he can still run.

When the limelight passes, come back and admit your mistake.

Huo Chi's eyes darkened, and ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. Before he left, he still had one more thing to do.


After Huo Chi was completely dealt with here, Qiao Yun focused on the assessment. Han Huang's cell phone rang untimely, and it was a call from Port K.

Han Wan raised his eyebrows, with disgust in his eyes: "Teacher, the Huo family is calling."

Qiao Yun nodded without interest: "Go."

"Okay." Han Wang picked it up in front of Qiao Yun and clicked on the speakerphone.

"Professor Han, hello, I'm Huo Lin."

The man's voice was neither humble nor overbearing, low and hoarse, revealing the aura of a born superior.

Qiao Yun couldn't help but look sideways at the phone.

Unexpectedly, Huo Lin would personally dispatch.

Han Wang glanced at Qiao Yun, and under the signal of her eyes, he said indifferently: "Why, come to apologize?"

The other side was quiet for a while before saying: "The Huo family owes you this time, if you need any help in the future, you can contact me."

Qiao Yun twitched her eyebrows and tapped the table with her fingertips.

This Huo Lin is a man who can bend and stretch.

But that's to be expected.

Huo Chi was used to wantonness, and he didn't think about the twists and turns before doing things.

Apocalypse is not only a research institute, but also owns more than half of the world's new technology patents, and even has Shengqiao Group as its backing.

If it wasn't for this, Huo Rin would not have been asked to mediate in person.

Han Wang said bluntly: "Okay, this is what your Huo family owes us, and Huo Chi..."

"Don't worry, the Huo family will give Tianqi an explanation."

"I am waiting."

Han Wang didn't want to talk to him more, and after getting another promise from the Huo family, he hung up the phone directly.

Others are afraid of Huo Lin, but she is not.

Han Wan pursed his lips and said, "Teacher, is that the way to go?"

Qiao Yun blinked her black and white eyes and said: "It was Huo Chi who did something wrong, we have to distinguish between grievances and grievances, um, but as the head of the family, he still has to pay a little price for failing to manage his own people well."

Han Wang asked expectantly: "So?"

Qiao Yun said: "They want an AI system, and they will be invited to visit it when the time comes."

Han Wang thought to himself, killing people and punishing them.

Huo's has been researching for so long, but he failed to develop it successfully. Now that Apocalypse is going to be listed, and they are invited to show off to them, Huo's will not be laughed at to death.

Even if Han Wang is not interested in these things, he is already looking forward to the press conference.


The first round of assessment is finally over.

Compared with the excitement of those who have passed the first round of assessment, Jiang Jing came out of the room in a daze, and as soon as she came out, she saw Qiao Yun looking at her expressionlessly with her delicate and beautiful face.

Waves of anger welled up in Jiang Jing's heart.

Qiao Yun said lazily: "You lost."

Jiang Jing's lips were trembling, her temples were throbbing, she stared straight at Qiao Yun, and complained in a hoarse voice: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have lost at all, you are so despicable."

Han Wang's face darkened, she really didn't understand where Jiang Jing's fallacy came from, she looked at Jiang Jing coldly, her eyes were full of warnings.

It's not that Jiang Jing didn't notice Han Wang's warning, but she can't take care of it now.

Everyone firmly believed that she could be admitted by Tianqi this time, but she was ruined in the first round, and her pride was severely shattered, how could she be reconciled to this.

"Qiao Yun, are you happy now?"

Qiao Yun looked up at her, there was no contempt or ridicule in her eyes, just as calm as ever: "Just because I'm sitting here now, I don't need to compare with you, you have already lost to me."

The light words made Jiang Jing speechless for an instant, and she blushed and stared at Qiao Yun.

She seemed to feel that there was a mountain named Qiao Yun pressing on her head. If this mountain was not removed, she might not be able to stand out in this life.

Jiang Jing straightened her back, gritted her teeth and said, "There is no apocalypse, there are many people who want me."

Qiao Yun looked at her with dark eyes, and said casually: "You lost, you must keep your promise."

Jiang Jing stunned: "You must be so cruel?"

On the contrary, Qiao Yun asked strangely: "You are the one who wants to bet, why blame me for being cruel?"

She also gave Jiang Jing a chance and asked her if she was sure she wanted to gamble, and Jiang Jing had to, so she couldn't be blamed.

Jiang Jing calmed down, and said with reason: "Yes, I want to gamble, but my condition is that one of us will be admitted by Tianqi first, but you are not an examinee."

What she meant was that she wanted to repent.

Jiang Jing regretted betting her own future, but she didn't expect to lose at the time.

Qiao Yun stared at her for a while, then nodded slightly: "I understand."

Jiang Jing thought that this was the end of the matter. Although she was still unwilling, she could do nothing but try to catch up with Qiao Yun and try to suppress her one day.


When Jiang Jing left, Han Wang asked puzzledly: "Teacher, she was clearly arguing just now."

Qiao Yun said with an innocent face: "I do understand what she said, but I didn't say to leave it like this."

Han Wan: "..."

Language is really a great art.

Qiao Yun didn't care about Jiang Jing at all. Anyway, no matter how Jiang Jing jumped up and down, she would always be crushed by her.

But in fact, there is no need for her to do anything, Jiang Jing has a psychological shadow on her, and it will be difficult to make breakthroughs in the future.

Qiao Yun wrinkled his nose.

Some humans are so annoying, how can they not keep their promises.

this is not good.


During the break of the second round of assessment, Qiao Yun went out to get some air.

From a distance, she saw Li Hanzhou's figure.

The man was standing in the shade of a tree. He was tall and had long legs. He stood tall and straight, with one hand in his pocket and the other answering the phone.

Qiao Yun stared at him for a while, then raised her foot and walked towards Li Hanzhou.

Li Hanzhou came to watch mainly because he wanted to accompany Qiao Yun. After knowing that Qiao Yun's way was hindered, he was still worried, so he came out early to contact people to investigate.

He is powerful in Yuncheng, and the other party quickly gave him the results of the investigation.

"Master, according to our inspection of the accident site, we can be sure that the hillside was tampered with in advance, which is why it collapsed so easily."

Li Hanzhou's face quickly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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