Chapter 853 Are you interested in investing in me?

Han Luo was planning the future in his mind, while Huo Chi was on the phone telling someone, "Don't be merciful, just do what you want. I want to see her life is worse than death."

When the other person replied yes, Huo Chi hung up the phone with a gloomy face.

Han Luo frowned indistinctly, and asked, "Second Young Master, at this time, it's better to keep a low profile."

Huo Chi snorted: "Why, I'm going to go abroad, young master, so there's nothing to worry about. After all, if Qiao Yun didn't destroy the cruise ship plan, I would have succeeded long ago."

That's right, he still hated Qiao Yun who cracked the doomsday virus.

If you want to be unlucky, let's be unlucky together, otherwise he will be uncomfortable.

Han Luo didn't continue to persuade Huo Chi. To be honest, he was also jealous of the talented Qiao Yun.

You have this ability at such a young age, and you can get it when you are older.

Huo Chi didn't talk about his arrangement for Qiao Yun any more. He looked at Han Luo and said in a harsh tone, "What's the difference between you and a bereaved dog? I thought you were really capable. You were not being teased in the end. , I should have given you a chance if I knew it was such a young master, and now I have to go abroad in embarrassment."

If he didn't trust Han Luo too much, he wouldn't be in such a miserable situation now.

Forget it, Han Luo dared to threaten him just now.

The situation is stronger than others, Han Luo was so sneering, he was quite calm and didn't answer Huo Chi, instead he was a little absent-minded and kept paying attention to the phone in his hand, waiting for the teacher to give him a clearer answer.

He just didn't know why, but he always felt a little uneasy, as if something bad was about to happen.

People who have offended Tianqi before have never had a good end.

Before he got on the plane, his heart couldn't calm down.

Huo Chi said so many words, but Han Luo didn't reply, his complexion became more gloomy, and he said in a vicious voice: "You think you will be able to live well after going abroad? This time without the Huo family to protect you, it is not easy for Tianqi to deal with you thing."

When Han Luo heard this, he turned to look at Huo Chi with a calm expression on his face: "Second Young Master, have you heard of the Dane Institute of Biotechnology?"

"So what if you've heard of it, so what if you haven't heard of it?" Because Huo Chi wanted to take over the business of the Huo Institute, he knew a little about all the research institutes in the world.

Han Luo explained: "My university is studying abroad, and my teacher happens to be working in Dane. I have just contacted him. When I leave the Congress, I will go directly to him to continue my scientific research career."

Huo Chi looked surprised, as if he had never seen Han Luo before, and looked him up and down.

At this point, Han Luo still has a way out?
He really underestimated this man.

Han Luo smiled, with confidence on his face: "Anyway, you are going abroad, maybe we can continue to cooperate, Second Young Master, what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" Huo Chi restrained his expression.

Han Luo stared at Huo Chi: "Is Second Young Master interested in investing in me?"

Huo Chi narrowed his eyes, as if he was thinking about Han Luo's words.

Han Luo straightened his back and told him: "When I am abroad, I can continue to develop AI projects. This time, I will have the help of my teacher. As long as I succeed, the second young master will have the confidence to negotiate with the youngest."

Doing research requires a lot of money, and he needs money now.

Huo Chi looked embarrassed now, but at least the Huo family came out, so they must have sufficient funds.

In short, after all he said, there was only one purpose, he wanted Huo Chi's money.

Huo Chi was a little moved by Han Luo's proposal. His failure this time would definitely be a disgrace to the family, and he was holding his breath in his heart.

But Huo Chi didn't trust Han Luo very much.

"I have to think about it, after all, you have failed in front of me twice."

Han Luo's expression changed, and tolerated: "This time is different. Foreign technology is more mature than domestic technology, and there is more room for development. Moreover, I have confidence to get the support of the Dann Institute."

Huo Chi gritted his teeth, and said ruthlessly, "Okay, I'll trust you again."

Anyway, there is no better way.

One of the two wanted money, and the other needed capital to gain a foothold in the Huo family, and they had already reached the next step of cooperation before getting on the plane.

Huo Chi couldn't help but fantasize about how those members of the Huo family would be jealous of him when he succeeds in the future.

Seeing that Han Luo didn't feel so disgusted at the moment, he softened his tone and said, "I hope you don't let me down this time, I believe you will succeed."

Han Luo smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He has to succeed.

He is absolutely not reconciled to the rest of his life, living in a miserable state.

Just as he was thinking, the car suddenly braked suddenly.

Han Luo and Huo Chi almost couldn't sit still, and slammed forward fiercely.

Huo Chi even slammed his forehead on the seat in front of him, grinning his teeth in pain. When the car stopped, he covered his forehead and raised his head, cursing angrily, "How did you drive!"

The driver was shocked by Huo Chi's roar, his face turned pale and he said, "Master, a car suddenly blocked us."

Just now, when he was driving well, a Hummer suddenly jumped out. If he hadn't reacted in time, the car might have been knocked apart by now.

Huo Chi was furious. He was going abroad urgently this time, so he didn't take anyone with him. There was only a driver and the unarmed Han Luo in the car. Now that the car in front refused to let him go, it seemed that he was deliberately blocking him.

He didn't think too much about it, he only thought that the other party was trying to show off his skills, and got out of the car without even thinking about opening the door.

"Damn sick..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the Hummer opened, and several muscular men got out.

Huo Chi: "..."

Huo Chi looked at his arm, feeling guilty, and was about to get back into the car and tell the driver to leave quickly.

One of the men came over and stared at him condescendingly: "You are Huo Chi?"

Huo Chi's heart skipped a beat, the goal was so clear, the visitor was not kind.

He hurriedly turned around to run, but the man grabbed his arm and pressed him behind him. The man sneered, "You still want to run?"

"I'm not Huo Chi, you're looking for the wrong person." Huo Chi flexed and stretched, pointing at Han Luo who got out of the car seeing something wrong, "He's Huo Chi."

Han Luo was taken aback for a moment, and at such a moment of bewilderment, another man walked in front of him.

With fierce eyes, he said, "It seems that you are Han Luo."

Han Luo was startled, "What do you want to do?"

The voice of the man who caught Huo Chi was playful: "I didn't want to do anything, I just took you guys to play."

Huo Chi and Han Luo felt a chill in their hearts at the same time.

Before they could resist, the opponent had already grabbed them forcefully and threw them onto the Humvee like chickens.

Huo Chi roared: "Do you know who I am, that you dare to treat me like this?"

The other party is unmoved.

Huo Chi shouted: "Do you want money, please make an offer!"

The man disliked Huo Chi for being too loud, and ordered someone to tape his mouth.

Huo Chi: "No, no, no..."

(End of this chapter)

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