Chapter 856

"Are you feeling unwell?"

When Jiang Shaocheng came downstairs, he saw Xu Qiao sitting on the sofa, holding her phone in one hand and covering her chest with the other. Her charming face was almost distorted, so she thought she was sick.

"If you feel uncomfortable, call your family doctor to come over and take a look."

"No, I'm not uncomfortable, but my chest is a little stuffy." Xu Qiao felt guilty, not daring to let Jiang Shaocheng find out what she had done.

She was still lucky, thinking that the old lady was just talking verbally, how could she really not contact her, even though she was a distant relative, she was still a relative.

But when all the boxing gifts she gave were returned in the future, Xu Qiao knew that the old lady was serious and really didn't want this relative.

At this time, Jiang Shaocheng hadn't noticed that such thick thighs were disturbed by Xu Qiao. He sized up Xu Qiao, but he didn't see any serious problems, so he opened his mouth to mention his arrangement for Jiang Jing.

"I'm going to send Jing Jing abroad. It's only August, so there's still time to make arrangements."

"Going abroad?" Xu Qiao was surprised, and immediately objected: "Well, why do you want to go abroad? Didn't Jingjing already decide to go to Qingda University?"

After bumping into a wall with Professor Xu, Jiang Jing held her breath and refused to go to Beijing University, and chose Qing University as the next best thing, but now she said she wanted to go abroad, Xu Qiao really didn't understand why.

Jiang Shaocheng snorted coldly: "If she doesn't go abroad, can she still have room for development?"

"Isn't it because I lost the election to Tianqi? I wouldn't say it so exaggeratedly. There are still many institutions to choose from." Xu Qiao had a flash of inspiration and said, "There is also the Huo Institute."

Jiang Shaocheng was taken aback for a moment, showing hesitation on his face. He really didn't expect Huo's choice.

Like Apocalypse, the Huo family has a youth training plan.

If he can be selected by the Huo family, he will have a bright future.

Xu Qiao muttered: "Quiet will lose the election. The bottom line is that it is because of Han Luo's relationship. Han Luo dared to do this probably because of Huo Chi's instigation. After all, Jingjing is a victim of their fighting with each other. They will give some compensation And it should."

Jiang Shaocheng's expression was weird, Xu Qiao took it for granted, and wanted Huo's compensation, so she was not afraid of being beaten up by them.

But in the end he only said, "I'll think about it."

"Think about it slowly, I'm going out." Xu Qiao calmed down, picked up her bag and stood up.

Jiang Shaocheng asked smoothly, "Where are you going?"

Xu Qiao straightened her hair: "Before I thought Jing Jing would be selected into the Apocalypse. At that time, I notified several sisters that they would hold a celebration banquet. Although it's a mess now, I still have to invite them."

Jiang Shaocheng was about to be pissed off by Xu Qiao, and he accused him angrily, "You're so stupid! I wish the whole world would know about the things that haven't been filmed yet, and you've lost all of Jing Jing's face."

"I didn't know it was going to turn out like this."

Xu Qiao felt aggrieved, she didn't want to listen to Jiang Shaocheng's preaching, and said indifferently: "Okay, I know I made a mistake and I'm already making up for it, so I'm going out without telling you."

After she finished speaking, she hurried away.

The wind in the old lady's ears failed, and Jing Jing's face had to be saved.


Xu Qiao booked a seat in a high-end tea house in Linjiang, where the consumption is high, and those who can come are either rich or expensive.

When she arrived, several ladies also arrived.

Because the family usually has business contacts, Xu Qiao will often maintain relationships with them.

Xu Qiao sat down, smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm late."

"No, we just came here." The lady sitting opposite Xu Qiao looked around, "Why didn't you see Jing Jing? As the protagonist, why didn't you show up?"

A group of people said: "We are here to congratulate Jingjing today."

"Among so many children, Jing Jing is the most promising. You and Chairman Jiang are blessed."

The more they complimented each other, the smile on Xu Qiao's face became stiffer, and she said with a half-smile: "I'm not afraid of embarrassment, Jing Jing was actually not selected for the Apocalypse Research Institute."

As soon as these words came out, all the people present were surprised, and they didn't believe that Jiang Jing would lose the election at all.

Jiang Jing is well-known as a talented woman in Yuncheng, so she will lose the election?
But after being surprised, they had different thoughts.

Those who are jealous of Jiang Jing's talent can't help but secretly rejoice in their hearts. Jiang Jing is not that good. Now that she has lost the election, let's see how Xu Qiao will show off.

There are people who really feel sorry for Jiang Jing.

"Why did you lose the election, did you make a mistake?"

Xu Qiao was waiting for this sentence, she sighed: "You should have heard of the name Qiao Yun, right? The niece of Dong Su of the Su family, the daughter of Su Mian."

"Who doesn't know that the Su family and the Lu family almost overturned the ground in Yuncheng back then."

Back then when Qiao Yun was lost in Yuncheng, the Su family and the Lu family sent many people to look for her, and even the news was broadcast 24 hours a day.

After Qiao Yun was found, the news naturally spread back to Yuncheng.

What's more, not long ago, Qiao Yun saved so many people, and Qiao Yun became famous since then.

Someone asked Xu Qiao, "Why did you suddenly mention her?"

"I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say this, but in fact, this Qiao Yun has something to do with Master Li of the Li family..."

Xu Qiao told them emphatically.

Originally, the Li family wanted to marry the Jiang family, but because of Qiao Yun's relationship, the matter failed. Later, Qiao Yun found out about this and made a bet with Jiang Jing, that is, who would be selected into the Apocalypse Research Institute first.

However, what is unexpected is that Qiao Yun actually has a relationship with the Qiao family, and the Qiaoser Research Institute has a close relationship with the Tianqi Research Institute, so she became the examiner of the Tianqi Research Institute.

Having said that, Xu Qiao smiled wryly: "Of course I'm not saying that the Tianqi Research Institute is unfair, but that Jingjing was affected by it, and her performance was abnormal, so she lost the election."

Everyone present frowned.

Jiang Jing has won so many awards, they preconceived that she could not lose the election, and now Xu Qiao explained the cause and effect again.

They couldn't help but wonder, Jiang Jing was avenged by the public, right?

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Jing is quite miserable. All these years of preparation were in vain because of personal grievances.

"You can be the examiner of Apocalypse at such a young age, wouldn't it be because of your relationship?"

"I didn't expect that she is this kind of person."

"Quiet is too unlucky. If she hadn't been hindered this time, she would definitely be selected by Apocalypse."

The people present sighed.

Compared with Qiao Yun, who had never met before, they naturally believed Xu Qiao's words more.

Xu Qiao dared to turn right and wrong like this, because she decided that no one would notice, and she didn't want to make a big fuss, she just wanted to let everyone know that Jiang Jing's failure was not due to her incompetence, but because she was tripped by others.

Xu Qiao said with a difficult voice: "It's strange that Jing Jing doesn't have long eyes, offending people who shouldn't be offended, but it's okay, she is still young and has opportunities, at worst, she will walk around Qiao Yun in the future..."

Before Xu Qiaohua finished speaking, he heard someone sneer, followed by an unkind voice.

"That's right, we really should go around..."

(End of this chapter)

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