Chapter 874 He Overestimated These People

The Han brothers are looking at Li Hanzhou.

The man in front of him was wearing a black shirt and trousers. The shirt was flat and without any wrinkles. The neckline was slightly open, revealing his delicate collarbone.

The skin is cold and fair, the bridge of the nose is high, and the body proportions are perfect.

Even though they were well-informed, they had to admit that this man was very handsome. No wonder he was able to lure Professor Qiao away. This face alone was enough to gain points in front of Professor Qiao.

They all commented to Li Hanzhou in their hearts at the same time: Bah, little boy, shameless.

With a casual smile on Li Hanzhou's face, he looked at them leisurely, and was looked at by them without any fear.

This calm and composed look made them look different.

It is difficult for ordinary people to withstand their scrutiny.

But they didn't look at it for long, and then looked away. After all, the most important thing now is Professor Qiao.

"Wow! Teacher, I miss you so much, you are finally willing to come back, it is simply the ninth wonder of the world!"

Han Si showed everyone what it means to change his face on the spot, staring at Li Hanzhou uncomfortably a second ago.

The next second, he opened his hands crying and rushed towards Qiao Yun.

Seeing that the person was about to be hugged, Qiao Yun turned sideways expressionlessly.

Han Si threw himself on all fours, and soon he jumped up from the ground again, lamenting: "Today is another day that I didn't get the warm embrace from the teacher..."

The Lu family: "..."

This is really alive.

The corner of Li Hanzhou's mouth twitched, it seemed that he overestimated this group of people.

Han San stepped forward, silently took out the latest research results, and said shyly, "Teacher, look, this is the latest elixir I have researched. Do you want to try it?"

Qiao Yun raised her hand expressionlessly, and with a bang, the glass bottle containing the medicine fell to the ground and fell to pieces. She educated with a serious face: "How many times have I said that it is wrong to make fake medicines? You will be punished to face the wall and think about it." Pass."

Han San let out an oh, and obediently stepped aside.

The few remaining people are eager to move, wanting Professor Qiao to see their changes in the past year and a half.

Before he could take any action, Pei Yao stood in front of them decisively, and said angrily at them, "Can you be normal? It's not shameful." He lowered his voice and said, "Do you still want to win the favor of Professor Qiao's family? You don't scare people away like this."

The Han brothers gave Pei Yao a disdainful look, and almost wrote on his face, "Can you control me?"

They also want to put on a show, but they can't control their nature.

Han Fu said in a cold tone: "Why, do you want to open up wasteland?"


The Han brothers withered.

Li Hanzhou frowned, and said to Qiao Yun: "I can finally understand why you always look disgusted when you mention them."

Qiao Yun frowned slightly, "It's noisy, but I don't hate it."

She saw the vitality of human life in them.

Pei Yao finally persuaded these people not to be too excited, and then smiled embarrassedly at the Lu family: "Sorry, I didn't scare you, they are just too excited, after all, I haven't seen Professor Qiao for so long."

Su Mian smiled awkwardly: "Understandable, if I haven't seen Qiao Qiao for so long, I will be very excited. Seeing that you care about Qiao Qiao so much, I am also happy."

She was still nervous at first, what if these people don't welcome them, but now that they are so enthusiastic, the tension in her heart has dissipated.

With them here, Jojo shouldn't be so lonely before.

Su Mian loved Wu and Wu, and looked at them with a little more kindness. These people are probably in their 20s, and they are still juniors to her.

It happened that Zhou You had brought down all the luggage, big and small. Su Mian walked over, first took the special products prepared by Su Fan, looked at them and handed them to Pei Yao who had the right to speak: "Pei Dong, this is Qiao Qiao's uncle. The gift prepared for you, let you make up your body and don't be too tired."

Several people were a little dazed when they heard this, and did not move for a while.

Pei Yao took it and said politely, "Let Su Dong spend the money."

"It's good that you don't dislike it." Su Mian took out several gifts, which they bought together the day before yesterday, "Be careful, don't be polite, thanks to you for being with Qiao Qiao all these years."

Han Wang sensed the nervousness of the Lu family and the importance they attached to them, so she accepted it with a relaxed expression.

Pei Yao was not polite at all and took it too.

When the Han brothers saw that the two leaders of the research institute had taken them, they immediately rushed forward, grabbing one each, as if it was some kind of treasure.

Su Mian smiled, this little thing is nothing compared to Tianqi's financial resources, why everyone is so flattered.

In fact, this is because it is the first time for them to receive care from their elders, so they will naturally be excited.

To be honest, they were not used to being cared for suddenly after being tortured by Professor Qiao for so long.

Holding the gift, Han Wu's eyes were red: "Teacher, your family is so kind. You even prepared a gift for us. This is the first time I have received a gift from an elder since I grew up."

Seeing how pitiful he was, Qiao Yun couldn't help but reflect on herself. It seemed that she had never given them gifts, and the most she gave was to copy them a thousand times.

It's really pitiful.

Next time, send them some learning materials.

Reciprocity, the Lu family prepared gifts for them, and they were naturally prepared, adhering to the idea of ​​not embarrassing Professor Qiao, represented by Han Er, and told the Lu family with a smile: "We also prepared gifts for you."

"Oh, what is it?"

The Lu family became a little interested.

Han Er told them: "I don't know what you like, so we discussed it and sent you a few contracts and some study books written by ourselves. Considering that it is inconvenient for you to carry them, they have been delivered directly to your door." .”

Lu Family:? ? ?


At this time, Lu Jingzhi, who was far away in Beijing, looked at the land development contract worth tens of billions in front of him, and he was completely confused. He asked the secretary: "What is this?"

The secretary said: "Boss Lu, this is the development contract for the Southern District."

Lu Jingzhi was puzzled: "Why did you give it to us? We didn't bid for it, did we?"

This is a big project!
No matter how many people squeezed their heads, they couldn't get it, and suddenly it fell from the sky! ?

Perhaps the qualifications of the Lu family are not enough, right?
what is the problem?

Lu Jingzhi couldn't understand.

On the other side, Lu Zhanxing managed to rest for a few days, and was suddenly told that several big-budget movies had appointed him to sign.

He was dumbfounded, and protested one by one: "Is it easy for me to take a day off?"

Xie Ying said treacherously: "It's okay, it's okay, just get over it, it's not that I don't want to refuse, but it's a pity to refuse any one, so just accept them all, just as they expressed their willingness to wait for you, you are now It is a hot item, and if you work harder, you will be able to go abroad."

Lu Zhanxing thinks that either the world is crazy or he is crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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