If you don't hide your vest, you will inherit hundreds of millions of properties

Chapter 876 Qiao Yun: Don't be afraid, I'll be lighter

Chapter 876 Qiao Yun: Don't be afraid, I will take it easy
Li Hanzhou looked at Qiao Yun deeply, "Because as long as I stay with you, they won't really do anything to me."

Qiao Yun was at a loss for a moment, not understanding his logic.

Li Hanzhou smiled lightly: "If something really happened to me, would you feel bad?"

"Yes." Qiao Yun replied without hesitation, there is no doubt about it.

Li Hanzhou raised his lips, feeling very happy: "They care about you so much, they won't make you feel bad."

Because of this, they didn't dare to go too far, at most they just tricked him.

But who made them Qiao Yun's family, he could only accept the test.

Qiao Yun's heart moved slightly, and he asked, "Are you going to be angry?"

"No." Li Hanzhou looked sideways at her lazily: "I won't be angry if someone cares about you."

If it were someone else who dared to show him some face, he would not be as indifferent as he is today.


Li Hanzhou approached Qiao Yun slightly, and said in a low voice: "For my poor sake, shouldn't I be rewarded?"

Qiao Yun blinked, but she really couldn't see where Li Hanzhou was wronged, so much so that he seemed to be having fun.

Of course, Professor Qiao is still very generous, she said, "What do you want? I'll give it to you."

"No need to give it, I will get it myself."

He leaned over suddenly, and a kiss fell on Qiao Yun's lips.

Once it was touched, Qiao Yun didn't feel anything and it was over. The next second, she said with a serious face: "It's wrong for you to do this."

"What's wrong?" Li Hanzhou said rationally: "You are my girlfriend, and kissing is a normal thing."

Qiao Yun made a small face: "I'm driving, you violated the traffic rules."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Professor Qiao decided to ignore Li Hanzhou, lest he break the law again.

Li Hanzhou couldn't help laughing, the smile couldn't be concealed from the corners of his eyes and brows, his girlfriend was as serious as ever.


After driving for another hour or so from the entrance of the village, we finally arrived at the base.

The first thing that appeared in front of their eyes was a magnificent white building, the architectural style of which was very aesthetically sci-fi across the ages.

To enter, you need to go through a series of security checks.

After going through the security check, they found that there were really very few people in the base, which shows how difficult it is to enter the Apocalypse Research Institute.

Some researchers passed by and saw Qiao Yun. Although they were also excited, they were probably forced by Professor Qiao's majesty. Their faces were full of nervousness, and they greeted Qiao Yun tremblingly.

Qiao Yun just nodded at them and let them go to work.

Seeing this scene, the Lu family was still a little uncomfortable. For the first time, they felt how intimidating Professor Qiao was.

Pei Yao saw that the Lu family was uncomfortable, thought for a while and said, "Come on, I'll take you to visit first, I haven't been back for a long time, just take a look."

When Lu Shiran heard that he could visit the Apocalypse Research Institute, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was not restrained from coming in at the beginning. He urged: "Then let's go quickly."

This is the apocalypse.

There must be a lot of high technology.

Considering that there were two women, Su Mian and Li Miao, in the visiting team, Pei Yao dragged Han Huang along.

Han Wan frowned, seemingly reluctant, but finally compromised.

Qiao Yun didn't follow, she took Li Hanzhou's hand, "Come with me."

Li Hanzhou didn't ask where he was going, but held Qiao Yun's little hand tightly behind his back, and was led away by her.

Although the Han brothers knew that Professor Qiao and Li Hanzhou were in a relationship, since the two hadn't been intimate since just now, they didn't feel it at all. Now seeing Li Hanzhou holding Qiao Yun's hand, their eyes rolled They are all going to stare out.

They stared viciously at the clasped hands, wondering whether to braise or steam the trotter.

Qiao Yun took two steps, then paused, then turned around and told the people behind who couldn't recover: "Don't follow."

Then he continued to drag Li Hanzhou away.

Han Si was dumbfounded, with an expression uglier than crying: "Are we being rejected?"

Han San said inscrutablely: "You guessed right, we were indeed rejected."

Han Er looked like a big brother, and patted Han Si on the shoulder comfortingly: "Stop pretending, it's not the first time you've been disliked."


Oh right.

"You said, where is the teacher going to take people?"

Several people looked at each other and said in unison: "Laboratory."


Li Hanzhou's eyes fell on the hands held together, he pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Girlfriend, where do you want to take me?"


As Qiao Yun said, she probed over to identify the irises on the instrument, and then the security door opened.

She dragged Li Hanzhou in.

After Li Hanzhou entered, his peach blossom eyes scanned the surroundings.

The whole room is white, and there are many instruments. This should be a laboratory.

He hummed: "Laboratory?"

"Yes." Qiao Yun answered him.

He opened a cabinet, took out a white coat, put it on, and put on disposable gloves.

Li Hanzhou stared at Qiao Yun intently, his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Girlfriends in white coats are quite attractive.

Qiao Yun walked to the side of the table and raised her chin to Li Hanzhou: "Lie down."

"???" Li Hanzhou said inexplicably, "You let me lie down?"

Qiao Yun nodded, "Yes."

Li Hanzhou looked at her for a while, then sighed: "Your words are dangerous, do you know that?"

Qiao Yun's expression was blank, thinking about what to do next, she replied: "It's really dangerous."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

Allow him to think about it for a few seconds.

Qiao Yun patted the countertop and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I will be gentle and won't make you feel anything, you have to trust me."

Li Hanzhou was quiet for a moment, then said: "To be honest, you seem like a bad aunt who is abducting children."

Qiao Yun said seriously: "I'm not bad, I just want to study your... um, brain, and..." Her eyes fell on Li Hanzhou's slender and strong hands with well-defined joints, and she discussed in a low voice : "May I use your hand as a template?"

Li Hanzhou's expression cracked.

What's going on, did you really treat him as an experiment?

Qiao Yun squinted her eyes, seeming a little pleased: "I will be really gentle, be obedient, let me study your body."

She had wanted to do this for a long time.

From the first time she saw Li Hanzhou, she looked at him with the eyes of an experimental product.

Although the relationship between the two is different now, Qiao Yun has not given up studying him.

Now that people are in her territory, she can do whatever she wants.

Li Hanzhou protested weakly: "Can I refuse?"

Qiao Yun snorted, "But you can't get out."

Li Hanzhou: "..."

How dare he throw himself into the trap?
He smiled softly, and suddenly reached out to hug Qiao Yun to sit on the table, and then put his hands on both sides of Qiao Yun's side.

Qiao Yun was a little unresponsive, and asked subconsciously, "What are you doing?"

"It's not that I want to study my body, let's change the way..."

The unfinished words were stopped by the touching lips.


the other side.

The Lu family was taken by Pei Yao to visit the Apocalypse Research Institute, and saw a lot of innovative technologies, which surprised them for a while.

Han Wang acted as an explanation, explaining the principle to them.

Lu Shiran listened with gusto.

Although the others couldn't understand it, they were also very interested.

Who am I, where am I, and why am I being abused here?
Who can understand the sadness of a scumbag who went to school to dominate the world by mistake?

Li Miao was a little dizzy, and if she continued to stay, she might go crazy, driven crazy by these incomprehensible words.

She glanced at the time and said guiltyly: "Then what, it's almost six o'clock, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, I'm not hungry at all." Lu Shiran replied without turning his head, and asked Han Wang with bright eyes: "Mr. Han, how does this machine work?"

Li Miao curled her lips, and decided not to talk to Lu Shiran again in the future, what kind of straight man is this, he doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

Su Mian knew what Li Miao was thinking at a glance. Seeing her aggrieved expression, she couldn't help smiling, and said, "I seem to be a little hungry too."

"Then let's go eat first." Pei Yao suggested.

Li Miao was the first to agree.

Lu Shiran's objection was invalid, and he still had a bit of resentment. Is it important to eat and study?

Han Wang asked Pei Yao to take them to the restaurant, and then went back to inform Qiao Yun, they met before she could find her.

"Teacher, it's time for us to eat."

She looked at Qiao Yun, her expression paused, and she continued to narrow her eyes dangerously.

Qiao Yun's cheeks were a little red, and she replied calmly: "Okay."

Li Hanzhou thought it was cute for such a kid who was trying so hard to pretend to be strict.

Han Wang has never been in a relationship, but he also knows that Professor Qiao's state is not right, especially when he thinks of their lonely man and widow...

The expression on her face became more and more cold, and she glanced coldly at Li Hanzhou.

A smile appeared on Li Hanzhou's face.

In the Apocalypse Research Institute, he was not so beastly as to really do anything to Qiao Yun.

Han Ju was upset, but because of Professor Qiao, she didn't have an attack, thinking in her heart that they would stay for a few more days anyway, so there was always a chance to give him a little warning.


In order to welcome the arrival of the Lu family, Pei Yao specially prepared a large table with all kinds of delicacies.

Su Mian praised: "As expected of Tianqi, even the chef is so good."

Pei Yao explained: "It's not made by a chef, these are made by Han San, who is a medical student and is best suited for cutting things."

Han San smiled slightly, hiding his achievements and fame.

Su Mian looked at the tall and handsome man in front of her. It was really hard to imagine that such a man could cook.

A group of people sat down to eat.

Li Hanzhou failed to sit next to Qiao Yun this time, and his seat was taken by Han Huang.

A look is intentional.

He smiled, didn't care about it, just found a place to sit down, and then said in a flat voice: "This time, I have prepared some gadgets for you."

Zhou You had brought his things here just now.

The Han brothers sneered, are they so easily bought by gifts?
This move was wrong.

Li Hanzhou casually took out a thread-bound book, which looked old, and raised his eyebrows at Han San: "You study medicine, this is just right for you."

Han San glanced at it with disdain.

Then, he froze.

this is not……!
Ancient medicine that has been lost?

He searched for a long time, but couldn't find it, and unexpectedly, it appeared in front of his eyes.

Han San was ecstatic, reaching out to take it.


Han San paused and turned his head to see that several brothers were staring at him.


He had a tangled face, a heartbroken look, and the look of God is going to kill me.

Take it, isn't it just taking people softly.

If you don't take it, ah, you will die!
Qiao Yun said appropriately: "Remember to thank the elders for the gifts."

"Okay, teacher." Han Sanbao took the book and hugged it in his arms, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Although Li Hanzhou is hateful, Shu is innocent.

And the teacher has spoken, he can't be disobedient, can't he?

The remaining few brothers are not ashamed by Han San.

Phew, vulgar.

Then the next moment.

They looked at the very thoughtful gift in their arms, which made them unable to give up, with dumbfounded expressions.

What happened, why did they take it?
And how did Li Hanzhou know them so well?
Han Ju looked at Pei Yao quietly.

Pei Yao lowered his head and tried his best to chop the rice.

I don't know, don't ask me, it was Professor Qiao who told me.

Qiao Yun asked Li Hanzhou: "Is this considered bribery?"

"Of course it doesn't count." Li Hanzhou picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish for Qiao Yun. "Father should buy gifts for his sons. Although these sons are a bit old, you just want to be happy."

Qiao Yun: "..."


After dinner.

Pei Yao allocated rooms for them and told them to rest first, after all, it would be a lot of trouble to come up from the mountain.

When Li Hanzhou learned that he was arranged in a very corner room, he asked Qiao Yun, "Where do you live?"

"My original room." Qiao Yun pointed to the top of his head: "The laboratory above."

When she was doing research before, she would always forget the time, so the room was the closest to the laboratory.

Li Hanzhou was silent, so he and Qiao Yuntian were separated?

He frowned displeased.

The instigator, Han Wang, apologized: "There are many laboratories in the base, and these are the few that can accommodate people."

Li Hanzhou raised his eyebrows, his expression was quite indifferent, "I see."

Seeing that he was so calm and didn't look embarrassed at all, Han Wang was inexplicably unhappy.

Qiao Yun didn't realize that Li Hanzhou's room was arranged so far away on purpose, but asked him to rest first.

But this night, apart from Qiao Yun and Li Hanzhou, all the Lu family who came to Tianqi Research Institute for the first time and were shocked by their wealth and high technology all suffered from insomnia.

They realized that the Lu family and Tianqi were really worse than ants, but Qiao Qiao was willing to stay in the Lu family, which moved them and also felt like a drag on her.

To have such an excellent Qiao Qiao as a family member is simply a blessing from their third generation.


When Qiao Yun was still in the research institute, Jiang Jing was going to a banquet with Xu Qiao.

She didn't want to come out at first, but now everyone in Yuncheng's second generation circle is watching her jokes, she doesn't want to lose face by coming out at all.

Xu Qiao dragged Jiang Jing out with all her talk: "You thought it was just a simple banquet, but I heard that this time there will be a very important person."

"Who is it?" Jiang Jing wore light makeup and a dress today, with elegant posture and gorgeous appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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