Chapter 887
When Pei Yao got off the car and smiled at Qiao Yun like a sunflower, Su Qingqing understood that he probably knew that he was a nanny, and he never got tired of it.

What's going on! ?
A dignified chairman of Shengqiao Group willing to be a nanny?
Are you okay?

Su Qingqing's three views have collapsed. It's not that she has never met Pei Yao. When she went to Beijing to play last year, she saw that Pei Yao had a good relationship with the Lu family.
But now it seems that it's not that he has a good relationship with the Lu family at all, it's clearly that he has a good relationship with Qiao Yun, and the Lu family probably has a good relationship.

Su Qingqing didn't come back to her senses, and asked Lu Shiran next to her, "Is our sister familiar with Dong Pei?"

"Familiar." Lu Shiran said very calmly: "If you are not familiar, can you come pick her up?"

Pei Yao is working for his sister, so it is not wrong to say that he is a nanny.

He was also shocked at first.

Well now.

Lu Shiran said that it's good to get used to it, and it's good to get used to it.

Pei Yao still regarded his younger sister as his mother.

Su Qingqing saw that both Lu Shiran and Li Miao were taking it for granted, and she was puzzled and said, "Don't you think it's strange? A chairman is so idle, and he has to come to pick him up in person?"

"They have a good relationship, which is normal. Brother Pei is my sister's most loyal fan."

After getting acquainted with Pei Yao, Lu Shiran called him Brother Pei instead of Dong Pei.

Su Qingqing had a question mark on her forehead.

Looking at Qiao Yun's eyes now is like looking at a rare animal.

Her cousin is so awesome, Sheng Qiao's chairman has become her fan!
This - unscientific!
Su Qingqing felt unbelievable, and the only explanation was that Pei Yao also liked Qiao Yun, that's why he was so considerate.

Qiao Yun didn't know the storm in Su Qingqing's heart, she got into Pei Yao's car, lowered the window and waved to Su Qingqing: "I'll take a step first."

Su Qingqing regained her senses and asked Qiao Yun to be careful on the road, and waited for the car to leave before she sent Lu Shiran and Li Miao home.

at the same time.

Fu Yun stepped out of the hotel gate, the driver was already waiting for her.

She was not in a good mood, and her face was gloomy. Just as she was about to get in the car, when she looked up, she saw a valuable luxury car passing by.

When she saw the face of the driver, her complexion changed drastically, and her whole body froze, but before she could take a closer look, the car had already driven away.

Fu Yun's lips trembled, and he murmured, "Like, so much like..."

She tried hard to compare the people she had just glanced over with the people in her memory, trying to find out where they looked like.

In the next second, the bone-piercing head rushed towards her like a tsunami, so fierce that layers of cold sweat overflowed her forehead, and her face was instantly pale as snow.

The driver was startled, and hurried over to help Fu Yun, "Madam, are you okay? What's wrong with you..."

Fu Yun's eyes darkened and he fainted.

The driver was frightened out of his wits by the sudden turn of events. After being startled for a while, he quickly put Fu Yunqing in the back seat, and hurried to the hotel.


When Jiang Jing returned to the box, her face was extremely ugly, as if she had been hit by something.

Xu Qiao was frightened by her ecstasy, she quickly stood up and asked, "Jing Jing, what's wrong with you? Did Mrs. Huo say something to you?"

He was fine when he went out, but lost his soul when he came back.

Jiang Jing stared at Xu Qiao silently, her eyes were calm.

It was so calm that Xu Qiao became more and more uneasy, "Don't scare mom, just tell me if you have anything to say, you won't be wronged if mom is around."

I don't know if this sentence hit Jiang Jing's explosive point, she lost control of her whole body, and shouted hysterically: "The grievances I am suffering now are all because of you!"

Xu Qiao's expression was astonished, as if she didn't expect Jiang Jing to yell at her, so she could only look at Jiang Jing in a daze.

Jiang Jing said sadly, "The opportunity I got so hard to get was ruined because of you. Why did you splash Qiao Yun's dirty water in the first place!"

Xu Qiao said in a panic, "Why did you mention this again? Didn't mom explain it to you before? I just don't want you to be laughed at, so I can only blame her."

Jiang Jing sneered: "Now in Yuncheng, am I not enough of a joke? Do you know that Aunt Fu knows these things!"

Xu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought something was wrong, if I knew it, I would know, it doesn't matter."

Jiang Jing was exhausted in vain: "Aunt Fu treats me well because she thinks I am a simple and kind person, but I know I am not simple, so I can only coax her. Now that she knows, you think she will treat me I'm good?"

Xu Qiao didn't expect this, she panicked and said, "Then what should I do?"

Jiang Jing sat down dejectedly, her eyes were empty: "I don't know."

"How could this happen?" Xu Qiao was really puzzled: "It's so good, how did she know it?"

Jiang Jing said bitterly: "Qiao Yun said it."

Xu Qiao was so angry that she fell back, "Is she following you specifically, why does she always want to spoil your good deeds?"

Jiang Jing also thought so, Qiao Yun just wanted to suppress her into the dust.

Xu Qiao felt sorry for her daughter and said guiltily, "If I knew you would know Fu Yun, I wouldn't have messed around in the first place. But what has this matter to do with you? I did it alone, and I'm still messing around at what age."

When Jiang Jing heard this, her expression paused, her eyes rolled, and she felt a little relieved when she thought of something.

"I'll find a way to solve it. No matter what, I won't let this opportunity go away."

Xu Qiao didn't know what Jiang Jing was going to do, but she always believed in her daughter, and she still does now.

It's just that she remembered Qiao Yun in her heart.


In the car.

While concentrating on driving, Pei Yao talked about business matters with Qiao Yun: "Almost all the invited people have arrived, and Yuncheng is going to be lively during this time."

Qiao Yun lacked interest in this, but there was one thing that she cared a little bit about: "Have you seen Huo Lin?"

Pei Yao rubbed his nose: "Not yet, anyway, we can see him at the press conference, I have nothing to do to meet him and I don't know what to do."

One is in Port K, and the other is in Beijing. The development circles are different, and coupled with his deliberate actions, they have indeed never met.

Qiao Yun let out a sigh, and stopped asking any more questions, and said: "If you have something to do, please tell me."

"Okay." Pei Yao was delighted.

Professor Qiao really cared about him.

"One thing." Pei Yao frowned slightly, and said unhappily: "I found out that Adrian was actually invited by the Huo family this time, and the Huo family is really restless."

Qiao Yun nodded, not very surprised.

Huo Lin can't be a good stubble if he can sit on the position of Huo family's Patriarch.

Pei Yao smiled and said: "He just wants to get back his position. After all, everyone in the circle knows about Tianqi's breach of Huo's Research Institute. It's also good. It's better to come in an open and aboveboard manner than to sneak in. "

It would be more annoying if he played tricks behind his back like Huo Chi did.

(End of this chapter)

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