Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 101 This order can make a lot of money!

Chapter 101 This order can make a lot of money!
Yin Ziying frowned:

"Uncle, isn't it right? I remember that some people's families are fully mobilized, just like Uncle An's family, so don't they need to go home and do their own work? Does her family have no land?"

The old village chief laughed and said, "As far as their family's two acres of land is concerned, work in the workshop starts early, and they must go to work in the field after work. Old An's life is not easy, and they must do this."

"Yeah! Ziying, don't feel bad about this. Don't worry, those uncles and aunts in the village who are going to work in the workshop are all capable, and they definitely won't lose energy when they finish their work. Do it."

After hearing this, Yin Ziying felt a little touched in her heart. In fact, when she first heard what the old village chief and Uncle Gu said, she was also worried about whether these people would lose concentration when they were working during the day. .

But now that she heard what Uncle Gu said, she felt that she was worrying too much. How could farmers like Uncle An and the others be like this?

I'm afraid they know better than she that they can't do this when working in the daytime!After all, they cherish this job very much.

She nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, uncle, I'll just ask, nothing will happen."

The old village chief on the side said: "Ziying, regarding the question you just mentioned, that is, the matter of recruiting people, I will arrange it in these two days. I think I will be able to recruit people in two days, but it is other things. Then make the same arrangements as the previous ones!"

Speaking of this, Yin Ziying was a little worried when she thought of the news that almost all the sweet potatoes in the nearby village had been received by them.

"Grandpa Village Chief, otherwise we can just buy the sweet potatoes from the town this time. This time, there are a lot of sweet potatoes for such a big order. We should have bought many sweet potatoes from the nearby ten miles and eight villages. If you think about it, you probably won’t get anything.”

As soon as he said this, not only Uncle Gu stared, but even the old village head straightened his face. The old village head straightened his face, then turned his head to look at Yin Ziying and said:
"Ziying, we may have to treat silver as silver! Last time, although the sweet potatoes in the nearby villages should have been collected by us, there are still many villages far away from our village!
At that time, it would be a big deal to hire more people from the village to go to ten miles and eight townships to collect. At the previous price, at most one day would pay labor costs and car rental costs, which would save a few taels of silver! "

Uncle Gu also nodded again and again: "Yes, yes! Ziying, we can't be so extravagant and wasteful! As farmers, we know these things best. At this time, there must be many left in other villages. sweet potato.

At that time, our village will specially select a group of people to go outside to buy sweet potatoes. When the weather is hot, at most, they will be paid to increase their height.A lot of cars can be pulled back in one day!Isn't this more appropriate than going to the town to buy sweet potatoes that cost three cents a catty? "

Seeing that Uncle Gu and the old village head were like this, Yin Ziying touched her nose helplessly:

"Uncle, grandpa of the village chief, that's all I said. I'm just discussing with you! Since you all said that it can't be done, then let's not do it!"

Apart from this matter, in fact, no matter what she said about the workshop on weekdays, Uncle Gu and the old village chief mostly listened to her.

But maybe the purchase of sweet potatoes can indeed save a lot of money, and Yin Ziying is a troublesome character.

And the old village chief and Uncle Gu happened to be the opposite. They would rather have more trouble than lose the money, so there was only a conflict.

Now that the old village head and Uncle Gu have said so, she will naturally not refute anything.

Now that this matter has been mentioned, the old village chief said directly to Yin Ziying:

"Ziying, since your plan is good, this time you just calculate it directly. If we ship these goods directly, how many catties of sweet potatoes will we have to buy from outside to be considered appropriate?"

He had known Yin Ziying's powerful calculations a long time ago. After all, the last time people from other villages came to sell sweet potatoes, most of them were calculated by Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxian brothers and sisters here.

Yin Ziying smiled, and then secretly calculated in her heart, since it is a total of [-] catties of sweet potatoes, and five catties of sweet potatoes yield one catty, then of course [-] catties of sweet potatoes are enough.

But last time she collected a lot of sweet potatoes, it seems appropriate now, and there should be more than enough by then.

But since we went out this time, we would naturally have to collect the normal amount of 5 catties of sweet potatoes, otherwise it would be troublesome to order again.

"Grandpa and uncle of the village chief, this time, we have to buy 5 catties of sweet potatoes to come back. We will press a donkey cart to fill it up, and a cart can hold 700 catties, so it will cost 70 carts! There are a lot of them.”

Hearing this, the old village chief breathed a sigh of relief: "That's not much, 70 carts of sweet potatoes, and it will be enough for our village to send more men out. First go to the nearest village to collect them, and then go Distant villages."

Uncle Gu's focus is on another matter: "Ziying, if there are [-] catties of sweet potatoes this time, how many taels of silver will the principal of the sweet potatoes be? How much are those?"

Hearing this, the old village chief also looked at Yin Ziying, with anticipation in his eyes. This time it is considered as the official order-taking business in the workshop. The money is minus the principal and labor, and the rest is to earn money. of.

The previous order did not earn much because of the workshop fee, but it was a few taels. This time, I don't know how much money I can earn with such a large order.

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled. In fact, she had already calculated this when she was calculating how many cars the sweet potato would cost. She cleared her throat and said to the two of them:
"Uncle, grandpa of the village chief, if the principal of the sweet potatoes alone is calculated at 2.5 taels per catty, we will spend 125 taels of silver to buy these sweet potatoes."

After finishing speaking, she paused and said: "Even if you ask 20 people to collect 25 catties of sweet potatoes, you should be able to collect them in five days. The weather is hot for labor, so give me 3 yuan a day, plus the cost of the donkey cart. [-] taels of silver.

Counting the labor cost of finishing this batch of goods in our workshop, that is 36 taels of silver is almost the same.Calculated, we still have 136 taels of silver left after this order. "

The old village chief exclaimed: "Ziying, from this point of view, we can earn a lot from this order!"

Yes, 136 taels of silver is not a lot!
Converted to 40% of what the village can get, that's more than [-] taels. The old village head can predict that when he agreed to start a workshop with Yin Ziying some time ago, those elders in the village who disagreed heard this. This thing must be very exciting.

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile: "Yes, Grandpa Village Chief, I can guarantee that they will continue to come after accepting these two orders this time.

At that time, other restaurants will definitely come when they hear the news, so I will trouble you, the old village head, to recruit people in the village. "

(End of this chapter)

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