Chapter 106
At the same time, in the Yin family village, the old Yin family.

Looking at the clothes dripping into the water in the yard, Gao scolded Yin Jingjing, the second daughter who was standing beside her, "Well, you lose money, it's really useless to be in the sun. You can't do such a little thing well, so why not?" Let your eldest sister come back to do this job!"

The girl who was scolded by Gao stood aside and lowered her eyebrows, she didn't dare to Fan Bo at all. She knew that the reason why her mother picked on the three sisters recently was because A Niang heard the people in the town say that The news that the eldest sister Yin Ziying had a good life in Baijia Village.

No, not only is it not bad, it should be excellent.

You must know that when the eldest sister married to Yinjia Village, she only heard that the man from the old Gu family in Yinjia Village was missing. I don't want to marry.

But I didn't expect that under such an environment, how long has the eldest sister been married?

This made the old Gu's family, who couldn't afford to eat, in order. Forget it. I heard that there was a workshop?
Parents were very angry at that time because of the workshop. You must know that when the eldest sister was at home before, she couldn't do anything except the housework.

Now that I have gone to Baijia Village, I can do this and that, and even set up a workshop with the people in the village. I heard that the big sister holds a lot of shares in it.

If the elder sister had done this at home before, how much money would it cost the family?Could life at home be so bad?

Of course, although Yin Jingjing thought so in her heart, she knew that according to her previous situation, even if her eldest sister had such a brain, she would not have the opportunity to get these things.

You know, when the sisters wanted to eat something, their parents wanted to accuse them of wasting food, not to mention that they were all made with food, how could their parents let them take those things? alley?

Therefore, upon hearing the good news about her eldest sister's life at her husband's house, Yin Jingjing was both happy and envious.

While I remember being happy for the eldest sister, he and she are also a little envious. If she was willing to marry after learning about this, would her life be easier?
You know, although Lao Lin's family came to mention the big sister at the beginning of this matter, the parents felt that the big sister was more capable of working at home, and they preferred her to marry and let the big sister stay at home to work.

But at that time, she heard the news that Gu Yunyan was dead or alive, so she refused.

Later, parents were worried that the elder sister would not want to marry Gu Yunyan after she found out that Gu Yunyan had disappeared, so they married her half-deceived and half-coaxed.

I heard that the eldest sister jumped into the river on the day she got married, and she didn't even return to the door afterwards. I didn't expect that life is so good now. How can they not be surprised by the reversal of these two poles?
"Damn girl, what are you doing? You can't understand what my old lady is saying, right? You said that the clothes are dripping with water, so why don't you hurry up and wring out the water? My old lady has to teach you how to do everything, right?"

Yin Jingjing responded with a low eyebrow, and then said: "Yes, mother, I understand, I'll go now."

"Every one of you is dawdling, what are you hiding? Don't think that all of you can stand out like your eldest sister.

If there is any good thing, I will do it first at home. If I find out that you are like your big sister, you can just wait for my mother to cut you!Even if you get married, I will not let you go. "

Mrs. Gao walked into the room while cursing, and the head of the room, Yin Yueshan, who was tall and burly, was sitting on the reclining chair, holding a dry cigarette in his hand and puffing.

Seeing this, Gao couldn't get angry, she hummed twice, and then said:
"You see, what are you doing now? What else can you do besides touching that old smoking gun every day? You don't need money to burn this little tobacco? You might as well save your money to buy paper and pens for brother Lin!"

Yin Yueshan frowned and said with a serious face: "You said that, I can't smoke two catties of tobacco in a year, how much money can I use? You can't give up such a small amount of money."

"I can't give up? Of course I can't give up. You have to know what kind of family our family is, how much money does it make in a year? Now you dare to smoke these cigarettes, and you still think they really have a God of Wealth Can't my daughter do it?"

Seeing Gao's eccentric way of speaking, Yin Yueshan put down the dry smoke in his hand, then glanced at Gao and said:

"I said you woman, since the child has been married, she is a member of the old Gu family. What happens to him and her outside has nothing to do with us. What's the use of you talking about it every day?"

"It's useless! Why is it useless? I gave birth to her and raised her. After I got married, I didn't sell her. Why don't I have any share of the money my daughter earns?" Gao Shi said while sitting angrily. down.

Yin Yueshan tapped the bong in his hand, and then said: "Why, don't you really plan to hit Ziying?

If you dare to move your mind, those people in Baijia Village, and the big house of Lao Gu's family, have two sons!That's not vegetarian.

How do you think about it?When the relationship becomes froze, our brother Lin will be outside, but there will be no relatives who can help. Is this what you want to see? "

"There are not many relatives who can help Brother Lin. If there were, wouldn't we have sent Brother Lin to school now? So that we still let him stay at home?" Gao said pouted.

Yin Yueshan frowned: "Didn't you say that when Ziying got married, you asked her to give her a little money so that she would remember you a little bit.

At that time, it was you who wanted to sell your daughter, but now you are not happy to hear the good news about her life, so how can you say that she is not successful? "

When her man said that, Gao immediately turned cold: ""What do you mean by that?I heard that when Ziying got married, wasn't all the money left for Brother Lin?You didn't know about it back then.

Besides, those who lose money are not qualified to take the dowry. The dowry is given by the husband's family to the mother's family. After she marries, she becomes a husband's family, and outsiders give her a hammer.

I can let her go with a few clothes from the house. That's pretty good, okay?Those clothes have many uses in our family, there are so many people in our family. "

(End of this chapter)

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