Chapter 111
She responded, then walked out of the door, opened the door, but saw a very familiar woman, this person was none other than Aunt Zheng who came up to talk to her when she was washing clothes by the river and Lu Xiuyu quarreled.

"Aunt Zheng, are you here? What's the matter?"

As soon as the woman saw her, she immediately said: "Zi Ying! You don't know yet, do you? Someone has come from your natal family. It should be your mother and three younger sisters who are crying at the gate of the workshop!"

Yin Ziying frowned, her family?The original owner's family?What are they doing here?
You know, the original owner was married into Lao Gu's family by those from the old Yin's family in the form of selling their daughters.

You know, who in the average family is willing to marry their daughter as a widow knowing that the other party is dead or dead?Isn't it just for the dowry gift of five taels of silver?

And after the original owner got married and found out that Gu Yunyan was dead and jumped into the river, I heard that the old Gu's family also sent letters to the original owner's family in Yin's Village, but they never came.

That's it, isn't that just giving up the original owner for the sake of five taels of silver?
Now someone from the old Yin family is looking for her?A memory fragment of the original owner flashed in Yin Ziying's mind, and a cold smile curled up on the corner of her lips. This old Yin family member came here because he heard that she was living a good life now, right?
Seeing that Yin Ziying remained silent, Aunt Zheng said: "Ziying, I think you should go over and take a look. There is quite a commotion over there, and it's right at the entrance of the workshop. There are already many people around."

Yin Ziying nodded: "Don't worry, Aunt Zheng, I'll go over and see what's going on."

Speaking of which, she had never met the original owner's family. Even in the original owner's impression, these family members were not loving and harmonious.

As she walked, she thought to herself, if she really loved the original owner, why would she be sold here for five taels of silver?

And it's still the same thing, she didn't come to look for her when she came, but went directly to the door of the workshop to cry, everyone knew her intentions.

Aunt Zheng whispered as she walked, "Well, Ziying! Don't be angry if I say something."

The life of the old Gu's family seemed to be getting better, Ziying's mother-in-law ran over to the stall and went to the workshop to make such a fuss, obviously, she was here to ask for money.

I just hope that Ziying, who is normally capable, can understand her own mother's tricks at this time. If Ziying softens a little later, maybe this old Gu family will never have peace in the future.

Yin Ziying actually probably knew what Aunt Zheng was going to tell her, but she still nodded with a smile: "Aunt Zheng, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'm listening!"

Seeing that Yin Ziying didn't look impatient, but responded to her with a smile on the contrary, Aunt Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Ziying! Auntie doesn't know what you're thinking about this matter today, but your mother and sister haven't come to see you for a long time, and I don't know if they really came to see you this time." Still doing something.

But Ziying, listen to your aunt's persuasion, if your mother and your younger sisters make any excessive demands, then you can't agree.Otherwise, I'm afraid your old Gu family will be bitten in the future. "

She originally thought that Yin Ziying's face would change color when she said these words. After all, although she said it tactfully, the last sentence was really a bit blunt.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the voice fell, she saw Yin Ziying nodded: "Don't worry, Aunt Zheng, I understand who is good to me and who is not good to me, but I really haven't seen them for so long, this time It's also an opportunity."

She thought to herself, this time I still have to see why the original owner's family came here, if it was because they wanted her to see her or something, then she could be a good girl.

However, if Mrs. Gao and the others wanted to control her because of their ugly appearance or something else, then it’s out of the question. Anyway, she is not the original owner, and there is no real bond of kinship.

Seeing her like this, Aunt Zheng breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, this lady Yin is really transparent, look, she is very clear in her heart.

Those of them who are women have to be like this, they have to have their own ideas to live well, and they also need to understand that their natal family can only be good if they live a good life, but they can't just spoil everything about their natal family.

It's okay to meet such a good natal family who understands your hard work, but I'm afraid that you will meet such a natal family who only spoils an unfilial son and treats your daughter like a cow.

Otherwise, in the future, maybe the mother's family will become a blood-sucking leech, and when the time comes, the relationship between the husband's family will be gone, and it will be the daughter herself who will be in trouble at that time.

Both of them wanted to see why Mrs. Gao came this time, so they walked very fast. When they reached the entrance of the workshop, from a distance, the two of them saw a big circle around the place. people.

Aunt Zheng hurriedly pulled Yin Ziying's hand and squeezed into the crowd: "Let's make way, let's make way!"

Unexpectedly, she felt a resistance from her hand, she turned her head to look, but saw Yin Ziying shook her head with a smile: "Auntie, you go in first, I'll listen here."

She wants to see what the situation is when Mrs. Gao and the others come here this time, what they will say when she is not around, and what they will say when she is here.

Aunt Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and then understood Yin Ziying's meaning, she secretly praised Yin Ziying in her heart, and then nodded: "That's fine, then I'll go in first."

Yin Ziying nodded, and continued to listen to the conversation between the original owner's mother, Uncle Gu and Shi Yu from the crowd:

"Dear family, why do you say you are doing this! We are very happy that you came to see Ziying, but why are you yelling like this here?"

This is Uncle Gu's voice.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp female voice was heard saying: "Damn, you still have the guts to say this to me, my good girl got wronged and married into your old Gu's family, how did you treat her?"

Yu's voice was kind and persuasive: "Dear-in-law, look at what you said, although Ziying suffered some grievances when she married into our family, Brother Yan also left.

But our family also treats Ziying like a family member. Brother Xian and the others respect Ziying like a sister-in-law, so how can they treat Ziying so harshly! "

Gao's voice was sharp: "No! You said no? Do you think I didn't hear? My daughter came to your old Gu family as soon as she married. She took care of a few oil bottles every day, and got up early in the morning to do laundry. Rice, and you have to go up the mountain to collect herbs to sell, which family's daughter-in-law uses it like this?"

Upon hearing this, Uncle Gu was a little unhappy:

"What do you mean, in-laws? This marriage was clearly stated at the beginning. Brother Yan is lost, and Ziying will be the eldest sister-in-law after marriage. As the eldest sister-in-law, naturally she has to take care of several children."

"Bah! You made it clear, yes, you spent five taels of silver to let my daughter follow you to Baijia Village to work as a cow and a horse, and then enrich your old Gu's field by yourself. You are so embarrassed to say it, you guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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