Chapter 113 Give Your Conditions

Hearing Gao's words, Gao's three daughters, Yin Jingjing, Yin Sisi and Yin Jiajia, fell silent.

What the mother said was what the mother said, but they still knew what happened to them in the family, but how could they say such a thing at such a critical moment?

After hearing what she said, Yin Ziying who was outside the crowd raised the corners of her lips and showed a sneer. She didn't expect that she really came to ask for money, but the food was really ugly.

This is a rhetoric that I can't stand on my own, and I don't know if I won't succeed if I say it for a while.

However, she was not in a hurry to go in, but wanted to hear what kind of play Gao was going to sing inside.

Among the crowd, upon hearing Gao's words, some people couldn't help thinking about what they should do if they encountered such a situation.

From this point of view, it seems that Gao's words are not wrong?After all, son!That is the continuation of the incense!This is not the same as girl movies.

Furthermore, under the circumstances at that time, marrying Mrs. Yin, although it can't guarantee that Mrs. Yin will have a good life in the future, but what can be guaranteed is that at least there will be no men to bully her, right?
All of a sudden, the complexions of many people in the crowd changed, and when they looked at Mrs. Gao, their mocking expressions were a little different from the one just now.

In all fairness, if they encountered such a mess, their choice would be the same as Gao's. If so, how could they talk about others.

Uncle Gu glanced at the people around him, then at Gao Shi who was wiping away his tears but had a proud face, and said, "In-law, just tell me what you want to do when you come here today."

"What am I going to do?" Gao looked at the reactions of the people around him, his eyes rolled around, and then said:
"Your old Gu family bought the land with the hard-earned money earned by my daughter. Of course I have to come and help my daughter make the decision. Let me tell you, your old Gu family can't bully people like this."

Yu waved her hands and said, "Dear family, you are really misleading. We are not like this. Although the family bought land, it was Ziying's decision to buy it."

"You say yes? Now that my daughter is married to your family, it is natural to be sent to others. Even if she earns money and wants to keep a little for herself, you will not give it! Don't think that I don't know about you. What the hell is going on, you are just trying to suck my daughter's blood."

Uncle Gu straightened his face: "Your in-laws are wrong. Our old Gu family has always been upright in handling affairs, and we will never admit to things we haven't done."

When Gao heard this, he immediately frowned:
"No? Do you dare to say no? You pat your conscience and say, isn't it because my daughter married here that your old Gu family can live like this?

If you want to know what your old Gu family was like before my daughter got married, we all know it from ten miles and eight villages, but it is a family that almost can't even eat. "

Hearing this, Uncle Gu's expression turned ugly, and Yu's expression on the side also turned a little ugly: "My in-laws, just tell me what you want when you come here today."

"How? My daughter has been wronged too much here. As a mother, why don't I take her back to her mother's house and think about it? If I knew that your family abused my daughter so much, I would die of poverty. I refuse to let my daughter marry here."

As soon as she said this, the expressions of Yu Shi and Uncle Gu changed, and they both shook their heads: "No!"

You know, even if it's not for the workshop, it's just because of getting along with Gu Yunxian and his siblings' attitude towards Yin Ziying, at this time, they can't do what Gao wants.

Besides, Yin Ziying still needs to make every aspect of the workshop. I heard from Ziying that she will make new things in the future. How can I let Gao take her away at this time?
And who doesn't know what Gao's words mean?To put it bluntly, he wanted to take Yin Ziying back with empty hands.

It's intriguing to think about why you want to go back. According to Gao's rambunctious temperament and what he said today, it's most likely because of the workshop.

Gao put her hips on her hips and stopped crying: "No? You can't do it if you say no? You spent five taels of silver to marry my daughter. How many acres of land did my daughter earn for you when you came here?
I don't say anything else, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person, I'll give you five taels of silver back, and I won't pursue those fields that my daughter bought, and I'm going to take my daughter away today. "

As soon as she finished speaking, a heavy and old voice came from the crowd: "No!"

"No? What's wrong? My daughter was born to me. She can marry whichever family I want her to marry. Who can control me?"

"The laws of our Great Yan Dynasty are fine!"

The speaker's voice was solemn and calm, and then, a figure appeared in front of Gao and the others. Uncle Gu and Yu were a little surprised when they saw this person's expression: "Old village chief!"

The old village head nodded to the two, and then turned to look at Gao: "Are you from Yin Yueshan's family in Yinjia Village? Are you Ziying's mother? I am the village head of Baijia Village."

When he heard his self-introduction of his family name, Gao Shi was a little stunned. She didn't expect such a commotion to provoke the old village head of Baijia Village, but she reacted quickly.

After all, my daughter now has a shareholding in the workshop of Baijia Village, so it is naturally related to the interests of the village, so it is not surprising that the old village chief came out to stop it.

She turned her eyes, and then said to the old village chief with a bitter face:

"You are the old village head of this Baijia Village? I am Ziying's mother! Old village head, you have to make decisions for my daughter! She has been wronged to do this every day since she married into this old Gu family. there!

Old village head, you are so old, you will always have a granddaughter if you don’t have a daughter!You ask yourself, if one day your daughter and granddaughter are treated like this by her husband's family, will you be angry? "

The old village chief coughed: "What are you talking about? The old Gu family is very kind to Ziying. Everyone in the village knows about this. If you don't believe me, you can just ask Ziying."

"Hmph! Let me ask that girl? Now that girl is married to your village, what if she is worried that she won't dare to tell me the truth in the future?
Don’t lie to me, old village chief. I know how much my Ziying has contributed to your workshop, and you know it well. What I mean is, you can’t count on my daughter like this Son. "

The old village head snorted softly in his heart, so to speak, he still wants money!
He waved his hand: "Okay, okay, Yin family, don't think that everyone is deaf and blind. If you come here today, we all know what you want. Tell me, drive out your terms.

Don't always talk about taking your daughter back, our Great Yan Dynasty stipulates that when a woman marries Cong Fu, although Zi Ying has no man, she still has to listen to her husband's family, and she has to be willing to do it.

As for your natal family, you can no longer meddle in her affairs like this on the day you marry your daughter. "

(End of this chapter)

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