Chapter 116 Can You Suffer This Hardship?
Seeing the appearance of several people peeling the egg shells and then devouring them hungrily, Yin Ziying couldn't help feeling sad.

She walked to the teapot at the side and brought out the brown sugar water that she had just mixed for a few people: "Come on, drink some of this sugar water!"

Originally, she was thinking of serving a bowl of ice powder to each of them. The ice powder was just made, but when she thought that if the sisters ate ice powder for a while, they would definitely not be able to eat, so that's all.

In Lao Yin's house, even such dishes are not necessarily available during Chinese New Year.Therefore, Yin Ziying decided to wait for the few people to eat the ice powder after they had eaten.

Seeing the sisters eating eggs and drinking brown sugar water, Yin Ziying asked:
"By the way, how's your father and mother's health these days? How's your family doing? Do you still need to do so much work? How is Brother Lin? Why didn't Brother Lin come over today?"

Yin Jingjing shook her head first, with some helplessness on her face:

"My father and mother's bodies are still the same as before, and the house is also similar to before, but when the farming season is busy, my sisters and I go to the fields to pick ears of wheat.

Brother Lin is also the same as before, he just goes to play with the little friends in the village all day long.The reason why he didn't come here today..."

She paused at this point, and Yin Jiajia on the side took Yin Ziying's words and said:
"Originally, father wanted brother Lin to come with us today, but mother stopped him before leaving, saying that it was too far to come to Baijia Village.

Mother said that after you bought the carriage, big sister, I would send the carriage to pick up Brother Lin, and Brother Lin agreed. "

Hearing Yin Jiajia's words, Yin Ziying's expression remained unchanged, but she sneered in her heart. Sure enough, this is exactly the idea that Gao came to Baijia Village today.

She said that the clothes on the people she saw just now were worse than what they usually wore at home, although they said that what they wore at home was not so good, and they were also patched clothes.

But it is not as exaggerated as the clothes I wear today.Everything is just a show.After all, she remembered the original owner's younger brother, Yin Ruilin, who had been wearing new clothes since he was young.

If Yin Ruilin came here today, Gao Shi might not be able to find any bad clothes suitable for him in a while!Gao Shi did this purely for the sake of coming here.

Yin Ziying thought so, when she heard a voice stop Yin Jiajia: "Fourth sister, what are you talking about? My mother is not like that."

Yin Ziying looked back, and it was none other than the second sister Yin Jingjing who was talking. Seeing her looking over, Yin Jingjing looked a little embarrassed, she waved her hand and then said to Yin Ziying:

"Big sister, big sister, don't listen to the nonsense of the fourth sister, mother, she didn't mean that, we just heard that you are living a good life now, big sister, when we were in the village.

I heard that you are working in a workshop or something, and you can take care of a lot of things, so my mother thinks that your life is better than before..."

Seeing the way Yin Ziying looked at her, she closed her mouth in embarrassment, the eldest sister looked like she knew what happened at home.

But I think it's true, after all, the eldest sister has only been married for more than a month, and she has been with her mother for so many years, how can the eldest sister not know what her mother is thinking?

Yin Ziying shook her head, she also understood Yin Jingjing's thoughts, after all, if the window paper was pierced and Gao's thoughts were revealed, then they would be regarded as sisters and relatives.

From the original owner's point of view, it was also her natal family who co-authored to plot against her.

She shook her head, and said to several people while frying vegetables in her hands: "What about you? Have you ever thought about your future? Have you thought about what you will do in the future?"

Yin Jingjing was taken aback for a moment, she looked up at Yin Ziying, saw that she was looking at her, and hurriedly lowered her head.

On the other hand, sisters Yin Jiajia and Yin Sisi looked up at Yin Ziying with a half-understanding look on their faces.

Yin Ziying raised the corners of her lips and smiled. It seemed that, not to mention the third and fourth sisters, at least her second sister should have some plans in her heart, otherwise she wouldn't have such an expression just now.

She cleared her throat, and then said to several people: "The things you heard in the village are not all nonsense, at least some of them are true.

For example, arrange people in the workshop, I can indeed arrange some people.Do you guys want to work in the workshop?If you want to work in the workshop, I can arrange it for you. "

As soon as she finished speaking, Yin Jingjing suddenly looked up at her, with surprise flashing across her eyes.

And Yin Jiajia and Yin Sisi were stunned for a moment, and then they also realized that they also looked at her with surprise on their faces.

"Big sister, what did you just say? Is what you said true? Can you arrange for us to enter the workshop?"

Yin Jingjing stared at her elder sister closely, for fear that in the blink of an eye, the elder sister would say that what she just said was wrong.

Yin Ziying nodded: "If you have this idea, I can arrange for you to go in.

But even if you go in, you won't be able to do all the work. Those are all labor-intensive jobs. Even the jobs that women can do are extremely hard. Can you bear this hardship? "

"It's enough, big sister, we can eat it!" Yin Jingjing led the two younger sisters and nodded their heads.

Yin Ziying nodded, and looked at the faces of several people with a smile:
"You guys are not too young anymore, it's time to save money for yourself, when you enter the workshop, how much money you make will be the same as other people's.

At that time, when you go home to report, you will report five dollars less than others, and you can save the rest yourself, or deposit it with me. "

Hearing Yin Ziying's words, Yin Jingjing and the others were a little surprised, but then a little scared.

"Big sister, no, what if mother and father also go in?"

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows: "Don't worry, I won't recruit parents. Our workshop has no shortage of people, just a few of you are missing."

Hearing this, the sisters showed joy on their faces.

Seeing the appearance of the sisters, Yin Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, she also wanted to take care of the original owner's sisters.

A few people were talking, when Gao's cursing voice came from outside: "Is it up to you to say anything? No, I want to take my daughter back!"

If Yin Ziying hadn't appeared just now, Gao's words might really have made Uncle Gu, the old village chief and others hesitate.

But now they already knew Yin Ziying's thoughts, and naturally they also knew that Yin Ziying didn't want to get used to Gao Shi's affairs, so they shook their heads and slowly reasoned with Gao Shi.

Yin Ziying who heard this in the room raised the corners of her lips, she turned her head to the sisters who had finished eating and said, "Let's go! Pick up the dishes and go to the main room over there, ready to eat."

Sisters Yin Jingjing and the others glanced at each other, with hesitation in their eyes, but mother's scolding came from outside, if they go out now, they might be scolded!

"Don't worry, she doesn't have time to scold you now!"

Yin Ziying gave them a funny look, and took the lead out with the dishes. Seeing this, the three Yin Jingjing and sisters also picked up the dishes on the stove and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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