Chapter 142 Yin Ziying's Worries
Before leaving, the old village chief took a look at Yin Ziying, and said: "Ziying, I have something to tell you, you have to think about it, if you make peace with Brother Yan, you bought it for the Gu family before. You don't have much of those fields anymore."

In the past, Yin Ziying bought some land, but because she was the wife of Gu's parents at that time, the names on the land deeds were not written by her, but by Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui.

This is the sadness of being a woman in this era. At that time, she wanted to add Gu Yunxuan's name, but the old village chief and others stopped her.

Later, she was the one who tried her best to add Gu Yunxuan's name, as if the two acres of land that Yin Ziying used to build a winter shed now belonged to Gu Yunxuan.

Now hearing what the old village head said, Yin Ziying nodded: "Don't worry, Grandpa Village Chief, I know this matter well, although it has nothing to do with me, but this is good, it can give brother Xian and the others confidence .”

Gu Yunyan's current way of life, Yin Ziying is really worried that if he really puts this land deed in his hands, he will sell it or something. Fortunately, this land deed is neither written by Gu Yunyan nor his name.

The old village head nodded, his understanding of Yin Ziying was refreshed again, and he walked back.

As soon as they left, Yin Jingjing walked in: "Big sister, is that really your plan?"

It wasn't long after she came back from work, but she heard such bold remarks from her elder sister. She can guarantee that if her parents knew what the elder sister said just now, they would be very angry.

After all, the reason why the parents agreed that the elder sister and the elder brother-in-law should reconcile.To put it bluntly, what parents think in their hearts is that the eldest sister can go home at that time. If they know the plan of the eldest sister, they don't know how angry the mother will be!

Yin Ziying nodded: "Have you heard everything?"

"Big sister, if my parents know about it, I'm afraid they will say you, so what will I do then?"

Yin Jingjing looked a little anxious. She has been living in the eldest sister's house for the past few months. Although her personality has changed a lot after she got married, they are still biological sisters, and the eldest sister still takes great care of them.

Yin Ziying shook her head: "Don't worry, I have something to say. It is beneficial to settle in Baijia Village. If I really want to go back to Yinjia Village with Li, do you think they will help me so readily?"

"Big sister, what do you mean..."

Yin Ziying nodded and then said: "I'll take care of my parents' place at that time. For you, it's a good thing that I don't settle down. Are you thinking of going back and forth between the two villages every day?"

The reason why Yin Jingjing and the others borrowed to live in the old Gu's house now was that she was the eldest sister who was the daughter-in-law of the old Gu's family. If she was not the daughter-in-law of the old Gu's family, Yin Jingjing and the others naturally had no reason to live in.

"Big sister, didn't you say before that there is such a thing in the new workshop? Dorms? Why did you tell the old village chief that you want to build a house?"

"You can live in the dormitory, but the place is small, and it's only suitable for me and Gu Yunyan and Li to stay with you for a while. It won't work for a long time.

And then to settle down, you need to have a house. I don't have a house. No matter how good the dormitory is, it belongs to the public property of the village, so I can't get a hukou. "

Yin Jingjing nodded half-understood, but she didn't really understand what the big sister did.

In her opinion, the eldest brother-in-law is a good-looking man and a scholar. Apart from being a little annoyed at first, when she calms down later, she will find that a man like the eldest brother-in-law is extremely difficult to find.

Yin Ziying took a look at this younger sister. Yin Jingjing was two years younger than her. She was 13 years old and was the second child at home. But in Yin Ziying's opinion, she was the most stubborn among the younger sisters.

It's not about her character or something, but her temperament, which seems to have deep-rooted thoughts of the ancients. Compared with the lively third and fourth younger sisters, this second younger sister is the most worrying for Yin Ziying.

After all, like Yin Jingjing, she would rather swallow her grievances by herself, and feel that she should be responsible when something happens, which is a typical pleasing personality.

If she gets married from now on, it's okay if she meets a good man who knows what's hot and cold, but if she meets a man who is chauvinistic or even more excessive, she can't be wronged to death?
"Jingjing, do you now feel that Gu Yunyan is not unforgivable?"

Yin Jingjing was taken aback, she didn't expect her eldest sister to say that, she hesitated for a while, then nodded:
"Eldest sister, I think that elder brother-in-law is in pretty good condition, and he is a master of talent. From now on, you will be a lady of talent, and you will be the most beautiful person in ten miles and eight villages."

Yin Ziying sighed: "Jingjing, come and sit down, I'll talk to you."

Seeing what she said, Yin Jingjing was a little scared, but she still opened the chair and sat opposite Yin Ziying: "Big sister, tell me."

"Jingjing, what do you think the name Mrs. Xiucai can bring me? Will others really envy me when they hear this name? Or will they secretly laugh at me in their hearts?"

Seeing Yin Jingjing's pensive look, she said again: "Think about it! Before Gu Yunyan came back, I, Yin Ziying, was in the village, among the people from all over the world. How was my reputation? What do people think of me?

Now that Gu Yunyan is back, how is my reputation?How do people see me?What do you think people will think of me if I continue to live with Gu Yunyan? "

Yin Jingjing was shocked when she heard these words.She still remembered that when her eldest brother-in-law didn't come back, her eldest sister was in the village, and she was a rare capable person in the village.

The eldest sister is very powerful, the eldest sister is very capable, the eldest sister is very righteous, and even others do not call the eldest sister Gu Jia, but call the eldest sister Yin Niangzi, which shows how the villagers think of the eldest sister.

And since her eldest brother-in-law came back, she heard people talking about this matter outside, all about how pitiful and aggrieved her eldest sister was.

However, there are exceptions to this. For example, some people think that the eldest sister is lucky. Before, she thought she married a dead person, but now that person is alive and has become a scholar.

The eldest sister also relied on her eldest brother-in-law's status as a master of scholar to become a lady of scholar, and she will enjoy inexhaustible honor in the future.

However, compared to the views and evaluations of the elder sister by the villagers before, is what the elder sister has received now, is this really an honor?

Seeing Yin Jingjing's dazed look, Yin Ziying added another sentence:
"Think about it, if I really continue to live with Gu Yunyan, will I lose face? If you don't talk about me, I'm afraid that you sisters will be talked about secretly, let alone the family."

(End of this chapter)

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