Chapter 152 and Leaving the Book

Yin Ziying nodded:
"Well, I won't go back to Yin's Village. First, I don't want to go back to my mother's house. It's good to live like this. Second, now Jingjing and the others are working in the workshop, and they can't do it when I settle here. There can be a place to stay.

Next year I may take my younger brother over, and then you can go to private school with him, which will be more convenient. "

These were all things she had planned for a long time. In her impression, although the people in Yinjia Village were all from their own clan, they did not get along as well as the people of different clans in Baijia Village.

And she didn't want to go back and deal with Yin Yueshan and Gao's every day, so it would be nice to settle here alone and take these children to do farming.

"Sister-in-law, if you plan like this, the Yin family village..."

Yin Ziying waved her hand: "Don't worry about that side, anyway, they have nothing to say after the matter is settled, but you guys, don't go to the workshop tomorrow, you may go to the town then."


That night, Uncle Gu learned the news from his nephew and niece. Seeing Uncle Gu and his aunt Yu Shi anxiously, Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled:
"Uncle, Auntie, it seems that you all know."

Seeing Yin Ziying's smile, Uncle Gu's heart skipped a beat. He opened his mouth to speak, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth again.

The same goes for Mrs. Yu on the side. After seeing Yin Ziying, her complexion changed a few times, and she finally nodded: "Forget it, since Ziying has already thought it through, then do this! Don't worry, we won't stop you."

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two, Yin Ziying felt a little sad in her heart. Although this matter was only about Gu Yunyan and her, for Uncle Gu and Shi Yu, they were quite worried.

But for Uncle Gu and Shi Yu, this incident was actually more like the boulder in their hearts had fallen to the ground.

After all, it wasn't the first day they knew Yin Ziying, and they already knew her character, so they did what they said. Since she had already said it before, it would be like this sooner or later.

So when they learned about this from their nephews and nieces today, apart from being shocked, they were filled with regret.

What a pity that such a good niece and daughter-in-law do not belong to their family!

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "Thank you uncle and aunt for taking care of me during this time. Although we can't be relatives, I will always respect you as elders."

Although Gu Yunyan is not very good, Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu, including those from the old Gu family, are all good people.

Uncle Gu nodded: "Ziying, since you've already considered it, then we won't say anything. Brother Yan, have you told him?"

"Of course not, but he should have no objection to this matter, don't you think so, uncle?"

This matter, no matter how you look at it from any angle, is beneficial to Gu Yunyan, she is already very face-saving, if Gu Yunyan still picks and chooses, then she will not be happy.

Seeing Yin Ziying like this, Uncle Gu nodded: "Alright, I heard that you have settled down in our village! And then move to the workshop first tomorrow?

Ziying, it's fine to just live at home, at worst, you move to our place, there is nothing in the small courtyard of the workshop, so what's the good?It's winter, and the Chinese New Year will be here soon, will you be able to live there alone? "

Yin Ziying looked back, and then said:
"It's okay, I've already asked Carpenter Geng to look over there, and he'll prepare everything that's missing for me today, and then it'll be fine. If it's Chinese New Year, we'll talk about it then..."

For this year's Chinese New Year, she still thought of a reason to keep Yin Jingjing and the sisters here, otherwise, if they go back to Yin's Village, she still doesn't know what the Gao family will ask the sisters to do!

Seeing that she had said that, Uncle Gu nodded: "Alright then, Ziying, tell us when you want to move, and we'll help you."

Mrs. Yu on the side also nodded again and again: "Ziying, don't you want to settle in the village? Then where will you go to build a house? Have you seen it? Otherwise, let your uncle help you look at it then!"

Yin Ziying nodded and said with a smile: "That would be the best, I just need to trouble Uncle."

Hearing Yin Ziying's words of not delaying, Shi Yu and Uncle Gu breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on their faces:
"Okay, okay, as long as you are willing, I will go to the village to search for you later, and I will make arrangements for you to build a house."

Several people talked for a while, and agreed on the size of the house, etc., and Uncle Gu and the two went back.

I don't know if Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui didn't tell Gu Yunyan or what.In short, Yin Ziying thought that Gu Yunyan would come to question her or something that night, but he didn't come.

At noon the next day, the old village chief came to the old Gu's house with a document in his hand, and happened to run into Gu Yunyan who had just returned from Uncle Gu's house.

"Grandpa Village Chief, you are..."

Gu Yunyan looked at the paperwork in the old village head's hand with an ugly expression, thinking of seeing Yin Ziying outside the old village head's house yesterday afternoon, his face was even more ugly.

Did that woman really go to find the village chief's grandfather yesterday?Fortunately, he thought he had settled the village chief's grandpa, but he didn't expect that the village chief's grandpa didn't even listen to him?

Just thinking about this in his mind, he saw the woman come out of the east room step by step, and said to the old village head with a smile:

"Grandpa, the village chief, you are here. I guess you arrived at about this time. I just visited the small yard this morning. I was planning to move there as soon as you came."

The old village chief nodded and saw Yin Ziying. The embarrassment he had just seen Gu Yunyan was a little less: "It's all cleaned up over there? Just clean it up. I'll call a few people to help you later."

"That's not necessary. We don't have anything. I went to Carpenter Geng yesterday. If there is anything to add, it should have been added. Grandpa, the village chief, let's go into the house and talk."

The old village chief followed Yin Ziying into the main house while nodding. When he approached the door, he looked back at Gu Yunyan, who was standing in the yard looking ugly, and said, "Brother Yan, come too!"

Yin Ziying didn't stop the old village head from calling Gu Yunyan in. This was Gu Yunyan's home. Secondly, she was going to move there with her sisters and Gu Yunxuan this afternoon. He would know sooner or later.

In order to avoid any commotion at that time, it is better to ask Gu Yunyan to come in now to hear how to deal with it. Anyway, the matter has been done, and there is nothing he can do if he is not satisfied.

Gu Yunyan glanced at the two people who disappeared at the door of the main house, hesitated for a second, and finally walked in. He needed to see what this woman said to the village chief's grandfather to make the village chief's grandfather change his mind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the house, he heard the old village head say: "Come on, Ziying, this is your He Lishu, please check if there is any problem. And this, this is your household registration certificate."

He looked up in disbelief at the old village chief and Yin Ziying who were sitting there: "Grandpa village chief, aren't you..."

(End of this chapter)

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