Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 158 Are You Hesitating About Well Drilling Money?

Chapter 158 Are You Hesitating About Well Drilling Money?

In the small courtyard, Yin Jingjing and sisters put all the things in place with the oil lamp, and Gu Dabo and Gu Yunxian brothers also helped move the heavy objects.

In the kitchen, Yin Ziying was cooking, little Gu Yunxuan was sitting in front of the stove and helping her light the fire, and Yu Shi was helping her.

Since today is a housewarming, it is also a new beginning for Yin Ziying, so she naturally has to prepare well for this meal.

It just so happened that today I got some fresh and untouched food from Cuixianlou in the town, and it will be reheated tonight.

In addition, Yin Ziying also added some vegetables produced in the space, so the meal was completed in a short time.

At the dinner table, Uncle Gu looked at Yin Ziying who raised the teacup, his eyes turned red, and he also raised the teacup: "Ziying, our Gu family is not so lucky..."

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "Uncle, please don't say that, it's not a bad thing, oh yes, I won't change my words from now on, you just called you Uncle Gu Bar!"

The Yin Jingjing sisters at the side heard this and immediately said with interest: "Uncle Gu."

Hearing the cheery voices of several young girls, Uncle Gu's heart can be described as uneasy, and he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

Compared with him, the eldest aunt Yu was much calmer: "Good children are all good children. Come, let's replace wine with tea. I wish you, Ziying, a bright future and a prosperous journey."

Uncle Gu also nodded: "Yes, yes, the future is bright. If Ziying needs help in the future, please feel free to ask me or Brother Jie. I have already said hello to them."

On the dining table, several hands raised their teacups together, and finally everyone drank it down.

Under the candlelight, Yin Ziying saw the water in the corners of Gu Yunxian's brothers and sisters and Uncle Gu's eyes, but she pretended not to know, and continued to invite everyone to pick up vegetables for dinner.

For the old Gu's family, it might be the loss of a nephew/sister-in-law, but for her, Yin Ziying, it was a relief. She has been in ancient times for more than half a year, and finally found freedom.

As for her, the relationship with Gu Yunxian and Uncle Gu is just a slight change, and it doesn't mean that they will stop communicating in the future.

She will still live in the village in the future, and sister Xuan will still grow up under her hands, so she doesn't feel the pain of parting.

After drinking and eating, and seeing off Uncle Gu, Gu Yunxian and others, Yin Ziying patted Gu Yunxuan who was sitting in her arms and looked out: "Sister Xuan, are you afraid?"

Gu Yunxuan shook her head when she heard the words, and hugged Yin Ziying's waist tightly: "Sister-in-law, I'm not afraid, I want to be with sister-in-law."

"This child is so close to big sister, which makes us all a little jealous." Yin Jiajia said with a smile.

Yin Jingjing also nodded, and said coldly while cleaning up the leftovers on the table: "No, it's not the same for us younger sisters when I see my eldest sister raising her daughter like a daughter."

Gu Yunxuan, who was nestled in Yin Ziying's arms, heard these words and looked up at Yin Ziying. She blinked her big watery eyes and said, "Sister-in-law, is it true? Do you really raise me as a daughter?"

Looking at her big watery eyes, Yin Ziying was both amused and pitiful, she stretched out her hand and tapped her little nose, then nodded, and said with a smile on her face:
"That's natural. I just raised our sister Xuan as my daughter."

Gu Yunxuan nodded seriously: "If that's the case, then sister-in-law must not leave me behind."

"Okay, okay, I won't leave you behind, but you can't call me sister-in-law now, what do you want to call me?"

Gu Yunxuan was very kind, and immediately said with crooked eyebrows: "Sister Ziying."

Looking at this scene, Yin Ziying felt a little emotional, and after a long while, she called a few people to wash up together.

This small courtyard was originally prepared for a temporary dormitory, so the house built is not big, it can be said to be very compact, with a main room plus east and west wings, and the east and west wings each have a side room.

There are a total of five rooms in total. The largest main room has a small space on one side, which is a bathroom temporarily used for bathing, and the other side has a large space for eating and entertaining guests.

Yin Ziying is currently sleeping in the main house of the east wing, Gu Yunxuan is sleeping in the east wing, and Yin Jingjing and sisters are sleeping in the west wing, and the wing is temporarily used as a kitchen.

There is no well in the yard, and the only way to get water is to go to the public well in the village or go to the workshop.

It's just that Yin Ziying has already set a rule that no one can enter the workshop during non-working hours, so she naturally doesn't want to make an exception.

Therefore, the water in this small yard today was picked by Uncle Gu and the others, and it seemed to be enough for the sisters and the others for a few days.

But because of Yin Ziying's relationship, the habits of Yin Jingjing and the others have also changed. Even in such a cold day, they have to scrub their bodies well.

So, right now, the well is just needed. After washing, Yin Ziying looked at the sisters sitting at the table and knocked on the table: "I will ask someone to dig a well tomorrow, and it will be more convenient then."

Upon hearing this, Yin Jingjing immediately became anxious: "Big sister, does a well cost a lot of money? It's several taels of silver, it's too expensive. From now on, we'll just go to the village to fetch water by ourselves every day."

Yin Ziying shook her head: "One well costs five taels of silver. After digging this well, at least our family won't have to go out to blow wind and line up to fetch water this winter. What a bargain."

Although she said she would move out of the new house after the new year, but right now this well is really just needed, and she would rather spend a few taels of silver than go out and stand in the cold wind and wait in line to fetch water.

"Big sister, five taels of silver, didn't you just divide up the silver..."

Yin Jingjing's words stopped abruptly, because she found that her elder sister gave her a faint look. Although Yin Ziying usually didn't care about them, in their hearts, her elder sister's words were still very intimidating.

"What I mean is, big sister, don't you have to build a house after the next year? It will cost a lot of money to get down! It costs so much money to dig this well now, and it won't be possible to move the well when the time comes. take away."

Gu Yunxuan raised her head and looked at the few people with surprise in her eyes: "Is sister Ziying out of money? Sister Xuan has money, and sister Xuan has 80 taels of silver. Sister Ziying can take money from sister Xuan."

Yin Ziying lowered her head and touched Gu Yunxuan's hair before shaking her head with a smile: "Sister Xuan, don't worry, I have money, you go back to sleep."

Since she was able to distribute the silver, it is naturally impossible that it was only given to Gu Yunxian, brother and sister, and she had 80 taels of silver left in her own hand.

However, if you want to build a house in the future, the 80 taels of silver may not be enough. For a house like the old Gu's, I heard that it cost a full 90 taels when we first built it!
What she plans to build is not the houses that were common in ancient times. She plans to redecorate the bathroom, get a toilet, running water, etc., and add modern furniture and sofas. more.

Not to mention that now because of the better life in Baijia Village, the homestead has increased several times compared to before, and it takes a lot of money to get the homestead.

Thinking of this, Yin Ziying frowned, it seemed that she had to make money as soon as possible, otherwise she would just be stuck in this small yard every day.

But when she thought of the benefits that those vegetables would bring, she breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she still had income. When did she even hesitate to pay 5 taels of money for drilling a well?

She smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, I have enough money here, and I'll send someone over tomorrow to see if the land can be drilled."

Seeing that Yin Ziying had made up her mind, the sisters Yin Jingjing and the others stopped trying to persuade her, so they nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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