Chapter 160 Year-end Awards

Thinking of this, Yin Ziying thought of another thing. Speaking of which, tomorrow is the day when Cuixianlou will come to pick up the goods. In the afternoon, I will go to Uncle Gu and the others to talk about it, and see if Uncle Gu and others can help collect it in the evening. Food is.

Although it is said that the villagers will build this greenhouse soon afterward, it is fund-raising. Yin Ziying doesn't want so many people to go in and see it for the time being.

Moreover, I told Yin Jingjing this morning to ask Aunt Fu to send a letter to Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi when she returns home. I don't know if those two people will kill them directly tomorrow.

In the evening, when Yin Jingjing and the others came back, what they saw was the brand new well platform and water well in the yard, and there was a fence blocking the side.

Yin Ziying said to several people: "The well has just been dug, and the water didn't come up so fast. It's been a bit cloudy for the past two days. I'll just use the water stored in the water tank in the kitchen and use it later."

They nodded and followed into the kitchen one by one to help. After dinner, Yin Ziying told them that she was going to the field at night.

"I'll go out tonight, you guys go to bed early after washing at home, hear me?"

"Big sister, what are you going to do tonight? It's already dark." Sister Yin Jingjing and the others were amazed.

Yin Ziying said: "Aren't those fresh vegetables in the field ready? A few days ago, I went to town and told the old shopkeeper of Cuixianlou. He said that he will come to collect the first shipment tomorrow, and it will arrive tomorrow morning. I don't We have to collect some vegetables tonight."

"Big sister, let's go with you, we can help."

Yin Ziying waved her hand: "I don't need you, I asked Uncle Gu and the others to help, you guys are still going to work tomorrow!"

"Big sister, what can I do, you have to go in the middle of the night, we have a companion together."

Even the little Gu Yunxuan said from the side: "Sister Ziying, I will follow you to the field to collect vegetables, and I will also collect vegetables."

Hearing Gu Yunxuan mentioning this, Yin Ziying immediately laughed. This is really true. When she was in the old Gu's house, Gu Yunxuan often followed her to harvest vegetables in the backyard.

But at this time she still shook her head:
"You guys are obedient. It's too cold now. What if you get sick from the cold when you go out in the middle of the night? I'll go with Uncle Gu, Uncle Niang and Brother Jie. You don't have to worry.

Besides, this time I don't have to harvest all two acres of land, but only one-third of it. The few of us are enough, and you will take up space if you go. "

She made an agreement with the old shopkeeper of Cuixianlou that she would come three times in total, and tomorrow is the delivery date for the first one.

Seeing a few people and wanting to say something, she waved her hands and gave the order to die. Everyone saw this and said nothing more.

And that night, Yin Ziying got up and went out after coaxing Gu Yunxuan to sleep.

Winter is always cold, not to mention in the middle of the night, even though I wear thick clothes, I still feel the wind blowing on my face like a knife.

She pulled up the homemade scarf, only revealing a pair of eyes, and then walked quickly into the field with the lantern in hand.

What she didn't expect was that when she arrived at her own field, she saw neatly harvested vegetables at the door of the shed, and Uncle Gu and Shi Yu led Gu Yunli, Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunxian to work inside. with.

Like this, how does it look like you just came here?Obviously it was about to be finished, seeing this scene, Yin Ziying was a little moved.

"Uncle, Aunt, Brother Xian, what are you doing? Didn't you agree to come later? Why are you here at this time?"

Hearing her voice suddenly, several people stopped what they were doing.

"Ziying, you're here. I should have told you before I came to bed just now. Look at you. I ran for nothing, and I froze for a while."

On the side, Mrs. Yu glared at Uncle Gu who was speaking, and then said:

"What do you know? Just now, if we told Ziying not to come, would Ziying agree? It's fine if you come now, Ziying, look, it's not much, let your younger brothers collect the vegetables, we Just two in this stack, don't get your hands dirty."

Under the dim light, this scene in the shed was reflected in Yin Ziying's heart, and even after a long time, she would still think of this scene from time to time.

But at this moment, Yin Ziying stepped forward with a smirk and took the food from her aunt Yu:
"Auntie, how can I do it? These are all my jobs. If you come early and finish the job, then I didn't come for nothing?"

When it came to the end, her voice was a little choked, Uncle Gu and Yu Shi, to be honest, it was really good for her.

Seeing her dirty hands and hearing her voice like this, Uncle Gu and Shi Yu didn't dare to step forward to stop Yin Ziying, while Gu Yunxian and the others who had stopped because of Yin Ziying's arrival turned around and continued working. went.

Under the lights, although everyone in the shed was working, they could see a joyous energy.

In a blink of an eye, the day came to the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. On this morning, the workers in the workshop were busy with the little work at hand.

The old village head said that after finishing all these tasks in the afternoon, everyone can go home for the New Year. Not only this afternoon, but also the second day of the Lunar New Year.

The meaning of this holiday is different from their usual leave. The old village head said that this holiday means that they can not work in the workshop during this period, but their wages will be paid during this period.

This is only the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, and the holiday is on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and they are only used to go to work on the third day of the Lunar New Year. That means they have six and a half days to do nothing and still get paid. What a great thing this is! !
Therefore, many people are full of energy today, and all they think in their hearts is that they should do the work earlier and then clean up these things. After all, the village treats them so well, and they have to know whether they are grateful or not.

At this time, in the office of the new workshop, Yin Ziying was also talking to the old village chief and Uncle Gu.

"Ziying, look, this is the tael of silver you said you wanted to exchange, and it has been exchanged, a total of 50 ingots."

Yin Ziying glanced at the money bag and nodded, then pointed to the cloth beside her and said:
"Are these already cut or haven't been cut? Is it troublesome to feel numb? Do you want to cut it now?"

Although this workshop was just started this year, the harvest was good after all, and the village also made some money.

After Yin Ziying made up her mind, she simply discussed with Uncle Gu and the old village head, and took some from each of them, and then took some from the money held by the head of the village to give everyone a year-end bonus.

In addition to rewarding the year-end bonus, there are also rewards such as rice, flour, grain, oil and cloth, so as to motivate them to be more motivated next year.

Of course, not everyone can receive silver rewards. After all, there are now two workshops in total, the old workshop and the new workshop, and there are hundreds of people in the workforce. It is impossible for everyone to give out year-end bonuses.

(End of this chapter)

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