Chapter 162

The old village head and Yin Ziying smiled and nodded to everyone, and then the old village head said:

"You also know that this afternoon you will have a holiday and go home. This holiday will start from the afternoon of the 27th of the twelfth lunar month until the second day of the Lunar New Year, and you will come to work on the third day of the Lunar New Year."

Seeing that everyone was looking at them, the old village chief paused and said, "Since it's the Chinese New Year, it's time to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, so we can't prepare nothing for you, can we?

It's Chinese New Year, and today we will give out year-end awards to those who have made great contributions in the workshop in the past six months.

Those who don’t have a year-end bonus can also distribute rice, flour, grain, oil, cloth, etc., and a catty of pork per person, so everyone will gather in the big house over there later, hear that? "

Hearing what the old village chief said, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, year-end bonus?What is that?They never heard of it.

However, when the old village chief said that people without year-end bonuses can also have rice, flour, grain, oil, cloth, and a catty of pork per person, everyone's eyes lit up.

They don't know if they have this year-end award, but they always have a share of this rice, flour, grain, oil, cloth, or pork, don't they?
Didn't expect such a good thing?All of a sudden, the expressions on everyone's faces were filled with joy.

Someone immediately shouted loudly: "Yes! Thank you, Uncle Village Chief, we understand, and we will go over after packing up in a while."

With the first person responding, the rest of the people also nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Uncle Village Chief, let's go over after cleaning up the hygiene here."

"Yes, yes, we will clean up here before we go."

Seeing this, the old village head smiled with satisfaction, and turned to look at Yin Ziying: "How is it, Ziying, how about this?"

Yin Ziying felt a little amused, the old village head looked like this.How is it that there is a trace of pride and a trace of begging for boasting?But she still had a smile on her face and said:

"Yes, Grandpa Village Chief, you are right. The uncles in the village are also good. Now that we have made it clear to them, let's go to the next room and talk about it in the old workshop. , After finishing talking, go back to the big house and wait for these uncles and aunts to go over."

The old village head nodded: "I have exactly the same intention."

After the two of them had finished the whole journey, they returned to the big room. The so-called big room was actually built specially at the beginning, and it was used as a place for staff meetings when necessary. Sometimes it can also be used to air-dry sweet potato powder and those things.

At this time, a small number of villagers were already waiting in this big house, and when they saw the two coming in, the villagers all cheered.

The old village head and Yin Ziying agreed, and then walked to the front, and at the table at the front, Uncle Gu was already waiting there.

"The village chief said kiss, are you here? How is it? Are those people finished?"

Yin Ziying smiled and nodded: "It's almost done, and it will be here in a while, so let's wait here for a while."

"Well, that's fine, let's wait."

Uncle Gu looked at the rice noodles, grains and oil on the shelf behind the table and the pieces of pork in the barrel, with a smile on his face:

"Speaking of which, even if all of us come to this place at this time, it is enough to arrange a place for each table to eat, but this year is still a bit rushed."

The old village head smiled and said: "Jingyun, your idea is wrong, how much money have we spent on all these year-end bonuses and these messy things, if we run a banquet that is enough for hundreds of people, we will be scolded." It cost dozens of taels of silver!

This year we really can't manage the funds, let's see next year, if there is so much money next year, we will let everyone have a meal here before going back next year. "

Listening to the conversation between the old village head and Uncle Gu, Yin Ziying thought in her heart, if you look at it this way, let everyone have a meal before going back, it is not the same as those companies in the 21st century society that will hold an annual meeting at the end of the year it's the same.

In fact, she also wanted to hold this annual meeting this year, but she did consider the lack of funds.

Eating a meal here is not as good as letting people take silver to go home with silver, and those who take meat and rice noodles to go home with meat and rice noodles. These things are more affordable for everyone.

Besides, if the annual meeting is really held here.Does the program need these things?After eating, do you need someone to clean up the mess?

Not long after, workers from the new and old workshops had already entered, and the empty room was quickly filled with people standing in an orderly manner.

Uncle Gu stood up and said loudly to the crowd:
"Have all the people in the first group, the second group, the third group, the fourth group and the fifth group arrived in the new workshop? The group leader checks the report by himself. The old workshop is also the same. Each group leader checks whether the people in his group have arrived."

Now that there are more people in the workshop, for the convenience of management, every person is divided into a group. Most of the candidates for this group leader are the first ten people who worked with Yin Ziying at that time.

Because of the familiarity with Yin Ziying, it is easier to manage this way.

On weekdays, if Yin Ziying had any new regulations, she would tell the old village head and Uncle Gu, and then directly announce to these team leaders, which was much faster than calling everyone to a meeting at the beginning.

Not long after, I remembered the voices of each group leader reporting the number: "A group of people is here!"

"The second team is here!"

"The three groups are here!"

"Four groups of people..."


As soon as the team leaders reported the number of people, Uncle Gu and Yin Ziying looked at each other, and then they both looked at the old village chief.

"You two are really..."

The old village chief stood up with a smile and pointed to the two, then walked to the middle of the high platform, cleared his throat and said to the people below: "Hi, fellow villagers!"

"Hi, Uncle Village Chief!"

"Hello, old village head!"

The response from the people below was very enthusiastic, and everyone was excited. They all knew that this afternoon was going to be a holiday with wages, and they could get meat to go home here. Everyone was very excited.

Looking at the following scene, the old village head nodded in satisfaction before continuing:
"Today is the 27th day of the twelfth lunar month. In a few days it will be the Chinese New Year. Our workshop will be on holiday this afternoon until the third day of the Lunar New Year. Everyone knows that, right?"

"Back to the old village chief/uncle village chief, we know!"

The old village head smiled and nodded: "It's good to know, then the reason why we called you here today is to hold this year-end award event, you may not understand the year-end award.

To put it simply, the big guys have done a good job in the workshop in the past six months of this year, and now is the time for us to reward them for their merits.

Today, we should pay more for those who have meritorious deeds, less for those who have less credit, and don’t be proud of those who earn a lot. We still have to work hard in the coming year, otherwise it may not be you in the coming year.

Don’t be discouraged if there are few or no posts at all. We will still have this event next year, and maybe we will open another workshop next year. If it really opens at that time, the selection of team leaders will of course be you These are capable and meritorious.

So everyone got what they were supposed to get today, went back to spend a good year with their families, and started work on the third day of the new year, so everyone can work hard? "

"to make!"

"to make!"

"to make!"

The crowd at the bottom was very excited, and the voices came out wave after wave. Although I don't know how much the old village chief said, the number of hair is high and the hair is low, but it is only the old village head who said that he will open a new workshop next year and select people. The matter of being the team leader has already made many people excited.

(End of this chapter)

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