Chapter 181
Speaking of this, several people showed a smile on their faces: "Big sister, we have all seen it. Brother Xian is really amazing. He has guessed so many lanterns, and he doesn't need to spend money to buy them."

"Big sister, are the lanterns in the town fun? Is it much more lively than usual?" Yin Sisi looked at Yin Ziying expectantly.

Yin Ziying thought for a while before saying: "It's okay, there are more stalls than usual, the streets are full of lanterns, and the food is not much different from the past.

It's okay, there's still time to come, I'll take you to the town to have a look at that time, if it doesn't work then let's go to the county to watch the Lantern Festival. "

Hearing Yin Ziying's words, several people were a little surprised, and even Yin Jingjing, who had always been calm, looked happy: "Big sister, is it true?"

"Can you still go to the county?"

Seeing how happy these people were, Yin Ziying was also in a good mood. She curled her lips and said with a smile: "Of course, you didn't go this time. I will take you there next time when I give you a holiday."

Girls are supposed to see more of the world. Since she is their eldest sister, she also has the responsibility and obligation to teach them.

Life is so unhurried. Compared with Yin Ziying's leisurely and comfortable life, Gu Yunyan, who lives in the same village, is not so comfortable.

His fiancée Lu Xiuyu has been putting pressure on him for the past few days to fulfill his promise to marry her as soon as possible, but when he came back these days, Gu Yunyan spent all his time writing letters and Spring Festival couplets for others to earn money. How can the Yan family have money to marry her?

"Sister Xiuyu, don't you still believe me? I'm not the kind of heartbreaker. I made up with Yin Ziying for you. Doesn't that prove my heart for you?"

Lu Xiuyu frowned slightly, looking pitiful:
"Brother Yan, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that you see, after you reconciled with Yin Ziying, why did her life get better and better, but you..."

She hesitated to speak, thought for a while and said: "Brother Yan, it's not that I'm talking about you, it's because you don't know, that's what people outside are saying about you now, those people..."

Gu Yunyan frowned when he heard this:
"What do they think of me? Besides, sister Xiuyu, I'm much better now than before. I'll be even better in the future."

Lu Xiuyu stomped her feet with a look of embarrassment on her face: "Brother Yan, don't even think about it, Yin Ziying only got these things after she married into the old Gu's family, so these things should belong to you!

Don't say anything else, have you heard?Those greenhouse vegetables, I heard that it costs several taels of silver to eat a meal of vegetables with green leaves in the town.

Brother Yan, think about it, how did these green leafy vegetables grow?Then what kind of greenhouse is now built on the ground of sister Xuan!Isn't that also from the old Gu's family?Why is it hers? "

Hearing Lu Xiuyu's words, Gu Yunyan put down what he was doing and turned his head to look, with a hint of puzzlement on his face:
"Sister Xiuyu, what do you mean? The land was given to her when we were divorced, and besides, she bought it herself. Do you want me to ask her for money?"

Seeing the embarrassment on her face, he reached out and patted her shoulder and said:
"Okay, sister Xiuyu, don't be angry, isn't it just getting married? Just wait until I pass the Juren exam, and if it doesn't work, wait until I finish repaying the money from the Yan family and then slowly prepare, okay?"

Seeing what he said, Lu Xiuyu curled her lips and was about to lose her temper, but when she thought about Gu Yunyan's expression just now, she frowned and said:
"Brother Yan, I'm worried about you!"

Not surprisingly, Gu Yunyan looked over, and Lu Xiuyu suppressed her beating heart and said:
"Brother Yan, how rare is it to have green leafy vegetables in this winter? The old-fashioned way of farming in our village can't be done. What if this thing spreads outside?"

Gu Yunyan was startled, a thought flashed across his mind, and he heard Lu Xiuyu continue:

"Brother Yan, since you have reconciled with Yin Ziying, but your relationship is still very messy! You said that the matter spread outside, will people think that the reason why you reconciled with Yin Ziying is because you deliberately for the sake of the future. Divorce with her?"

The rules of the Great Yan Dynasty have always been that men, farmers, businessmen, and women are inferior, and businessmen are in the lowest position, and there is a clear rule that officials are not allowed to have private property under their names and have someone in the family do business.

No matter how talented they are, the children of those merchant families can study, but they are not qualified to take any honors, so the status of merchants can be said to be the lowest.

Of course, even if it is expressly stipulated that officials are not allowed to have private property, etc., but this is of course a superficial matter. Officials can buy and sell slaves, and the private property of officials can naturally be placed in the names of servants.

What Lu Xiuyu said later, Gu Yunyan actually couldn't listen to it anymore, but because of what Lu Xiuyu said just now, a thought arose in his mind.

If this greenhouse method is allowed to flourish in this small village, why not just dedicate this thing to more influential people?
Gu Yunyan was an official in his previous life, so he naturally knew the stakes.

The greenhouse method may gradually develop from the small village of Baijia Village.

However, even if in the end, the entire Great Yan Dynasty learned this thing, it would not be of great benefit to those who introduced this method at the beginning.

But if this method is promoted by a certain official at the beginning, it will be a wonderful thing for both the official and the initiator.

This is a meritorious achievement, a political achievement, a great political achievement, and it is beneficial to farmers all over the world and ordinary people all over the world.

I thought, who wouldn't want to eat a chopstick of steaming green leafy vegetables in winter?Green leafy vegetables, Gu Yunyan had never seen them even in the capital in his previous life.

"Brother Yan, brother Yan, are you listening?"

Lu Xiuyu looked at Gu Yunyan worriedly. Ever since she said that thought just now, Gu Yunyan had been frowning and thinking, and she felt a little thumping in her heart.

Called back to his senses by her cry, Gu Yunyan was startled, and then he realized that he smiled softly at the worried woman in front of him:

"I'm fine, sister Xiuyu, what you said is a good idea, don't worry, I have an idea in mind."

Lu Xiuyu was overjoyed when she heard this: "Brother Yan, what are you going to do? That's right, those things should have belonged to the old Gu's family and should not have been given to Yin Ziying. You have to get them back."

"Well, don't worry about it, I will find a way."

Gu Yunyan nodded, not paying attention to Lu Xiuyu's words, if he really told that person this method, would he still need these things in Yin Ziying's hand?

He sees what is more valuable than them. If this method really helps that person find a real child, let their child successfully win fame in the court.

Naturally, his benefits will not be lost, and as the initiator of this method, Yin Ziying will naturally not be short of it, so he, Gu Yunyan, is not treating her badly.

However, this matter still needs to be discussed with her. He must find the most accurate and detailed way to submit it.

(End of this chapter)

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