Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 288 Isn't it just a piece of land?

Chapter 288 Isn't it just a piece of land?
"Of course, it's the job of a doctor to save the dying and heal the wounded. I'm a doctor. There are many old and weak women and children in this village. Naturally, I should stay and take care of them."

After Wei Mingxiang finished speaking, he heard the man outside guarding the entrance of the cave say: "Sister A Xing, are you here too?"

"Well, Brother Rong, is Doctor Wei in there?"

"That's right, it's inside, sister A Xing, don't worry, I'm here to listen! Nothing out of the ordinary."

The next moment, A Xing's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave. Seeing this, Wei Mingxiang stopped talking and put away the bowl of medicine to get up.

Sitting on the ground beside her, Sister Fang couldn't help crying: "Sister Wei, Sister Wei, hug me, woo woo woo..."

Wei Mingxiang glanced at A Xing, then hesitated, this time he squatted down and hugged Sister Fang gently.

Following Ah Xing's light cough, Wei Mingxiang got up immediately, and neither of them looked back.

Hearing A Xing's voice getting farther and farther outside, Yin Ziying couldn't help but walked to Sister Fang's side. She noticed with sharp eyes just now that Wei Mingxiang put something down when he was hugging Sister Fang.

She groped around Sister Fang's side, and sure enough, she found a piece of cloth. The color of the cloth was the same as the color of the clothes Sister Fang was wearing, and she couldn't tell unless she looked carefully.

Fortunately, Ah Xing didn't become suspicious just now, otherwise it would be a big deal if Sister Fang got up, Yin Ziying thought.

"There's something here? What is it?"

"Sister Wei left something?"

All of a sudden, Gu Yuelan and Hu Yin surrounded her, and Wu Yingying who was leaning on the other side also looked excited.

Yin Ziying spread out the small piece of cloth in her hand. This is a topographic map drawn with fine charcoal.

Although the paintings are poor, mountains are mountains and rivers, houses are houses, and roads are roads. I have to say that the paintings are very clear and easy to identify.

Gu Yuelan pointed to one of the places and said, "What is this? There are these."

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the man here."

"Oh, it's true. You see, this should be where we are. There is a person here, that is to say, there is only that person outside."

Hu Yin said in surprise: "Well, it doesn't look like there are many people here! Is there hope for us?"

Yin Ziying shook her head and said, "You are wrong. Look at these places, they are densely packed with people, and you can see that there is nothing here."

"Why is this place circled but not painted?"

"Yeah, where is this blank space?"

Yin Ziying said: "If I'm not mistaken, this is an area that Wei Mingxiang hasn't explored yet."

However, she was very happy that Wei Mingxiang could get back such a detailed picture after only going out for a day.

Besides, there was something she needed in it, at this moment, she felt extremely at ease in her heart, they were saved!
"Then, what do you mean, there are still areas here that Sister Wei hasn't been able to explore? Will there be more people here?"

Yin Ziying said: "Why do you say this place is called a stockade? What do you think it looks like? Did you see any weapons along the way?"

Not far away, Wu Yingying suddenly said, "You mean, this place is called Zhaizi, but it's not necessarily a bandit?"

Hu Yin said bitterly: "So what if they are bandits? These people have already engaged in the business of shooting flowers, and they are even more hateful than bandits."

For these words, Yin Ziying agreed in her heart.

It is really hateful to make people unable to return home, to change the fate of each girl, and to steal the reputation of countless girls.

But speaking of it, bandits are not very good, they burn, kill, loot, and do all sorts of evil. Speaking of which, these people are better than bandits, at least they can survive.

Gu Yuelan looked at this picture with bright eyes: "You tell me, is the medicine we are drinking now made by Sister Wei? Will she next time..."

"Do you think these people are fools? The reason why they dare to believe Sister Wei is of course because they have done experiments, and I guess, every time they try something else before giving us a drink."

Gu Yuelan frowned, and then said pleasantly: "Hey, if that's the case, have you ever thought that if Sister Wei gave the medicine so everyone took it, then we would be able to escape."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yin Ziying interrupted her mercilessly: "What are you thinking, little girl? You, these things are so important, how could they let Wei Mingxiang get them? What's more, this is when they know that Wei Mingxiang has medical skills."

Wu Yingying, who was leaning against the wall, couldn't help but said, "That's right, besides, Sister Wei got these medicines from the mountains. Even if she had the chance to touch them, how could she have so many medicines in her hand?"

"Oh! This doesn't work, that doesn't work, so what's the use of this picture?"

Yin Ziying looked at the picture and smiled: "Of course it's useful, just wait."

This map not only marked the general terrain, but also roughly marked the surrounding fields. Since these people farmed the land, wouldn't she have a place to use her skills?
Even if she never goes back, as long as she reveals her identity, they will definitely send someone to investigate to be on the safe side, success or failure depends on it.

Seeing what she said, Gu Yuelan and the others turned their heads and looked at her: "Ziying, what are you talking about? Do you have a solution?"

"Sister Yin, is what you said just now true?"

When Yin Ziying saw it, she couldn't help being happy, not only Gu Yuelan, but also Hu Yin, Wu Yingying on the opposite side, and even the three little ones looked at her expectantly.

She curled her lips into a smile, pointed to a field on the map and said, "Look, the breakthrough is here."

Gu Yuelan came over to take a look, and immediately curled her lips: "What is this, isn't it just a piece of land?"

Hu Yin was also a little disappointed, this is a piece of land, what kind of breakthrough is this?

"You forgot, what did I say I would do?"


"Just by farming?"

Yin Ziying nodded, with a smile in her eyes: "Yes, it depends on farming."

"What's the point of farming? You said that these places are full of people, right? With so many people, where is the lack of a farmer?"

Yin Ziying just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't do anything, but they were worried that someone would be suspicious and search their body later, so everyone memorized the content on the cloth under Yin Ziying's reminder.

Even so, Wu Yingying wanted to leave the cloth in the end, which made both Gu Yuelan and Hu Yin somewhat dissatisfied.

Yin Ziying shrugged indifferently, anyway, she had ready-made pens and paper in her space, and had already written down the terrain in her mind, so it was too easy to copy.

She thought to herself, tell A Xing again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, it would be even better if the old man came here during this period.


It was night, and every household in Shuitou Village was fast asleep, except for the lights in the two huts of Sun's old house.

A Xing looked at her sister's begging, but shook her head: "A Tao, things are not as simple as you think."

"Sister, can you become that kind of person too? Sister, can you just watch other people become homeless?"

Seeing that her sister didn't speak, A Tao became anxious: "Sister, do you know where they will be sold? I heard Brother Geng and the others say that they will sell those girls to the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion."

A Xing closed her eyes and struggled for a moment, then opened her eyes and looked at her younger sister: "A Tao, since you already know these things, it's because grandpa brought you here to learn more, which proves that you should know too."

(End of this chapter)

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