Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 293 Don't Believe Her Ghost Chapter

Chapter 293 Don't Believe Her Nonsense
When everyone washed their hair and went back, when they passed the field, Yin Ziying pointed to the field below and asked, "Are these people from your village?"

Hearing her words, both A Xing and A Tao looked over at the same time, A Xing didn't answer Yin Ziying, but just gave her a cold look.

A Tao nodded and said, "Yes, we planted it."

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head in frustration: "It's a pity that the harvest is not very good."

A Xing was about to open her mouth to scold, when Yin Ziying nodded and said: "Yes, although this field is close to the mountains and forests, the river above it seeps down from time to time. It is suitable for paddy fields, but you used it to grow wheat. The harvest can be good. Strange."

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

But A Tao said with great interest: "Paddy field? What is that?"

She has lived with the villagers since she was a child, and has always grown wheat. Later, when she moved to this village, they have always grown wheat.

It's a pity that since they moved to the stockade, I heard that the harvest has been much worse than before, although she doesn't know how much the harvest was before.

"Our main food in the north is noodles, which are made of wheat, while the main food in the south is rice, so people in the south don't grow wheat, they grow rice.

The reason why this rice is called such a name is because the cultivation of this rice requires water, that is, paddy fields.

The land below you is not good for growing wheat either because the land is not fertile enough, but because the land is not dry enough to grow wheat. "

"How do you know this?"

A Tao looked at Yin Ziying, her eyes sparkling.

She remembered that her grandfather had said that among these women, if there was someone who could help them, such as Dr. Wei, then they would not need to be sold.

Facing such a little girl, Yin Ziying certainly wouldn't say nothing, after all, wasn't she just waiting for someone to ask her this question?

"Because I can grow rice."

It's coming, as long as she settles this matter, then she believes that someone will find her to understand it.

Before A Tao had any reaction, A Xing snorted coldly: "Nonsense."

Yin Ziying raised her eyes and saw a girl who was about her age was staring at her coldly, and she was not afraid to look at her.

"I don't know how you lost the effect of the medicine so quickly, but if you want to lie to me in this area, you don't have to. Rice is something from the south, how can you grow it?"

Yo, seems to be a knowledgeable one.

Facing the two sisters, Yin Ziying could clearly feel the difference between them.

The younger sister, A Tao, is more innocent and straightforward, which can be seen from her usual speech and facial expressions, she is a little girl who can't hide her affairs and doesn't know much about the world.

The older sister A Xing is different, she is more intellectual and gentle, but she is not easy to provoke at first glance.And Yin Ziying always remembered the strange things A Xing revealed on the first day they came.

She turned her head to look at A Xing with a smile: "Why do you think that things from the south cannot be grown in the north?"

"Does it need to be said? The growth of all things naturally has a law, and the things left by the ancients are naturally like this. Since ancient times, rice has been grown in the south and wheat in the north. Why do you want to tamper with it when you come here? It's really shameless."

As soon as her words fell, before Yin Ziying had time to speak, Gu Yunxuan yelled at the side: "You are not allowed to call me sister Ziying, I can plant it."

Hearing this, Ah Xing glanced at the surrounding mountains and forests, then looked at Yin Ziying and sneered:
"Aren't you thinking of using this place to procrastinate for time to observe the terrain? Let me tell you, if you have this idea, you can avoid it! There are our people around here, and you can't escape."

Yin Ziying shrugged, and held Gu Yunxuan's hand tightly: "You think too much, even if I can escape, I won't leave. My sister is still here, and I can't leave her behind."

"Then you just..."

Yin Ziying said: "Didn't you see it? I am surrendering to you. Since Wei Mingxiang can stay with his medical skills, I can also play my value. The premise is that you can't move my sister."

As soon as these words came out, not only the complexions of A Xing and A Tao changed, but also the complexions of Gu Yuelan and the others beside them changed dramatically.

For them, this is undoubtedly more urgent and less safe.

Especially Gu Yuelan, after getting along with her these days, she has always trusted Yin Ziying, and even planned to discuss with Yin Ziying how to escape at that time, but she never expected that she would actually have such an idea of ​​surrender.

A Xing looked at her strangely: "You want to surrender? What will you do?"

"Didn't I just say it? Plant rice. Of course, if you dare not plant rice, it is equally feasible to plant wheat. I have always been very talented in planting."

At this time, Yin Ziying praised herself without blushing. Although she had never planted wheat, she had space and a spiritual spring. She was not talking big.

And now in front of Ah Xing, she must show full confidence.

Not surprising her, Ah Xing didn't appreciate her, but instead sneered: "Idiots talking about dreams!"

On the other hand, A Tao was impatient: "Sister! I want to hear..."

She had wanted to save anyone to the best of her abilities, but before she even started asking, she heard Yin Ziying say that she would grow rice, which was a good thing for her.

"A Tao, you have never seen the world, so believe her. The climate in the south is different from that in the north, and some areas have even never seen snow. It is normal for rice to be grown in such places. We absolutely Impossible, don't believe her nonsense."

At this moment, A Xing had completely lost any liking for Yin Ziying in her heart. She originally thought that Yin Ziying was very pleasing to the eye because she saw Yin Ziying being kind to her sister.

But now this person actually wants to deceive her with these common sense things, how can she be happy?
Yin Ziying said: "It seems that Miss A Xing doesn't believe me, but what you said, Miss A Xing, is indeed correct, all things grow according to their own laws, but this is not without accidents."

Seeing A Xing's cold gaze, she said:
"As long as you master the right method and meet the right conditions, even the north can grow rice, and the yield is more than wheat.

Now there are examples of ready-made species in the north. If you don't believe it, you can naturally inquire about it. "

Hearing these words, A Tao was already excited, how could she remember her sister?
"What you said is true? Someone in the north has grown rice? Where? Why did you grow it?"

"Shangshan County, Meishan Town, Baijia Village, if you don't believe me, A Xing, you can check it out.

By the way, I have to tell Miss A Xing one more thing. This year, the rice yield per mu over there has reached 800 jins per mu. Everyone knows about this. "

Yin Ziying didn't know what the attitude of the people here was after she told Sister A Xing that day.

In short, when she returned to the cave after that, she was marginally excluded.

Whether it's Wu Yingying or Hu Yin, and even Gu Yuelan, who had a good relationship with her before, is very eccentric towards her.

But for this point, she didn't explain anything, and now she has no ability to guarantee that they will be rescued together.

Her bottom line was herself and Sister Xuan, so it was impossible to promise anything.

More importantly, it takes time to grow land, and it takes a long time to grow rice or wheat.

For such a long time, she asked the people here to protect them and keep them safe and sound, which is undoubtedly a whimsical thing.

(End of this chapter)

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