Chapter 298 Rice is the big deal!
The two were talking, when they heard the sound of the wheels of a carriage coming from behind, A Xing looked back, and a dark look flashed in his eyes.

"Sister Axing, how are you? Who is following?"

A Xing shook her head: "Look at those carriages loaded with goods. Didn't the old man just say that there is some workshop in their village that needs to buy goods."

"Then this is a bit fast."

Although Dug muttered, he didn't dare to look back or speed up the donkey cart. It was strange whether they were speeding up or slowing down, so they could only keep still.

Fortunately, after a while, the carriage overtook them, and when passing by them, they could faintly hear the people inside the carriage talking.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you'll miss the lunch market in a while."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It seemed that they hadn't been discovered, it's just that the person who got the goods just moved forward a little faster.

Thinking of this, A Xing's eyes lit up: "Brother Big Tiger, how much money did you bring with you this time?"

"Money? I have twenty coins with me. What's the matter, sister A Xing, do you want to buy makeup? Or for that girl A Tao?"

Thinking of the ages of A Tao and A Xing, and thinking of the girls of the same age as they saw on the street outside, all of them dressed up brightly and painted their eyebrows and lips, Du Hu felt a little sad in his heart.

A Xing shook her head: "No, I want to eat."

"Have a meal?"

Duhu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sister Ah Xing, don't worry, the prices in Meishan Town are not as expensive as those in Shangshan County, we can find a place to eat."

A Xing shook her head: "Let's go to Cuixianlou to eat."


Duo suspected that he had misheard.

It wasn't until he heard the answer again that he couldn't help turning up the volume: "Sister A Xing, go to Cuixian Tower? Why?"

The price of Cuixianlou is not cheap, and it is not something they can afford. Although they have never been there, they have often performed in various counties these years. How can they not know?

"Of course it is to eliminate suspicion."

"This... alright! Sister A Xing, I'll listen to you."

"Brother Dahu, don't worry, since Cuixianlou has cooperated with Baijia Village, they must know more about the affairs of Baijia Village. This is a good opportunity."

"Sister Ah Xing, we only have twenty coins on us. I'm afraid it's not enough to have a meal in a place like Cuixian Tower?"

A Xing stretched out her hand to stroke her hair, said with a faint smile on her face, "Brother Big Tiger, don't worry, I have some silver on me, and besides, even that first-class restaurant must have something suitable for us to eat."

Seeing this, Du Hu couldn't say anything more: "Then... well, then we'll go in and order a vegetarian dish then."

Ah Xing's lips are slightly hooked to a vegetarian dish?How can it be a vegetarian dish?If you can't find your relatives, shouldn't you take the money you bought gifts for relatives to have a good meal?

After all, they are from the countryside, and it takes a long time to come to the county seat. This is the most natural thing, right?
Although A Xing felt a little distressed about spending the money on her body like this, but in order to dispel doubts, she had to do so.

She believed that even if grandpa and mother-in-law knew about this, they would definitely support her.

As for the lost silver!When the time comes, she will get it back from the woman. She remembers the woman's self-confidence and conceit very clearly.

The donkey cart staggered all the way to the town. During this period, horse-drawn carts passed them from time to time.Of course, there were also some carriages that walked slowly behind them in no hurry.

Soon, the archway at the gate of Meishan Town appeared in front of the two of them, and they looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

After the two entered the town, they first went to investigate according to the previous plan, and finally they did not step into the gate of Cuixian Tower until around noon.

The young man standing at the door greeted the two of them with a smile, and helped them park their donkey cart.

"Hey! Two guest officers, please come in."

When the two entered the door, they first led them to sit down at a corner table, and then began to order food.

A person at the counter saw them, then his eyes flashed, and he looked away as if nothing had happened.

When they saw the menu, both Dahu and Axing breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are a lot of cheap things in Cuixianlou, otherwise they would be heartbroken.

After the two of them finished ordering, they began to prick up their ears to listen to the movements of the people around them, not to mention, they actually heard something about Baijia Village.

"This stewed pork vermicelli is really fragrant, but it's a bit hot to eat in summer."

"That's right! It's hot, it's hot, but this vermicelli is delicious. Look, it's just a tael of silver."

A guest sighed while eating: "It's a pity, it's a pity, it would be great if I were from this Baijia village! I heard that the welfare in their village is very good, and they give out vermicelli during the Chinese New Year."

"Hey, I've also heard about this, but how did I hear that all the vermicelli sent to them can't be sold, they can only be given away, otherwise they will be fired, and they won't be able to work in that workshop in the future?"

"Hey! Is there another one? I'm still thinking..." The guest sneered.

Other people around the table also echoed:

"I'm afraid you are thinking of going to Baijia Village to work and sell the vermicelli? I heard that their workers have to apply for vermicelli. It is not easy to sell."

"Ham, who doesn't know! But the current price of vermicelli..."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him laughed tacitly.

Du Hu and A Xing on the side had been listening to everyone's words, and they were a little curious at the moment when they heard the words.

It happened that a buddy from Cuixianlou came over, and everyone stopped talking tacitly. A Xing gave Duhu a wink, and Duhu turned his head to look at everyone.

"Several brothers, what is the vermicelli you mentioned just now? And what kind of Baijia Village are you talking about? We also just came out of Baijia Village. What's so special about it?"

When everyone heard the words, they all turned their heads and looked over. After seeing the outfits of Du Hu and A Xing, one of the guests couldn't help laughing and said:
"You just came from Baijia Village and you don't know about Baijia Village? Are you outsiders?"

"To tell you the truth, brother, we came to Meishan Town today to visit relatives, but we didn't expect to find our relatives all morning, so we came here for dinner.

It's also a coincidence that we passed by Baijia Village last night. Because it was a bit late, we stayed overnight in Baijia Village. The old man treated us very well and the food was very rich. "

Hearing Dug's words, one of them immediately said: "So, so that's the case, what's the name of your relative? Tell me, maybe we can help you find out a thing or two."

Someone also said sourly: "Hey, I even went to Baijia Village to eat! In Baijia Village, every household has money, so can you eat well? You boy was not favored by the little girls there. Recruit you to marry?"

Dahu was taken aback, and just about to speak, another middle-aged man said: "Zhao Si, what are you talking about? Doesn't he have a wife?"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Dahu: "But brother, to be honest, you didn't ask if you could go to their village to stay overnight, what kind of work can you do there?

Let me tell you that the workshops in Baijia Village cost 20 Wen a day, and the wages are paid on the same day, which is very suitable.

It's just a pity, there are only two workshops in their village now, and the people are fixed, and I heard that the third workshop will be opened soon, and I think I will have a chance when the time comes..."

"Don't talk about it, what is this workshop? I heard that some people want to enter Baijia Village with their heads sharpened. Those things in the workshop are trivial matters. The rice is the big thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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