Chapter 306 They must be husband and wife
"I'm not talking nonsense! Sister Ziying, Dong Wu's family comes to the village every time to see you and talk to you. Sister Ziying, you told the big sister that you can be yourself even after Heli, Sister Ziying, have you ever thought about staying with Dong Wu's family?"

"What did you say?"

Yin Ziying wished she could step forward and cover Gu Yunxuan's mouth. Fortunately, Wu Ling and the others had all gone out at this time, otherwise it would be embarrassing for them to hear this.

"Sister Xuan, you are still young and don't understand adults' affairs."

Gu Yunxuan looked up at Yin Ziying seriously, her eyes were full of seriousness:

"Sister Ziying, don't think that I don't understand. If you reconcile with elder brother, you are free and you can marry. Boss Wu's family is so nice, and they like Sister Ziying so much. If Boss Wu's family wants to be my brother-in-law , I am also happy for Sister Ziying."

Hearing the young Gu Yunxuan say this, Yin Ziying's heart was full of mixed feelings, both emotional and ironic.

"Sister Xuan, listen to what Sister Ziying said..."

In the courtyard next door, Ping An carefully looked up at his master, then quickly lowered his eyelids.

And Wei Lingyi, who is one of the protagonists in Gu Yunxuan's words, frowned while listening to the conversation next door, and then he didn't know what to think, and his brows relaxed slightly.


Here, after Yin Ziying explained the truth to Gu Yunxuan and told her not to say such things in the future, she quietly looked out of the yard.

What happened just now was really too embarrassing, she never expected Gu Yunxuan to say such a sentence suddenly.

This incident was a bit embarrassing for both her and Wu Ling. I don't know if Wu Ling will come to send them back as promised.

To Yin Ziying's surprise, after a while, she saw Wu Ling outside the courtyard gate.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't deliberately mention what happened just now, but asked plainly: "Are you going back?"

"Well, it just so happens that someone wants to see you."

Wei Lingyi nodded, and then pointed to the people who followed behind him.

Yin Ziying took a closer look, and it was none other than Gu Yuelan and the others who followed Wu Ling.

"Ziying, how are you?"

"Miss Yin, are you all right?"

Yin Ziying nodded to indicate that she was fine, and chatted with a few people before Ping An led the carriage over there.

As soon as the carriage appeared, Wei Lingyi immediately said: "The carriage is here, take Sister Xuan to the carriage first, I will take you back first!"

Yin Ziying nodded, and turned her head to say goodbye to Gu Yuelan and the others: "If that's the case, I'll leave first, and the girls should be careful along the way."

"Sister Yin, don't worry, thank you, Sister Yin this time."

"In the future, if you are sick, you can come to the county to find me, and I will treat you."

Yin Ziying was speechless about what Wei Mingxiang said, but she didn't hate her, she just twitched her lips.

How can anyone curse others for getting sick?

Even Sister Man and Sister Fang reluctantly said goodbye to Yin Ziying, only Gu Yuelan approached Yin Ziying with winking eyes and said: "Ziying, your husband is so kind to you."

Yin Ziying's expression froze, but she didn't explain too much, she just patted Gu Yuelan on the shoulder: "You should think about what kind of husband's family your father will promise you after you go back!"

Hearing this, not only Gu Yuelan, but also Hu Yin, Wu Yingying and the others froze.

It was not until she got into the carriage that Yin Ziying relaxed and leaned against the carriage wall to take a rest.

As for what Gu Yuelan said just now and what Gu Yunxuan said in the morning, she didn't want to take the initiative to mention it.

Seeing that Yin Ziying and others left the town in a carriage while the soldiers around them were still in place, Hu Yin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Great, we'll be back soon."

"Yes, if the government sends it back cleanly, the reputation will be better in the future."

Only Wu Yingying lowered her head and was very lonely. After such a thing happened, she didn't know whether her marriage with her cousin could continue after she went back.

Gu Yuelan reached out and patted her shoulder and said:
"Sister Wu, don't be sad either. See if Ziying is kidnapped and her husband treats her differently? Your cousin and your childhood sweetheart must be even less likely to dislike you."

Before Wu Yingying could speak, Wei Mingxiang on the side couldn't help retorting: "Are you really stupid or fake? That man and Miss Yin are not husband and wife at first glance."

"No? Didn't you say that they hugged each other last night?"

Wei Mingxiang glanced at Gu Yuelan speechlessly: "If we hug each other, we must be husband and wife? Then you call us sisters and sisters every day, so we are real sisters?"

"Sister Wei means..."

"I don't know how to tell you, anyway, I don't see them as a couple."

Gu Yuelan curled her lips: "I don't believe it, just wait, when I go back, I'll go to their village to play with Ziying, they must be husband and wife."

Regarding this, Wei Mingxiang just sneered and didn't say much.

Although she didn't have any evidence, she somehow felt that the man and Yin Ziying were not a couple. This could be guessed from what the guard next to the man said to Sister Xuan last night.

However, both Yin Ziying and this man are very interesting.

When the carriage drove into the entrance of Baijia Village, Uncle Gu and the old village head were waiting under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village.

Seeing Wu Ling and Ping An on horseback, the old village head was immediately excited: "Jing Yun, that's Dong Wu's house, do you think Ziying and the others found it?"

"Wu Dong's family?"

When Uncle Gu heard this, he also regained his spirits, and the two of them trotted over to meet him.

"Wu Dong's family, Wu Dong's family!"

Wei Ling reined in his horse, and then said to Yin Ziying in the carriage: "We're in the village, it seems that the old village head and Uncle Gu have been waiting for you."

In fact, there is no need for Wu Ling to say, Gu Yunxuan who heard the voices of Uncle Gu and the two had already lifted the curtain of the car, seeing the two trotting over, how could the young Gu Yunxuan bear it?
"Uncle, grandpa of the village head!"

"Oh, it's Sister Xuan who's back! It's really Sister Xuan!"

"Sister Xuan is back? Is sister Xuan suffering outside? Where's your sister Ziying?"

At this time, Gu Yunxuan had already opened the curtain of the car and jumped into Uncle Gu's arms. After hearing the voices of the old village chief and Uncle Gu, Yin Ziying also got out of the car.

"Uncle, grandpa of the village chief, we are fine."

Seeing Yin Ziying standing in front of him alive and well, the village head Lao Cun nodded repeatedly with trembling hands: "Okay, okay, just come back, just come back."

This has been going on for a long time, and he often regrets that he promised Yin Ziying to take his sisters to the county for so long. If he had let them come back earlier, thinking about it, such a thing would not have happened.

Therefore, seeing Yin Ziying right now, he was naturally both emotional and happy.

Uncle Gu also nodded and said: "Ziying, you are back, you don't even know how worried we are these days."

Just as Yin Ziying was about to speak, a voice came from the other side: "This big sun, let's go home first! If you have anything to say, we can talk about it later after dinner."

It was Wu Ling who said it.

(End of this chapter)

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