Chapter 314 For Ziying's Reputation

"You, you! You are the only one who dares to tell me such a thing in the world. I don't know what it would be like for another person to falter in front of me!"

"The old slave's life was given by the Eldest Princess. Naturally, I will speak out to the Eldest Princess. As long as the Eldest Princess doesn't find me annoying, I will always speak out in the future."

Hearing these words, Princess Changyue was very upset. After thinking about it, she said:

"Ning Le, I think she has always been a good person, but it's a bit strange that she is good. After so many years, even Xi'er has grown up..."

"Princess, what do you want to do with such troublesome things? She can't be bad if she is good, and she can't be good if she is bad. Let's see! Besides, once the King of Zhennan enters the capital, there may be results whether it is good or bad."

Princess Changyue nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes, that's what you said, I just hope that Ning Le can understand it."

Speaking of this, there was a coldness in her eyes, if Ning Le was confused, then she naturally didn't need to call her a sister.

For so many years, her temper has always been like this. It is said that Ning Le was not familiar with her in the past, so why did she become so friendly with her later?
After thinking about it, she always felt that she had something to do with Zhennan Wang Weiting.

Just when Wei Lingyi rushed to the capital with his parents, Baijia Village, where Yin Ziying lived, also made a big move.

First, Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing's sisters returned, and then Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi, who heard the news from Yinjia Village, rushed over.

Seeing Yin Ziying standing still, Gao Shi, who had just got off the car, let out a yell, and then stepped forward and patted Yin Ziying's shoulder heavily.

"You damn girl! I told you that you have money and nowhere to go so far, is it okay now? Have you learned a lesson? Huh?"

Gao said that it was while crying, and the tears fell down, and it could be seen that he was somewhat moved by his true feelings.

Yin Jingjing and the others at the side wanted to come forward to comfort her: "Mother, don't be like this, big sister is too..."

Before they finished speaking, Gao interrupted them: "How dare you bastards talk about it? Who usually feeds you and who feeds you? When you ran away, you left behind your eldest sister?"

As she spoke, the slap in her hand fell on Yin Jingjing and the sisters. Because of Gao's long-term Wia, no one dared to hide from her, so they could only bear it silently.

To say that Yin Ziying was a little moved when she saw Gao Shi's tears last second, but she couldn't bear to see her venting her anger on Yin Jingjing like this at this moment.

She stepped forward and pulled Gao's hand away: "Okay, mother, what is this for? It's not Jingjing's fault."

"It's not their fault, who else can say it's wrong? Even if I ran away, I didn't know to take you with me. Why weren't they the ones who were arrested?"

These words were really serious, and Yin Ziying immediately became angry: "Mother! What are you talking about?"

She hadn't spoken so harshly for a long time, so Gao Shi was stunned for a moment when she heard her so angry.

On the side, Uncle Gu and Yin Yueshan hurried forward to smooth things over.

"Okay, okay, Ziying, doesn't your mother love you so much!"

"Yes, Ziying, your mother is in a hurry, don't be unhappy."

Yin Ziying looked coldly at Gao Shi who still had tears on her face, and then glanced at the sisters beside her who were not sure whether it was because Gao Shi spoke too hard or struck too hard, and felt even more annoyed.

"Mom, since we're talking about this today, I'll tell you. I, Jingjing, Sisi, and Jiajia are equally important. Don't divide people into different categories in your heart." .

Let me tell you, even brother Lin is as important to me as Jingjing and the others, there is no difference, so don't separate us like this in your heart.

Besides, how could Jingjing and the others be blamed for what happened this time?It's that time, it's good if they can run, you really hope that the traffickers can catch all of us sisters at once to be satisfied, don't you? "

Hearing what she said, Gao frowned immediately: "Bah, bah, bah! What are you talking about? Is my old lady that kind of person?"

Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course I know, mother, you are a sharp-mouthed and bean-hearted man, but you can't say that, can you? How uncomfortable are your sisters when you say that?"

Gao frowned, although he felt a little guilty after being lectured by his eldest daughter, but his mouth was still stubborn.

"I'm telling the truth. At that time, they were reluctant to hold you back. Also, after so many days, you didn't know how to come back to work. Doesn't it cost money to live in the county town every day? Why not? After returning to work in the workshop in the village, after half a month, I lost 300 Wen!"

Upon hearing this, the complexions of Yin Jingjing and the others next to her did not change, but the complexions of Uncle Gu and Shi Yu changed.

"Look at what Sister-in-law Yin said. At that time, Jingjing and the girls came back with Gu Laosan's car, and I was the one who persuaded them to go back."

Yu also added: "Yes, sister-in-law Yin, it's not like you don't know that if all the girls come back and only Ziying is left outside, what do you think those people in the village think? It's not for Ziying's sake." Ying's reputation!"

When Gao heard this, she felt ashamed and angry. What she said made it seem like she, a mother, didn't care about her daughter's reputation.

"Look at what you said, can I not feel sorry for my daughter's reputation? It's just that there are a few of them, and one or two will always come back, isn't it?"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Yin Ziying again: "Girl Qing, don't say that I don't love you! It's not that I didn't think about your reputation in these things.

Don't I know your name in your village? If something really happened, they wouldn't dare to say that you are not..."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying fell silent.

Why was she beating and scolding when Mrs. Gao came down? For a long time, besides worrying that she would really die outside, she also felt that Yin Jingjing's working hours were wasted because of this matter?

It's really in vain. I was moved just now.

At the moment, she didn't have so many messy thoughts in her mind, and said directly: "Okay, I told them when I went to the county town before, I will make up for them myself."

Only now was Gao's contentment satisfied, and he followed Yin Ziying happily into Yin's house.

"Big sister, don't listen to your mother..."

Yin Jingjing and the others followed behind, finally staggering Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi, and then talked about it to Yin Ziying with some worry.

They all knew that when the eldest sister went to the county seat, she had already brought all her belongings with her. At that time, the eldest sister had already paid for the daily expenses in the county seat.

Later, the elder sister and sister Xuan were taken away. I think they don't have much money, so how can they really make up for their wages these days?

Besides, they really didn't do any work in the county these days, and they had already known about their mother's temperament, so they didn't feel much sad when they heard those words.

(End of this chapter)

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