Chapter 324 Slander
The speed of people coming from the government was about the same as Yin Ziying expected, but at noon, a lot of people came in at the entrance of the village, scaring everyone at the entrance of the village.

In the past, there were horse-drawn carriages in the village every day to pick up the goods, but it was different from today when so many people came by one person at a time.

The ones who usually get the goods are all horse-drawn carriages, and it is rare to see such a scene.

Moreover, all of these people have uniform clothes, and they look majestic.

Yan Feng glanced at the crowd, and then strode forward: "The government is here, I heard that someone from your Baijia Village reported to the official, who is the reporter? See you quickly."

Upon hearing Yan Feng's words, everyone under the shade of the tree at the entrance of the village looked at each other, and then a woman exclaimed: "It's over, I really reported to the police!"

As she said that, the woman turned around and was about to run. Seeing this, other people followed her movements and wanted to run.

Most of these people were those who heard Yin Ziying's report to the officials yesterday, and they were skeptical of what Yin Ziying said in their hearts, but who would have thought that the official messenger really came to the village today?

Seeing everyone running away in all directions, Yan Feng was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "Stop! Stop!"

When everyone heard this, they ran even faster, how dare they stop?

"If you don't stop, you are disobeying the order of the magistrate, so stop!"

Sure enough, after shouting this, everyone stopped, and one of the women knelt down first, crying with snot and tears:

"Officer, I didn't do anything wrong! I don't dare to talk too much anymore, and I don't dare anymore, woohoo!"

Seeing this, a man next to Yan Feng couldn't help laughing and said: "Hey! A Feng, this thing is really strange today. Look at this strange thing, and it's even more strange to see these people."

"you shut up!"

Yan Feng glared at his friend, then looked at the people kneeling on the ground and said loudly:
"Everyone, we are not here to arrest people. We just heard that someone in your village reported to the officials. Who is the reporter?"

Everyone looked at each other, and the woman at the front hurriedly said: "I know, I know, it must be Mrs. Yin who reported to the official, she said yesterday."

"Ms. Yin? What is your name? Where is she?"

"Ms. Yin's name is Yin Ziying. She is from our village. Her house is just ahead. I'll take you there, sir."

Yin Ziying, the name was right, Yan Feng nodded in his heart, and then said: "Then please help me guide the way."

When someone outside said that the official was here, Yin Ziying went out in a leisurely manner. She reckoned that since the official came, it would be about this point, and it seemed that she was right.

The sisters Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing who followed her were a little uneasy.

"Ziying, if the officials I meet are the ones I met last time, wouldn't I be revealing myself?"

Yin Ziying comforted: "Didn't I say it? It's all small things, the official knows it very well, don't worry!"

When Yin Ziying and the others arrived, Yan Feng and the others had already been led by the old village head, Uncle Gu and others to the usual place where the village meeting was held.

After all, there were a lot of people, and they were officials from the county government. The old village chief and others were still worried that these people would be exhausted, and this time they were begging for help.

As soon as Yin Ziying entered the door, she knelt down facing Yan Feng who was sitting next to the old village head above, and she silently said three two one in her heart.

Sure enough, within three sounds, Yan Feng's voice came from above: "Please, are you the plaintiff Yin Ziying?"

Yin Ziying nodded: "Yes, I am the plaintiff Yin Ziying."

"What's the matter with the officer this time?"

"I want to sue a woman in our village, Lu Xiuyu. This woman spread rumors about me and my sisters in the village, tarnishing our reputation, and ask the officials to help me decide."

This woman looks good when she does things, and her aura is stronger than that of Miss Gu last time.

Thinking so in Yan Feng's heart, he looked behind Yin Ziying.

At this time, Gu Yunliu was leading the sisters Yin Jingjing and Gu Yunxuan over.

She was also wearing plain clothes, but somehow she looked more demure and gentle when she wore them, and she couldn't hide her sharpness when she wore them on the girl Yin in front.

Yan Feng was taken aback by his own thoughts, and then he quickly looked away. This is a big crowd, you can't stare at other girls.

Gu Yunliu, who just walked in over there, naturally also felt Yan Feng's gaze. She was a little surprised that it was Yan Feng who came over this time, and at the same time, she felt a little bit of joy in her heart.

Yan Feng coughed lightly: "Women's fame is naturally important, where is Lu Xiuyu?"

Not long after, several women came in pushing a girl, it was Lu Xiuyu.

Yan Feng looked at this woman coldly, he thought it was those old women who love to talk badly, but he didn't expect it to be a young girl of sixteen or seventeen years old.

"You are Lu Xiuyu?"

The woman pushed Lu Xiuyu: "The official is asking you something! Why don't you kneel down when you see the official?"

Lu Xiuyu's face turned pale. She originally thought that Yin Ziying was speaking to scare people. After all, she really knew that Yin Ziying had really disappeared.

Unexpectedly, the official came here the next day, how could Yin Ziying have the guts to invite someone from the official?
"Who is coming? But Lu Xiuyu?"

Even though Lu Xiuyu was not happy anymore, she was still escorted and saluted: "I have met the official, I am Lu Xiuyu."

"Someone accused you of spreading rumors in the village and damaging women's reputation, is there such a thing?"

Lu Xiuyu turned her head abruptly to look at Yin Ziying who was standing aside smiling. At this moment, Yin Ziying didn't even look at her, but she had a determined smile on her face.

"Master Hui, I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth. As for why these words spread in the village, I don't know."

"Oh? Are you telling the truth?"

Yan Feng looked at Yin Ziying, he understood last time, although these people are together, but it is Miss Yin who is in charge.

Now some people say that they were kidnapped by Huazi, which is really bad reputation, but he wants to see what she has to say.

Yin Ziying immediately said: "Master, please check clearly! My sisters and I just played in the county town for a long time, and I never thought that some jealous people in the village would become kidnapped by the girls.

It doesn't matter to me personally, but my younger sisters are all going to talk about marriage in the past two years. If you say she doesn't want to see us, what is it? "

Lu Xiuyu's lungs were about to explode after being put on eye drops in front of Yan Feng by her like this: "You are talking nonsense, you were obviously tied up by Pai Huazi, brother Yan told me about this."

"You want to slander people with a red mouth and white teeth? If I am really captured by Huazi, can I come back now? If I am really captured by Huazi, isn't there any case in the county?

You are really funny, Gu Yunyan is involved in everything, are you afraid that he will be admitted to fame?Even if such a slanderer is found out as a scholar, his reputation will be revoked. "

Yin Ziying hummed softly in her heart, playing with her?It's still very tender!

When she first passed it on last year, she was able to give this little white flower a good meal, and of course it is even more so now.

As soon as they heard Yin Ziying say this, many of the onlookers looked at Lu Xiuyu with needles in their eyes!

It was not easy for Gu Yunyan, who was a good student, to come out of this village. Although they were not close, it was always a shame to talk about it when they went out.

Now that Lu Xiuyu wants to harm Gu Yunyan like this, of course everyone will not treat her kindly.

Everyone in the village is like this, not to mention Uncle Gu's family who were originally dissatisfied with Lu Xiuyu. At this moment, several people look at Lu Xiuyu with piercing eyes like knives.

(End of this chapter)

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