Chapter 331 Broken Son's Leg
"Mother, just tell me how good is the family that is visiting today? Do you like it? Anyone who meets such a sensible and courteous family likes it, right?

I saw that Miss Gu couldn't reach the fish today, and our Afeng even used the serving chopsticks to pick up a chopstick for her.You said that kid would do this if he was not interested in Miss Gu?The other girls have posted on him before, but they still have a cold face! "


Mrs. Yan's voice was full of surprises, tonight she sat with the little girl of the Gu family, Sister Xuan.

The little girl was as big as a kid, and made her laugh, and brought her some food. She was so happy that she didn't even notice the interaction between her son and Miss Gu.

"Mother, can I still lie to you? I really mean to see that kid."

Mrs. Yan: "Even so, you still have to find an opportunity to explain it clearly to him, and see if he is happy. I am worried that he will not be happy. If the two of us talk about this matter and he is the same as before, that's not okay. , I like this family very much, but I can't get along with them."

Yan Sanniang laughed haha: "Oh my mother, you're worried if you don't write off the horoscope. I thought you would despise that Miss Gu and Li Guo."

"You're going to die, you damn girl!"

Mrs. Yan slapped her daughter's hand, then she narrowed her eyes and smiled:

"We, Afeng, are so old, what right do we have to despise others? Besides, didn't you just reconcile yourself? When did you see me despise you?"

"Mother, what you said..." Yan Sanniang's giggling voice came from the room.

On the steps in the corner, Yan Feng felt his ears were red, he stood up quietly and walked outside, pretending not to hear the conversation between the two.

After walking out of the yard and closing the gate lightly, he walked forward aimlessly, and the figure of that girl appeared in his mind.

The way she smiled gently, the way she cried sadly, the way she looked at him helplessly, for the first time, he felt a heavy hit on his heart.

He just heard about the grievances she suffered when she was in her ex-husband's house, and he felt even more pity in his heart. Such a woman married such a bad person. If it was him...

For the first time, Yan Feng felt that getting married was not a bad thing, only then could he be qualified to protect that woman.


In the house, Mrs. Yan was still a little worried: "Then you said that if we, Afeng, are willing, what should we do if we don't want to? If I really want to tell you that, his family is a favorite!"

Yan Sanniang patted her chest: "Mother, just leave it to me. Let me tell you, don't look at their mighty family, even if there are elders, I think that Yin girl is also the backbone. I'll talk to her privately."

For some reason, Yan Sanniang felt that Miss Yin was a lot more polite to her today than she was when she was in the inn before.

Could it be that Miss Yin has realized what she wants to do?So deliberately push the boat along?
As soon as she thought about it, Yan Sanniang felt that she was getting closer to her goal. Such a smart girl might have seen through the little Jiujiu in her heart long ago!

Mrs. Yan sighed: "That Miss Yin is also very powerful. If you don't have Miss Gu, I think Miss Yin is not bad. Such a person can definitely live in Afeng."

Yan Sanniang curled her lips, "Mother, what are you going to do? Afeng doesn't like such a powerful girl. I just like Miss Gu, who is soft and strong. If Afeng wants to marry Miss Yin... "

He doesn't deserve it either!

Although Yan Sanniang didn't say anything, she did check a lot of Baijia Village in private.

Although she didn't know much, she felt that she was very powerful just because of the rumors in the villages.

In addition, Yan Feng had told her that that girl Yin was very powerful, not only did she have a very high-status Mr. Wei as her friend, but she even got involved with a big family in the capital.

Could such a person be coveted by them?Not to mention that her younger brother didn't like it, even if she fell in love with that girl Yin, she had to bring him back to reality.

Although their family is considered good in the county, it is nothing compared to those high-ranking and wealthy families.


At the same time, inside the leased house.

In Uncle Gu and Shi Yu's room, Shi Yu was whispering to Uncle Gu what Yin Ziying told her.

"His father, what do you think of Yan Feng?"

"Uncle Gu: "How about what?pretty good! "

This is the truth, when he looked at Yan Feng, he thought he was decent, but after learning that he helped his daughter last time, he appreciated it even more.

Don't look like this kind of stuffy gourd, but he can stand up when something happens, isn't this better than those usually glib people?

Yu Shi poked him: "Tell me, how about he being our son-in-law?"


Uncle Gu was very surprised, he was really surprised, how long did it take for his daughter to come back with Li, why are you talking about marriage with her at this time?
And it's still in the county?Still an official?Can this family take a fancy to them countrymen?
Yu narrated what Yin Ziying told her in detail, and added at the end:
"Looking at Ziying, what I guessed was the truth. Don't tell me, how kind is Mrs. Yan treating us today? If Sister Liu can really marry, then my heart disease will be cured."

Uncle Gu still didn't believe it: "No...can't you? Daughter-in-law, it seems like Yan Feng has never been married before?"

Whose child is so old and hasn't married yet?

If his son was too old to take a wife, he would have to break his son's legs.

Yu rolled her eyes: "Then think about who would go to their house today? If there is a daughter-in-law, wouldn't they come out? It's not shameful."

Uncle Gu sat up all of a sudden: "That's right! What you said...could it be true? Then Mrs. Yan is interested in our sister Liu?"

"Ziying told me so. I talked to her today and felt that she also meant the same thing, but she didn't say it clearly."

Uncle Gu murmured in his heart: "I didn't say that, don't tell me that people fell in love with Ziying, and Ziying thought she was in love with sister Liu, right?"

He is self-aware, Sister Liu is so kind, but compared to Ziying, she is far behind.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yu also fell silent. Thinking about the possibility of such a thing, her active mind also stopped.

"Forget it, go to sleep!"

Yin Ziying originally thought that her aunt Yu would find an opportunity to talk to her about Yan Feng, but she didn't expect her aunt to go to the market with Gu Yunliu and others to buy a lot of ingredients.

From their point of view, since they are going to invite Yan Sanniang's family back today after getting well yesterday, and they also took care of Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing before, they should naturally prepare more generously.

Therefore, it can be said that Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu didn't even go shopping in the county that day, they went to stockpile ingredients and the kitchen.

Yin Ziying didn't pay any attention to these, she was drawing a sample picture, and planned to ask Yan Feng where Gu Yuelan's family lived when he came over for dinner today.

Although this incident was told to the village that no case had been filed, everyone in the county knew whether a case had been filed for such a big matter at the time.

Others may not know whose daughter is missing, but Yan Feng, who works in the county government, must know.

She didn't bring the previous sketches this time, those who are at home, Gu Yunliu and others sometimes need to use them, and they need to keep the bottom.

On the contrary, now that they are in town, it is more appropriate for them to go directly to the study to buy a bound blank book. This is what Yin Ziying specially prepared to show her partners.

(End of this chapter)

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