Chapter 334 You and I Are the Luckiest

This day Yu Shi, Gu Yunliu and others did not come out, so Yin Ziying led Gu Yunxuan and followed Uncle Gu out.

She wanted to go to the cloth shop to find out if there were any other bright-coloured cloths. If not, she planned to buy pure-colored cloths and go back up the mountain to look for plants that could be dyed and try dyeing cloths by herself.

After all, modern dolls come in all kinds of colors, while the ancient cloth colors are much more monotonous. Fortunately, there are many plain cloths, and secondary processing is still no problem.

Although Yin Ziying didn't know how to dye cloth in her previous life, she had delicious food in her previous life. In her previous life, she heard that there was five-color glutinous rice in a certain autonomous region on March [-]rd, so she ran away to enjoy the holiday.

The five-color glutinous rice there is all dyed with pure plants, and Yin Ziying still remembers it fresh.

I just said that the simple maple leaves did not expect to be able to dye black glutinous rice, it is the kind of jet black, even the middle of the glutinous rice is soaked, not just wrapped outside.

She wants to search the market carefully. If there are many kinds of cloth in the market, she will buy them back as much as possible. If not, she will buy plain ones and dye them by herself.

As soon as she stepped into the cloth house, she heard a slightly familiar voice.

"I said, why are you so late? I heard that smoked yarn has been produced in Fucheng for a long time. If you don't make it again, will you still be able to wear yarn after it's winter?"

The clerk in the store carefully apologized: "Miss Gu, there is no way! Although this smoke wave yarn is not a tribute, we can't get it now. Although we can get it in Fucheng, it is only a few. If we really have it here, How can I not give it to you?"

Gu Yuelan snorted softly: "You guys wouldn't dare to come if you don't want to give it to me, if it wasn't for my father who didn't come back from the south..."

She turned her head while speaking, and saw the voices of two people, one big and one small coming in at the door, stop abruptly, and then she screamed: "Ziying!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't care if there were people in the cloth shop, and rushed over with her skirt in her hand.

Uncle Gu, who was following Yin Ziying, looked worried and was about to step forward to block it, when he heard Yin Ziying chuckle: "Uncle, it's okay, we know each other."

know?So we know each other!

Uncle Gu understood it in his heart, and then continued to retreat silently to the side.

Over there, when Gu Yuelan arrived in front of Yin Ziying, she didn't really throw herself into Yin Ziying's arms, but stopped the car in front of Yin Ziying.

She took Yin Ziying's hand and said with a smile: "Ziying, I really didn't expect to meet you here. I was thinking about going to your village to play with you after my father came back and brought back the hot goods from the south!"

After finishing speaking, she reached out and touched Gu Yunxuan's hair and said with a smile: "Sister Xuan, it's been a long time, do you miss me?"

Seeing her so enthusiastic, Yin Ziying was also relieved. When she saw Gu Yuelan, she was also a little worried about whether she was shying away from being taken away by Huazi before, so she didn't call her immediately.

But she still took off the veil, she didn't expect Gu Yuelan to be so open and bold, she didn't wear a veil when she was wandering outside at this time, presumably she often came to this cloth shop.

Gu Yunxuan's voice was sweet: "Sister Gu, I thought about it."

"Oh, you're so good, little girl. I'll give you my dim sum in a while. It's always delicious."

Speaking of which, Gu Yuelan looked at Yin Ziying and said, "Ziying, you don't come to play with me when you come to the county, you don't even know how boring I am."

Yin Ziying's throat twitched, thinking that she actually asked Yan Feng that day to find out where Gu Yuelan's house was, but in the next few days she followed Mrs. Yu to go shopping, so she didn't go.

Originally, she planned to come out today to look at the fabrics, and then stop by to buy something to visit tomorrow, but she didn't expect to meet Gu Yuelan in the cloth village today, which was enough to show that it was fate.

"I still want to find you, but I don't know your address."

Naturally, she couldn't tell Gu Yuelan that she had inquired about her home address.

Gu Yuelan was pleasantly surprised: "Really? You want to come to play with me? I'm so bored too! It's so good of you to come, let's go, I'll take you to dinner."

Yin Ziying waved her hand: "There is no need for dinner, I just came out after eating, but I do have something to discuss with you, it depends on whether you are interested, I will come to my house later."

Gu Yuelan was originally a lively person, so she was very happy to hear this: "Your home? Yes, yes! I just happen to be bored! Where is your home?"

Seeing her like this, Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled, firstly after introducing Gu Yuelan and Uncle Gu to each other, she led Gu Yunxuan in to see the cloth.

Now that they have all come to cloth village, of course she has to buy everything properly.

Although Gu Yuelan was curious about what Yin Ziying was buying so much cloth for, she didn't ask any questions, she just sent a little girl by her side back to the mansion to say something.

After Yin Ziying finished shopping, the little girl that Gu Yuelan sent out just now also came back.

After leaving the cloth village, two young men surrounded him, and Uncle Gu immediately became very nervous.

Gu Yuelan smiled and said: "Uncle, don't worry, this is my servant."

She was favored at home since she was a child, and the reason why she disappeared in the last Huazi shooting incident was because she ran out secretly, and there was no maidservant around her.

So as soon as she went back this time, the family immediately arranged her itinerary clearly, want to go out?Yes, with a guard.

Uncle Gu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and Gu Yuelan smiled at the two of them and said, "Why are you standing there? Didn't you see that Uncle was holding so much cloth in his hand? Why don't you help me?"

Two guards: ...Uncle?A real uncle doesn't see you being so filial and sweet.

Thinking about it in their hearts, they still consciously stepped forward to take the things from Uncle Gu's hand, which made Uncle Gu a little uncomfortable!

Gu Yuelan in the front didn't care about these things, and she didn't care if she was elegant or not in the eyes of others when she left the cloth village and put on a veiled hat. Seeing Gu Yunxuan holding Yin Ziying's hand, she also took Yin Ziying's hand.

Yin Ziying: ...Why does she feel that this girl is a little different from before?It always feels like a joke.

As they walked, Gu Yuelan whispered to Yin Ziying: "Ziying, do you know what happened to them later?"

After thinking for a while, Yin Ziying knew who Gu Yuelan was talking about, that is, Wu Yingying and Hu Yin who were arrested with them last time.

She raised her eyebrows: "No really, this is the first time I've been in the county for so long. Why, you know?"

"Of course, don't look at who I am!"

Gu Yuelan raised her eyebrows proudly, then lowered her voice and said, "Let me tell you, among us, I think you and I are the luckiest. Remember that Wu Yingying who got engaged to her cousin last time?" ?
Although she was rescued innocently, her cousin didn't want this marriage, but he didn't say it outright, but the original three-month marriage had to be postponed for a year after insisting that the date was inappropriate. "

In a normal family, the postponement of the marriage for a year may be a real change, but what could be the reason why this happened to Wu Yingying's family?
Of course they detest Wu Yingying!
(End of this chapter)

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