Chapter 364
Among them, a person who is used to stealing, raping and playing tricks on weekdays said: "Then lady Yin, don't you think it's reasonable? You don't come to the workshop on weekdays. This rule is for us workers. Of course, we people think it's good." That's it."

Seeing that Yin Ziying's complexion didn't change, and he was still gentle, he immediately waved at the people around him: "Brothers, do you think this is the case?"

These "brothers" are naturally not ordinary workers who are honest and hardworking, but those who like to be lazy like this person.

At this moment, these people saw that Yin Ziying's face was not angry, and they became bolder: "Yes, yes, yes, Zhang Laosan is right."

"Yes, yes, this is for our own use after all, and of course we must be satisfied. Zhang Laosan is right."

"Mistress Yin, we agree with Zhang Laosan's words."

Yin Ziying looked at the crowd in silence, but her eyes continued to scan the crowd. Some people in the crowd looked nervous, and they should be worried that she would respond.

Some people showed joy, as if they hoped that Yin Ziying would agree.Most people are at a loss, and may not quite understand what it means or feel that it has little impact on them.

She wrote down one by one, and then she continued to speak softly to the crowd after she knew it, "Maybe I was sloppy today, and I didn't know what everyone thought. Well, then I will ask everyone here again." , who agrees with Zhang Laosan's words?"

After finishing, she added another sentence: "If you agree, please raise your hands, and let me see how many people there are."

When Zhang Laosan heard this, he couldn't help but feel complacent. He raised his hand first, and then looked at the crowd, his eyes were not without threats.

He understood just now that Yin Ziying asked people to raise their hands to see how many people there were, which meant that the more people there were, the less likely it would be to implement this regulation, which was a great thing for him.

Other lazy people also raised their hands at once. As for the ordinary workers, they were not moved much, and few people followed suit.

Yin Ziying looked at those people with cold eyes gradually, there were really quite a few of them, roughly twenty or thirty of them!

Among them, there are one or two that Yin Ziying has never seen before, maybe they are from other villages, but most of the others are from the village, even if she is not familiar with them, she has seen them before.

She nodded, with a smile on her face:

"I think Zhang Laosan is very good if you are so brave to point out your shortcomings. How about this, all of you who raised your hands stand here, and I will reward each of you with five cents. It is a reward for your outspokenness. of."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Laosan was overjoyed immediately, and then he was even more proud. He turned around and glanced at the brothers around him, his face was full of complacency.

That look seemed to be saying: "Look, it's good for you to hang out with the master. Take a look, isn't this a reward?"

Seeing everyone walking to the front in unison, someone in the crowd behind sighed softly, feeling a little regretful.

If they had known that there would be a reward, they would have raised their hands just now. Although five cents is not much, it is enough to buy two pieces of tofu!
Seeing these people standing in the middle of the crowd, Yin Ziying nodded with a smile, then her eyes turned cold, she took the pot cover from the old village chief's hand and knocked on it, then said sharply:
"Now I announce that these dozens of people will all be fired from the workshops in Baijia Village, and they will not be allowed to return to work in the workshops in the future."

After she finished speaking, she turned back and said, "Grandpa the village chief, you will pay them all their wages in a while. By the way, you should also pay them for this afternoon! They will not be hired again."

The old village chief nodded blankly.

But at this moment, the people below were in an uproar, especially those who just stood up, headed by Zhang Laosan, with expressions of shock and anger on their faces.

Zhang Laosan pointed at Yin Ziying, and said viciously: "Yin Ziying, why do you fire us? We didn't make any mistakes! They hired us in a serious way, why do you fire us if you want?"

"That's right, that's right, why? I won't go back, I won't go back!"

"I'm not going back! I want to work here!"

Yin Ziying sneered, knocked on the lid of the pot again to silence the crowd, and then said:
"Why? Why do you ask yourself? What do you do in the workshop? Do you work hard? Do I hire you as masters or employees? If you don't work well, you will know every day Stealing and playing tricks!"

Zhang Laosan poked his neck and said, "Who said that? Who said we cheated and played tricks?"

Yin Ziying sneered: "I opened the workshop, and I can invite whoever I want. If you people don't obey my order, there's no need to keep it!"

When she said that, everyone seemed to realize something.

Yes, Yin Ziying was originally the owner of this workshop. If she hadn't led the first batch of workshop business last year, would life in their village be so easy now?

What's the benefit of offending Yin Ziying?
Everyone in the crowd could think of it, and Zhang Laosan naturally could think of it too. Now his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and although he was panicked in his heart, he was a little dissatisfied on his face.

"Whatever you say? Do you think this is just you, Yin Ziying? Yin Ziying, you are just a foreigner. This workshop belongs to our village. Naturally, our village head and clan elders are the ones to make the decisions."

The old village chief stood beside Yin Ziying, and stared at Zhang Laosan's generous words: "What kind of foreign surname? Ziying is a registered householder in our village, and Ziying is from our village."

"Besides, this workshop was originally set up by Ziying, and she also owns the shares. Of course, she is the one who decides. If you have any opinions, you are ungrateful. Don't forget that the reason for planting rice next year is because your family can grow rice. Ziying."

After speaking, he reached out and stroked his beard and said to Zhang Laosan: "Yes, you are not convinced by Ziying's judgment, are you? Then you go home and tell your family that next year your family will not grow rice, and you will save it for others." The rest of us have an extra two catties."

As soon as these words came out, the complexions of Zhang Laosan and the others changed drastically. If they said that they would be scolded if they went back without this errand, but if it caused the family to lose their places to grow rice, I am afraid that the family would not know how to hate them. How they hate it!

Not all of these people work in the workshop by themselves, and some of them naturally come with their families.

Hearing what the old village head said at this moment, someone in the crowd immediately shouted: "Uncle village head, it can't be counted like this. How can they harm the whole family by one person? Lady Yin's sentence is right, these people are just messing around in the workshop. If you don't work hard, and still don't obey Lady Yin's words, you should throw it out."

Immediately, many family members followed suit and said, "Yes, yes, it is enough to expel them from the workshop. Uncle village head, I don't want to cancel the quota for growing rice."

"Yes, Uncle Village Chief, this is not something our family committed!"

Zhang Laosan and the others all heard what their father, brother or sister said behind them, and they turned their heads in disbelief. They didn't expect that they would kill their relatives so righteously.

On the stage, the old village chief stretched out his hands to signal everyone to stop, then looked at Yin Ziying who was at the side and said, "Ziying, look, what the folks in the village are telling is the truth..."

(End of this chapter)

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