Chapter 371
Hearing her mentioning these long speeches again, Concubine Geng quickly begged for mercy: "It's alright, alright, I understand, Auntie, don't worry, I will remember all these things!"

All the palace people in the palace lowered their heads, and it was not surprising to them to hear such words.

Concubine Geng was born in the Geng family, and Aunt Yun was Concubine Geng's personal maid. She was only a few years older than Concubine Geng. She had been serving Concubine Geng since she was a child. Of course, the relationship was different from others.

On weekdays, even if His Majesty meets Aunt Yun, it is treated with three points of courtesy, let alone the always spoiled Seventh Princess, meeting Aunt Yun is more affectionate than meeting Concubine Geng Gui.

It was also because of this that the palace people knew very well that in the Jiayi Palace, apart from Concubine Geng, that was Aunt Yun who could call the shots.

What is different from the situation here in Jiayi Palace is the Princess Palace.

In the study room of the eldest princess's mansion, the eldest princess Changyue was looking down at the book in her hand, but her mind was not on the book at all.

After thinking about it, she finally said to her aunt standing beside her, "Let someone check Wei Lingyi."

When the aunt who was waiting by her side heard it, she immediately nodded yes.

"Wait a minute, go and find out where they came from this trip and where they lived before."

The aunt nodded yes, and then retreated. After a while, the study room opened, and an older nanny walked in.

Princess Changyue only glanced at him, but didn't make a sound.

However, the old mother stepped forward and said, "Princess, I heard that you sent someone to investigate the eldest son of Zhennan Palace? I don't know why?"

"It's nothing, just look at how the child lived before. It's not easy for him to be reprimanded by His Majesty in the palace this time."

The old mother said: "Princess, didn't you already help him at that time? Presumably King Zhennan and Princess Zhennan also accepted your love. I have also received a post from Princess Zhennan in the past two days!"

Princess Changyue nodded irresolutely, "What you said is true, but I still want to check."

Seeing what she said, the old mother knew that the eldest princess had made up her mind, so she didn't try to persuade her, she just smiled and waited beside the eldest princess Changyue.

At the same time, in Zhennan Palace, Wei Lingyi was also talking to his mother.

It was not easy for her son to take the initiative to talk to her, Xiao Yi was naturally very happy, Wei Lingyi only opened a conversation, and she talked about everything about her husband and her back then.

Wei Lingyi: ...

Although he knew that his mother did this to let him not remember his parents, but since this matter had passed at the beginning, he would naturally not mention it again.

But after all, it was the first time he took the initiative to talk to Xiao Yi, he didn't interrupt, but listened quietly, without the slightest hint of impatience on his face.

Although he was raised in Wu's family since he was a child, his parents died since he was a child, so there is no wet nurse around him to teach him.

Therefore, after learning that Xiao Yi was his biological mother, even though she had resentment in her heart, she finally let it go.

After all, mother must be like father, so he is naturally more considerate of mother.

Finally, after a long time, Xiao Yi finally stopped talking. She looked at Wei Lingyi and smiled, "Ling'er, your father and I were like this back then. Don't blame your father. Over the years, in order to find you, We also..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Lingyi interrupted: "Mother, don't worry, since I said this matter is over, then it's over."

The matter of his biological parents abandoning him can be over, but he still needs to investigate the news of the death of his adoptive parents, but these are all things in the future.

This is not what he needs to do first.

"Mother, what is the relationship between you, father and Princess Changyue?"

Xiao Yi was taken aback: "Princess Changyue?"

Seeing his son's solemn expression, Xiao Yi couldn't help asking: "Ling'er, why did you ask about this?"

Wei Lingyi: "That day in the palace, if Princess Changyue hadn't bumped into her and rescued me, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to get on the jade plate now, and I'm afraid I didn't give a warning."

Xiao Yi thought about it, and it must be because his son was curious about their relationship after seeing Princess Changyue helping him so much, so he immediately thought about his words:

"How should I put it, your father and Princess Changyue can talk, but that was when they fought. I don't know the princess very well. The princess has great prestige in the court. Even Many veterans in the court like her very much..."

The mother and son talked for a long time, until the servants turned on the lamps, Xiao Yi and Wei Lingyi realized that the sky outside had already turned dark.

Xiao Yi felt that he had talked a lot with his son in the afternoon and became closer to him, so he immediately said, "Ling'er, come and have dinner with us tonight!"

Wei Lingyi paused when he heard the words, then nodded without denying it.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi had a smile on his face, followed him for a few words, and then quickly went to order the kitchen to cook two more dishes.

Sitting in the room, Wei Lingyi thought about the information he found and what his mother said in the afternoon, and immediately got up and went back to his study.

He found the letter he had written a long time ago, and then motioned for Ping An to take it out to deliver. Ping An took the letter and was about to go out when he ran into Zhennan Wang Weiting who had just walked in from outside.

Seeing that it was the guard next to his son, Wei Ting paused for a moment before saying, "What are you going to do? Send a letter?"

Peace should be.

Wei Ting said: "Where did you send it? Could it be sent back to Qinan Mansion? Did it go to Miss Yin?"

Hearing this, Ping'an's whole body tensed up, master, what does this mean?Does it depend on the young master's letter?

If the master wants to see it, will he give it to me?How can I say no?

At this moment, Wei Lingyi's voice sounded: "Father, mother is waiting for you inside."

As if being amnesty in peace, I immediately walked out quickly, feeling as if there was a dog chasing after me.

Wei Lingyi glanced at his father, and said expressionlessly: "Don't scare my people, this is my people, don't ask me what I want to do."

To the surprise of the people around him, not only was Wei Ting not angry, but he said cheerfully, "You boy, I am your father! Can I still harm you?"

Wei Lingyi didn't speak, turned around and walked back quickly.

Wei Ting was not annoyed, and said as he walked, "After all, you have too few people. I have already sent a letter to the fief, and I will give you a batch when the time comes, so that you can have someone to use."

Originally Wei Lingyi wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, he stopped and nodded, "If so, thank you father."

Those who Wei Ting can give hands to must be those who have worked hard in the army. Although they were trained by Wei Ting, he does not dislike him at all. Now he really needs someone in his hands.

And based on his understanding of this father, since he wants to give it to someone, it is natural to give it to him, and I will not contact him in the future.

Seeing him like this, Wei Ting laughed loudly, and then followed him: "Recently, Geng Shan has been biting me in the court, but I don't know how many people are saying that he has no brains."

Wei Lingyi ignored him, and still walked forward quickly, and then heard Wei Ting's voice from behind, "Stinky boy, didn't you say before that you have evidence to deal with Geng Shan? How do you start?"

"If father is really so busy, then let's start tomorrow!"

"Hey you kid!" Wei Ting looked slightly annoyed, and then strode forward when he thought of something, "What did you just say? Start tomorrow? What are you going to do tomorrow?"

Wei Lingyi said indifferently: "Father will know about it when he goes to court tomorrow, it must be a great gift."

Seeing him like this, Wei Ting became more and more interested, and quickly followed the front.

(End of this chapter)

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