Chapter 374
Yin Ziying nodded. Over the past year, Yin Ruilin has learned a lot from reading, and she is much more sensible than the little bully before.

Now that she mentioned this, she turned her head and asked Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui who were busy beside her, "What about you?"

Although Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui have been living here these days, they are still Gu Yunyan's younger brothers. On a big day like the Chinese New Year, this year Gu Yunyan passed the Juren exam and married a wife. They should go back to have a serious meal.

Gu Yunxian thought for a while, and then said, "It depends on what the big brother says, if the big brother doesn't take the initiative to mention it, we can celebrate the New Year here this year."

Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui were a little dissatisfied with the fact that Lu Xiuyu occupied their room with sundries after entering the door, and went to the workshop to make trouble with Yin Ziying.

Of course, what made them even more dissatisfied was Gu Yunyan's attitude. They felt that Gu Yunyan was so fond of Lu Xiuyu that he neglected his brothers and sisters. This was the reason why they didn't go back to live during this time.

Yin Ziying didn't force them either, she just nodded yes and didn't say much. It's normal for children to have their own ideas when they grow up.

What's more, she also felt that Gu Yunyan was a little outrageous, even if Lu Xiuyu was really his lover in the previous life, then for the sake of Lu Xiuyu's treatment of Gu Yunxian and others, Gu Yunyan shouldn't indulge Lu Xiuyu like this.

This is Yin Ziying's understanding of marrying a wife as unworthy.

If Gu Yunxian or Gu Yunrui's wife was like this, then Yin Ziying would have to teach her for a while, but if this person was replaced by Gu Yunyan, she would not bother to teach.

A few people were busily busy with the things in their hands. Just when they hung up the sausages and bacon, and lit the pine branches to smoke the meat, they heard the sound of carriages and horses outside.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the yard was slammed, and several people who were busy in the yard all looked towards the gate in unison.

Gu Yunxuan said with a smile: "A guest came to see Miss Ziying, I don't know what it is for."

Yin Ruilin at the side came over and took her hand and said, "Come on, Sister Xuan, let's go and see who is here, maybe it's my father!"

The two little babies ran to the door and opened it together, Yin Ziying just smiled and watched without stopping, as such a small matter as opening the door was just left to the little baby.

As soon as the door was opened, Ping An saw two familiar little faces, and he recognized them immediately, one was Gu Yunxuan, who was raised by Yin Ziying as a daughter, and the other was Yin Ruilin, Yin Ziying's younger brother.

Before he could speak, Gu Yunxuan yelled at the door, "Sister Ziying, it's Brother Pingan who is next to Dong Wu's family here."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and smiled at Ping An, "Brother Ping An, is Mr. Wu's family here?"

Pingan shook his head, "Miss Xuan, our young master didn't come this time, I came here to give a gift."

Just as he was talking, he saw Yin Ziying walking out quickly, and he hurriedly bowed to salute. He knew how much this little-known girl was valued by his son.

Yin Ziying glanced at Ping An, and greeted with a smile: "Ping An, you are back? Long time no see, how are you doing?"

Knowing that Yin Ziying might have misunderstood, Ping An hurriedly said: "Miss Yin, my young master didn't come back, this time I came back by myself."

After speaking, he hurriedly took out the letter from his pocket and handed it to Yin Ziying with both hands, "This is a letter from our young master to you."

Yin Ziying took the letter with both hands, glanced at the three carriages behind Ping An, and said involuntarily, "Why did you bring so many things here?"

"Miss Yin, some of these things were brought back from Beijing by my young master, some were brought by the old lady from Qingzhou, and some were given by the old lady at home."

Having said that, Yin Ziying also understood what it meant. A few months ago, she had received a letter from Wu Ling, and one of the requests was to let her have a play with him.

It was also from that letter that she really knew Wu Ling's identity. She did not expect that he was the only son of King Zhennan, the only one with a different surname in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, and he was also the only son with a lot of stories.

Wuling's real name is Wei Lingyi, and he took his father's and mother's names. When he was young, something happened and he followed Mr. Liu of Yongzhou Academy to live in Fucheng, and finally became the son of the Wu family.

It can be said that when Yin Ziying first met Wu Ling, he was only Wu Ling, not Wei Lingyi. I heard that the search for relatives only happened around the Qiqiao Festival this year.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Wu Weilingyi, no, it should be Wei Lingyi who saw her strange behavior when he came to Baijia Village. I am afraid that Wei Lingyi knew about it a long time ago, so he planned to start from there. Time is no longer involved in any way with her.

It's just that she didn't expect Wei Lingyi to ask her for something after all, and she agreed to the matter with a flick of her brain. Thinking of this, Yin Ziying's thoughts flew even more.

Looking at Yin Ziying's expression, Pingan became nervous. He swallowed and said, "Miss Yin, it's not that you don't want to come back to see you, but it's because it's inconvenient for you to be in Beijing..."

Yin Ziying came back to her senses all of a sudden, she nodded towards Ping An, and asked Gu Yunxian in the yard to come over to help move things, and then said to Ping An: "You guys stay here for a meal and then go back, I just happened to read the letter for a while. to write back to him."

It would be great to have a reply. As a person close to Wei Lingyi, Ping An knew how much his son wanted to see this girl's reply, so he nodded his head immediately.

Yin Ziying stuffed the letter into her bosom, and didn't bother to look at the things that got out of their carriage, but hurried to the kitchen. Ping An also brought two coachmen, so naturally they should prepare some meals for them.

It just so happened that the zongzi made two days ago was by the stove, so she didn't bother, so she just cut up the zongzi and put them in the pan to fry in oil, then served with the big bone broth that had been warming on the stove.Finally, a plate of seasoned vegetables was fried and a plate of stewed meat was added, and this dish was also considered complete.

After the meal was ready, several people in the yard also unloaded the goods. She handed out the bowls and chopsticks while greeting people, "Peace, the three of you come over to eat something first."

The few people who were unloading the goods in the yard smelled the aroma, and walked into the restaurant upon hearing this, even Gu Yunxuan, who had just had a full meal, felt her stomach and wanted to eat.

Yin Ziying stretched out her hand and nodded her head while saying: "Sister Xuan can't eat it, rice dumplings are not easy to digest, your child has a weak stomach."

At this time, Ping An and the other three also came over. Seeing the sumptuous food on the table, Ping An immediately said: "Miss Yin, don't be so polite, we can just eat whatever we want."

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "It's not right, you came a few days earlier, otherwise I can make bacon for you! These are fried rice dumplings. Although it is not easy for children, it is definitely okay for you adults. , and quite full, you should drink some soup to warm your stomach first, and then eat something!"

Ping An didn't refuse her either, and sat down to eat with a smile on seeing this. It wasn't the first time he had a meal at Yin Ziying's house, and he was very experienced.

The two coachmen on the other side also knew Yin Ziying's cooking skills for a long time, and their eyes lit up when they saw the food on the table. They already knew that the most promising son in the family was betrothed to a country girl, but they also knew This is not an ordinary girl, otherwise the old man would not allow it.

(End of this chapter)

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