Chapter 376 A Deal

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard a crisp voice from ahead, "Mother, it's just in time, let's come in and eat!"

The people around were also discussing, "Yes, yes, the food in the house is just right, it's the most suitable, sister-in-law Yin, come in and eat."

Before Mrs. Gao could react, she saw her youngest son running over from the backyard holding something, and Gu Yunxuan's little girl giggled from behind.

"Brother Lin! Brother Lin!" Gao Shi happily stepped forward and hugged his son.

Yin Ruilin also hadn't seen his mother for a long time, but instead of hugging Gao Shi immediately, he saluted Gao Shi, and then stepped forward to hug her waist, "Mom, you are here!"

Seeing that his son was so well-behaved, Gao was overjoyed, and nodded while holding his hand: "Okay, okay, our Brother Lin has grown up, so he will be able to salute."

If in the past, let alone saluting, he would not even know how to call people. The change in reading is really great!
Not only did Mrs. Gao think so, but even the people in the yard felt excited when they saw Yin Ruilin like this.

The old Yin's family is up now, not to mention that Mrs. Yin is the most powerful, but the remaining daughters. I heard that they also have a house in the county and can work. Looking at it this way, the old Yin's family The children are really smart.

He also said that the youngest brother, they had seen the pampered look when he first came here, but now not only the old gentleman in the academy personally brought him, but the name of his intelligence has been passed on.

In the current crowd, many people are wondering whether there is a son of the right age at home. Of course, they dare not make up their minds about Yin Ruilin, a baby bump. Besides, his child is still young, a six-year-old baby.

But that's not the case with his older sisters. After the new year, they can talk about others, right?Now that you are so capable, if you don't settle down, it will be difficult to climb up to this relative in the future.

I didn't see that Mrs. Yin had already divorced, but she still made a kiss with that Wu Dong's family in Cuixianlou?At that time, this matter was lively in their village for a long time.

Yin Ziying didn't know what the people in the yard were thinking, so she pulled Mrs. Gao, who was talking with people with a smile, into the house for dinner.Although several tables were set up in the yard, the women and children who came to help still ate inside the house.

After all, although it didn't snow today, it was still the twelfth lunar month, and the weather was very cold, which was different from the men drinking outside.

Gao asked Yin Ziying as she walked, "Ziying, why did you kill two pigs in your yard? Didn't your village kill twenty pigs two days ago?"

The news was passed back by the workers in Baijia Village. I don't know how many people envied it. I heard that the one who got the most share was her daughter, who was half a pig!

Even so, this time she came here to buy pork from her daughter. She knew that this daughter never kept anything, and the half-fried pig might have been made into various kinds of food long ago.

No, I came here today to take a look, and it really is.

Yin Ziying said as she walked: "It's nothing, it's all intended to be used as a gift. This year, the Wu family sent a lot of things."

Hearing this, Gao Shi, who was frowning to scold his daughter, immediately relaxed, and couldn't care less, and hurriedly asked: "What did you give?"

Yin Ziying turned her head and glanced at her helplessly.

Seeing Yin Ziying's eyes, Gao stopped for a moment, then she looked around and said hastily: "Let's talk after eating, let's talk after eating."

For this daughter who is becoming more and more righteous, she is still a little timid at present, especially after learning that this daughter who has been divorced has quietly engaged to that Wu Dong's family in Cuixianlou, she is even more so. I dare not underestimate my daughter.

She knows how powerful her daughter is, but she never expected to be so powerful. After all, Cuixianlou is a big family, how can she be engaged to her daughter who has left?
But she didn't dare to ask how the marriage was arranged. At most, she would be complacent when asked by others in the village. If she really wanted to let her go out to Pancui Xianlou to do something, then she dared not.

After all, the marriage was not settled yet, and she didn't dare to go out and spoil her daughter's marriage by talking nonsense.

Just like that, Gao happily entered the house and had a meal with the women who came to help.

During the period, she kept greeting her with a smiling face, which made many women in Baijia Village secretly change their minds about her. It seems that Mrs. Yin's mother is not so unreasonable. Look, how refreshing is this?
It wasn't until all the helpers in the family were sent away that Gao finally found Yin Ziying cheerfully. This time she didn't dislike Yin Ziying for sending away so much food, she just smiled.

Yin Ziying glanced at her, and said while pouring the sausage in her hand: "Mother, just speak up if you have something to say." Standing beside her like this, smiling, was really uncomfortable.

Gao was not annoyed, and looked at the sausage in her hand: "Why, you made these things to give to your son-in-law as a New Year's gift? That's how it should be. Are two pigs enough? Do you want to buy another one?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, even Yin Ruilin, the youngest, couldn't help but look at Gao several times, not to mention others.

Mrs. Gao didn't care about her daughter's gaze, and she really pushed her son, "Go, go, brother Lin and sister Xuan, I have something to say to your elder sister."

Seeing her son go away, Gao Shi washed her hands and helped Yin Ziying tie the sausage rope while saying, "Ziying, did your son-in-law come to see you after you settled this marriage? I heard that he has been there for a long time. Did not come to your village."

Yin Ziying wanted to refute what she said about her son-in-law, but she thought again: "Why are the fiances meeting? There is nothing important in the village recently, and they are in the capital!"

Seeing her submissive answer, instead of talking back like before, Gao felt a little satisfied, and then said: "But I heard that people around my son-in-law often come to give gifts, and my son-in-law can be considered considerate."

Yin Ziying endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't help it, "Mother, don't talk about your son-in-law like that, you haven't written a word about this matter yet! How bad it is for people to hear."

Except for her and Wei Lingyi who knew it was a deal, other people of course didn't know it was a fake. Yin Ziying was afraid that Gao would not be able to accept the reality when she said it.

After all, it doesn't feel good to fall from a high place to the bottom. Although she is not filial, she doesn't want her parents to be like this.

Mrs. Gao didn't know that this marriage was a fake, and said with a face full of complacency after hearing this: "What's the matter? You will marry your son-in-law sooner or later, so let me tell you what's wrong in advance. If you want to talk about this matter, It's because your father has good vision, he said before that he thinks you and Dong Wu's family are suitable, but he didn't expect it to happen in the end, my daughter is really amazing..."

This was the first time Yin Ziying had heard Gao talk about this matter, so she stopped what she was doing and stood up straight, "Mother, what did you say? What did Dad say?"

Why didn't she know there was such a thing?Her father, that stupid gourd, had such a plan?No, didn't they just meet Wei Lingyi once?

(End of this chapter)

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