Chapter 401 Witnesses
In the evening, after Wei Lingyi returned to the mansion, he heard the news that A Xing and A Tao asked for a meeting.

He looked at the steward, who took a step forward and said, "My lord, Miss Yin went to the yard of the two girls this morning."

Wei Lingyi nodded, cherishing words like gold and said: "See you."

Not long after, the servants led sisters A Xing and A Tao to the main courtyard. Even though they knew Wei Lingyi's status was extraordinary, when they saw Wei Lingyi again, A Xing and A Tao were still in awe.

"What's the matter?"

A Xing hurriedly stepped forward and told them in a low voice what Yin Ziying had told them during the day, and finally said: "We both know about the relationship between the son and Miss Yin, but after all, this matter involves outside..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard the man say concisely: "No problem, just listen to her."

A Xing was stunned, and A Tao who was beside her had a look of surprise on her face, and then she stretched out her hand to pull her sister who was stunned.

A Xing came back to his senses, and gave Wei Lingyi a deep bow, "If so, thank you son."

"There's no need to be too polite, it's for your better life. By the way, you can listen to everything she says in the future."

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the two sisters, Wei Lingyi's expression remained unchanged until after the two left, a smile appeared on his lips.

Over there, A Xing and A Tao returned to the yard, and A Tao said pleasantly: "Wow, sister, we can do business with Miss Yin, that's great."

A Xing was also happy, with a slight smile on her face, she was still surprised when she thought of Wei Lingyi's performance just now, "I didn't expect Wei Shizi and Miss Yin to be so close, I thought..."

A Tao who was on the side interrupted her: "Sister..."

A Xing shook her head and smiled: "Do you think I would say something inappropriate? Miss Yin is kind to us, and it is a good thing for us that she can have this day."

Hearing this, A Tao also showed joy on her face, indeed, Miss Yin was far more negotiable than Prince Wei.

The two sisters are very happy here thinking that they can bring benefits to the tribe in the future.


On the other side, after seeing the two sisters, Wei Lingyi looked at the steward beside him, "Is Miss Yin's dinner ready yet?"

The steward was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "Not yet, I don't know if the prince is here or..."

"Over there." When the voice came back, Wei Lingyi had strode out of the main courtyard.

The steward looked at his young master's back in a daze. Although he knew that his elder son had a crush, he also promised the two masters to observe this girl Yin carefully.

But he never thought that the son of the world loves this girl so much, well, now he has to think carefully about writing the letter to the frontier.

When Wei Lingyi arrived, Yin Ziying was writing about the operation of the store. He waved away the servants around him and stood quietly behind her, watching her write.

Looking at her delicate handwriting, he was a little dazed. He still remembered that when she first met her, she couldn't even read all the words, and she needed two younger brothers to help her sign the contract.

After Yin Ziying finished writing, she put down the pen in her hand, raised her hands and stretched her waist. She felt that someone had grabbed her hand. She turned her head in fright, and was pulled into her arms by the visitor.

Yin Ziying groaned in pain as her small nose bumped against his firm chest, and a light pink circle appeared around her eyes, which made the man above her feel distressed.

"But it hurts?"

While speaking, he caressed her nose carefully.

Yin Ziying hurriedly turned her face away, stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh around his waist, and complained a little: "Why did you come here? Why didn't you make a sound? Do you know that people are frightening and frightening to death!"

The beloved is cute even when he is in a mood, Wei Lingyi felt his heart swell, he lowered his head and rubbed her face with his chin, "I see you are writing something, in case I say something wrong, Then it will have to be rewritten.”

Although she had indeed taken a fancy to him and made up her mind with him, such intimate contact still made Yin Ziying a little uncomfortable.

She broke free from his hand and tried to put on a serious look on her face: "That's the case, you shouldn't scare me."

Looking at her cute appearance, Wei Lingyi only felt soft in his heart, he nodded, still holding her hand, his voice was so soft that it would ooze water, "Okay, I will pay attention next time."

When the two came out laughing, the meal was already served outside, as usual, the two naturally sat at the dining table and ate.

After dinner, Yin Ziying looked at Wei Lingyi, "Why are you free today?"

Wei Lingyi looked at her with smiling eyes: "Don't you know?"

Yin Ziying wondered: "Should I know?"

Seeing the smile in his eyes, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yin Ziying's mind, and she asked with a smile, "Did A Xing and A Tao look for you?"

Wei Lingyi nodded, and Yin Ziying squeezed his hand and asked, "How is it? Did you agree?"

"What do you think?" Wei Lingyi looked at her with tenderness in his eyes.

Yin Ziying stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "I told them that you agreed to this matter, but Ah Xing is still too cautious."

Seeing her so delicate and pretty appearance, Wei Lingyi intuitively felt a little softer in his heart, and he said softly: "I have already told them, and if there are similar things in the future, I will just listen to you."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying raised her eyes and looked at him in surprise. At this moment, his eyes seemed to be full of starlight, which was very different from the cold look before.

Ignoring the starlight in his eyes, she hesitated for a moment, and then said carefully: "I know you have something to do with letting Ah Xing and A Tao come to the capital. I have never asked you before, but now..."

She really didn't know what Wei Lingyi's plans were before, but now that they have connected with each other, don't they need to keep some things from her?
Knowing what she meant, Wei Lingyi squeezed her hand and said: "Now you can know everything, and I will tell you everything you want to know."

Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows: "Then let's start with Ah Xing and the others!"


Wei Lingyi glanced left and right, saw that the servants retreated knowingly, and then met those dark eyes, "A Xing and A Tao came to Beijing to testify, to witness."

Yin Ziying sat up straight: "What case? How many years ago?"

"It's not a testimony for the case, but if you really want to say it, it can be regarded as a witness!"

Seeing Yin Ziying's puzzled frown, Wei Lingyi hurriedly said: "The identities of A Xing and A Tao are not as simple as what you see, they don't belong to that village, if my prediction is correct, the two of them He has a very high status and has a relationship with the royal family."

Yin Ziying's eyes widened in surprise: "A Xing and A Tao are members of the royal family?"

Although she expected that A Xing and A Tao came to the capital to testify, she never thought that there was a difference in their identities.

Wei Lingyi looked solemn: "It is very likely."

"Will A Xing and A Tao's close relatives stand against us?"

Wei Lingyi gave Yin Ziying an appreciative look, then smiled and shook his head: "No, that's why I brought them here."

Yin Ziying's eyes lit up: "Can the relatives behind A Tao and A Xing help us?"

If A Tao and A Xing really came from the royal family, they should have great power in their hands. If they can be helped, maybe they will not be so difficult.

Wei Lingyi nodded and shook his head: "Their close relatives may, but relatives will not."

(End of this chapter)

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