Chapter 404 Live Signboard

Yin Ziying looked at the neatly arranged dolls on the shelf, and she was also filled with emotion. She took out one of the dolls, her hands were soft, and she looked at the edge, and there were no needle holes and threads were all hidden. Yin Ziying had to Admire these ancient craftsmen.

She praised without hesitation: "This workmanship is so good, ma'am, how many dolls are there in stock for each doll here?"

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou looked at the big servant girl who followed her. Although she supported her son in getting this thing, after all, her status was such that it was impossible for her to remember these things herself.

The eldest servant girl understood, took a step forward and smiled at Yin Ziying: "Miss Yin, there are nineteen dolls in total. According to what you said before, we only made fifty of each doll, and now the work is basically completed. There are only a dozen dolls left."

"That's great. If that's the case, we'll be able to open soon after the shop is decorated."

Although Mrs. Dingyuan Hou knew that Yin Ziying's business was rare and expensive, she only made fifty of each doll, and this shop was going to be open for a long time, so she was still puzzled. .

"Ziying, how can it be enough to sell only fifty of each of these things? Even if we sell one a day, it's not enough to sell!"

With such a large population in the capital, any falling brick could hit the family members of the officials. Mrs. Dingyuanhou felt that the sales volume was not a problem at all.

Yin Ziying said: "Ma'am, I don't intend to sell all these dolls at once, but to sell a few of each doll every day, several at the same time."

It is easy to use the culture of fried shoes and fried blind boxes of later generations to come to this ancient time, and it is easy to achieve results, even in a small place like a county, let alone a city like the capital where the nobles grab a lot!

It can be said that a place like the capital city is the best place to choose a location, and this business is also easier to do.

Mrs. Dingyuanhou was even more taken aback by what she said, "Is there any other thing that sells a little bit of everything?"

Seeing her like this, Yin Ziying understood that Jiang Chuan must have failed to convey her ideas in place, otherwise Mrs. Dingyuan Hou would not fail to understand.

After thinking about it, she took out her plan from the cloth bag she carried with her and handed it over, then motioned to Mrs. Dingyuan Hou to sit down on the table and chair beside her.

"Ma'am, you will understand after reading this plan. The saying that rare things are more expensive is not unreasonable."

Mrs. Dingyuanhou reached out to take the plan in her hand after hearing the words, and then read it seriously. The more she looked at her, the more pleasantly surprised she was. In the end, she slapped the plan and said with a smile: "Okay!" , Okay, okay, this method is good, if our shop is really operated in this way, as long as it is operated properly, it will not be difficult to make money."

It was only after reading Yin Ziying's plan that Mrs. Dingyuanhou understood why her son was so sure that the shop would make money, and even let her, the dignified Mrs. Dingyuanhou, come forward.

What do people in Beijing lack?Lack of conversation material, lack of new things, lack of rare gadgets!
If nothing else, just talk about this doll, just talk about this operating model, and it will become a hot topic in Beijing and China in less than two days.

Thinking of the comparison between the people in the capital, when the time comes when the poetry meeting and tea party will be held, who will say what doll has been snatched, then the others will definitely be moved. Thinking of this, Mrs. Dingyuanhou became more and more excited.

This sales model is good, and it is worth learning from her. Among other things, she has a lot of dowry shops under her control. When the time comes...

Yin Ziying didn't know that Mrs. Dingyuanhou had already thought of this level, she said with a smile: "I just want to let people in the capital know that our products are not sold, but robbed. Madam, don't worry, these nineteen kinds of dolls are just The first batch, there will be other new dolls later, our inspiration is endless."

After finishing speaking, she said a little embarrassedly: "Madam, did the Shizi tell you? When the shop opens, I will need your help!"

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou only knew that Yin Ziying was a good friend of her son. The son said that he partnered with the little girl to open this shop and asked her to take care of her more, but she didn't say anything else.

Seeing Yin Ziying talking about it right now, she immediately said: "Ziying, you and Chuan'er are good friends, and I'm here to support you, so feel free to mention anything you can use me for."

Yin Ziying pursed her lips, "Madam, from your own point of view, what do you think of these dolls? If you were a customer, would you take the initiative to buy them?"

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Yin Ziying to say this, she immediately nodded in response.

"Don't tell me, I really will buy them. Although these things look weird, they are also kind of cute, and the colors are bright. Not only us women, but if there are children in the family, they are also very fond of them. .”

Yin Ziying said: "I discussed it with the son of the world before. When the shop opens, I will give the wife a complete set of dolls. When the lady goes to the flower festival or poetry fair, she will help us and tell those ladies and ladies who have These things are."

Mrs. Dingyuanhou thought for a while, and immediately understood what Yin Ziying meant. Did the co-author want her to be a living sign for them to solicit customers?
If someone else talked about this matter, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou might be angry.

But this was mentioned by Yin Ziying, and Yin Ziying was a girl whom her precious son had told her several times to take good care of her, so Mrs. Dingyuan Hou was not angry, instead she thought about it for a moment.

Yin Ziying didn't bother her either, this kind of thing is actually very common in the circle of noble ladies, such as getting some special famous flower or extraordinary jewelry, these noble ladies would mention it at the banquet.

The difference now is that those other flowers and jewelry have become dolls. Yin Ziying thought clearly, if Mrs. Dingyuan Hou helped her open a hole in the circle of ladies in the capital, people of her class would definitely do the same. to buy.

In addition to this, Jiang Chuan can also sell it in the circle of young men in the capital. Yin Ziying is not worried that this thing is not popular in the circle of young men. After all, many men in the previous life liked figurines and dolls.

Moreover, this thing is not meant to be played with, it is mainly used for appreciation or collection.

People in the capital are so smart, when they find out that this doll is bought back, not only are others vying for it, but they also know that this doll is valuable for collection.

No matter how bad it is, it is also good to give as a gift!It's also ingenious for these princes in the capital to give a doll or something to their wives, children or fiancee at home.

Looking at it this way, this doll is simply a social attraction.

While thinking this way, Mrs. Dingyuanhou over there also came back to her senses. Although it was only for a moment, she had already thought clearly.

People around these people will know in the future that there is their Dingyuanhou Mansion behind this shop, so why not invite those wives and ladies to watch it from the beginning?
Thinking of Yin Ziying's plan, if the plan above can really be realized, then these wives may look at her as if they were a sweet potato in the future!

She smiled and nodded Yin Ziying's forehead: "You young people dare to think, and you even came up with such an idea."

(End of this chapter)

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