Chapter 407
Yin Ziying looked at him in surprise, she knew that now that Wei Lingyi was in the capital, he was like a proton, otherwise His Majesty would not have let Zhennan Wang and his wife go so happily.

Seeing her eyes, Wei Lingyi reached out and rubbed the top of her hair: "Don't worry, there will always be a way."

Yin Ziying didn't know that after Wei Lingyi made this decision, the court suddenly became quiet for a long time, and even the daily impeachment of Uncle Geng Shan on weekdays was much less.

Several important ministers in the court have already noticed that something is wrong. According to their years of experience in the officialdom, when the court is calm and the sea is calm, it is often the calm before the storm.

However, Yin Ziying was completely unaware of these things. The shop in the capital was quickly installed. In order to ensure her safety, she did not attend the opening day, only Mrs. Dingyuan Hou and Jiang Chuan attended.

Because Mrs. Dingyuan Hou had warmed up in the circle of noble ladies before, the performance on the opening day was extremely good. All the products on the shelves were sold out, and many people who went late could not buy dolls.

So, before Yin Ziying got people out to work, I heard that someone in the capital had already started reselling the new dolls in the shop from the Gao family.

The reason is, of course, that these people went to Mrs. Dingyuanhou after they found out that they couldn't buy it. Who is Mrs. Dingyuanhou?

She came from the Xie family in Chenjun, not to mention that she didn't like the money sent by those people, but that she knew Yin Ziying's plan a long time ago, so of course she wanted to keep the people away.

Therefore, some noble ladies in Beijing who had no dolls spent a lot of money to buy them.

And those little ladies who originally bought dolls just because they liked them, especially some little ladies who were not so well off and wanted to please others, resold the dolls at a high price without much hesitation.

The noble lady and the young ladies who got the doll followed Madam Dingyuanhou's example and spent a lot of money to have the carpenter build a cabinet made by Langxuan, and put the doll on it like this.

Don't say it, it's still pretty.

It would be even better if there was a wall full of dolls in Mrs. Dingyuanhou's house.

So from that day on, everyone in Beijing knew the high value of this doll, and waited for the new product to go on sale at the door of the shop every day, before reselling it at a high price.

Because of Yin Ziying's previous rules and regulations, the shop closed for a rest after selling out its daily merchandise.

Therefore, more people have nothing to do with this shop.

Of course, some people realized the specialness of these dolls. After taking them back, many noble ladies asked the skilled embroiderers at home to see if they could copy one, but unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed.

Not to mention that the shapes of these dolls are all weird, it is said that the cutting and embroidery of each sample and each piece of cloth here cost a lot of thought. How could it be possible for them to learn it at a glance?

In short, this doll was quickly spread in Beijing, and many people knew Yin Ziying's name because of it.

Although Yin Ziying did not show up when the shop opened, she had already attracted the attention of many people because of the incident at the gate of the city, and her itinerary in the various mansions in the capital was naturally transparent.

During this period of time, she was the one who had the most contacts with Mrs. Dingyuanhou. Many people felt that this shop had nothing to do with her. After all, before Yin Ziying came to the capital, Mrs. Dingyuanhou never made these things.

Therefore, the flower appreciation posts and poems sent to the Zhennan Prince's Mansion are like snowflakes, and Zhishu can get back a thick stack of posts from the concierge almost every day.

On this day, Yin Ziying told Zhishu to push all these posts as usual. After all, she knew that although these people were not malicious to her, they must not have much kindness.

These people invited her to go and have nothing to do with the dolls. She was so soft-spoken that she couldn't refuse those people as straightforwardly as Mrs. Dingyuanhou, so she had no choice but to decline.

Unexpectedly, Zhishu glanced at it, picked out a gold-plated post and handed it over, "The other Yin girls may want to reject it, but this one is better not to push."

With just one glance, Yin Ziying could see the difference in this post, because the big characters 'Elder Princess Mansion' gilded on the dark red post were very conspicuous.

"A post from the Princess' Palace?"

Yin Ziying was surprised, she stretched out her hand and opened it to see that it was a post inviting her to enjoy the flowers in the future, the words on the post were very ordinary and the handwriting was beautiful.

I can't tell that this beautiful handwriting has any connection with the flamboyant and noble Princess Changyue. It seems that it was written by someone else.

But this is also understandable, after all, as far as she knows, such things as writing posts by herself are very rare in Beijing.

"When was the post delivered?"

Zhishu said with a smile: "The ones were just delivered this afternoon, and they were delivered by the nuns in their house."

In Beijing, if the mother comes to deliver posts and other things, it shows that the host family values ​​this family more, which is also a rule.

Therefore, Yin Ziying raised her eyebrows in surprise.

From this point of view, she is still valued by Princess Changyue?
Because of Wei Lingyi's previous instructions, she did not plan to take Joe, but made a decision to go to the Princess's Mansion for a banquet the day after tomorrow.

In the evening, Wei Lingyi also found out about this matter, he didn't say anything, but ordered the steward in the mansion to prepare corresponding things for Yin Ziying, including some clothes and accessories.

But as soon as Wei Lingyi finished speaking, she was rejected by Yin Ziying. After all, she and Wei Lingyi are still just a fiancé couple, and her own background is whatever she is, so there is really no need to dress up in an extravagant way.

Nowadays, there are quite a few people in the capital who know her background, so she doesn't need to put on a face or something, lest these people have to secretly talk about her.

Wei Lingyi frowned: "Then let someone re-cut it and make some clothes according to your method."

Seeing that Yin Ziying was dissatisfied, he said helplessly: "Don't worry, I won't use too expensive fabrics. But most of your clothes are not in the style of the capital. wrong?"

Most of the northern provinces and cities, not to mention other places, but most of the tricks popular in Qinan Prefecture were passed down from the capital, and there was a certain time difference during this period.

Yin Ziying didn't know this, but Wei Lingyi did.If Yin Ziying really went out wearing the clothes she made in Beidi, she would probably make a lot of people laugh.

Of course he didn't want to let people have this opportunity to laugh at her.

Although Yin Ziying wanted to stick to her own ideas, but when she thought of how she was wearing fine cotton clothes among a group of noble ladies, she felt that she was too conspicuous, and it would be better to be mediocre, so she agreed.

Time passed quickly, and the day for the banquet arrived soon.

On this day, Yin Ziying put on the clothes that Wei Lingyi had made for her, and let her maid comb her hair before leaving the house.

To her surprise, Wei Ling Yiju did not go to court, but was in her yard instead.

She raised her eyebrows: "Wu Ling, aren't you going to court today?"

Although she knew his new name, she was still used to calling him Wu Ling, so the two of them didn't change their names.

Seeing her, Wei Lingyi's eyes flashed with astonishment, and then he smiled lightly and said, "I'll take you to the eldest princess's mansion."

Yin Ziying quickly waved her hand: "No need, I have Zhishu and Yinghua with them, besides, the eldest princess didn't invite your men to go, you still..."

"I won't go in."

(End of this chapter)

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