Chapter 413
Hearing this, Yin Ziying gave her a sympathetic look.

There was the owner of Gaole in the front, and Chen Xuelun in the back. They obviously lived in ancient back houses, why are they so naive?
Yes, in Yin Ziying's eyes, these two people were really naive. It might be true to say that the village master Gao Le had more scheming, but she cared about her reputation and didn't dare to do anything to her.

And this Chen Xuelun's identity is not bad, but how can she use her brain?It was really stupid to be provoked to say this in a few words.

After being stared at by Yin Ziying, Chen Xuelun's lungs were about to explode. She glared at Yin Ziying angrily: "What do you mean?"

Yin Ziying cleared her throat, and then said: "Miss Chen, let me remind you that I earn every penny of food and clothing by myself, as for you saying that I lured Mrs. Dingyuan Hou to open a shop, that would be ridiculous. "

"Yin Ziying, what do you mean?"

Yin Ziying said: "Miss Chen, your father is Mr. Jing Zhaoyin Mr. Chen, right? According to Mr. Chen's salary, how many shilumi a month? How many taels of silver? Can you afford your outfit?

With the clothes on your body, your father's salary for a month can't afford it, so where did the extra money in your family come from?Could it be that Mr. Chen came here through embezzlement and embezzlement? "

Chen Xuelun's complexion changed: "You are talking nonsense! Don't talk nonsense, my father has always been fair and honest."

"Then how did you get your clothes? Then how do you get your monthly silver?"

Chen Xuelun said: "My family has a Zhuangzi, and my family has a shop. These are ancestral properties, and they all have income."

At this time, she no longer remembered what she said just now that Yin Ziying lured Mrs. Dingyuan Hou to open a shop.She only knew that Yin Ziying could not ruin her father's reputation, otherwise their family would be ruined.

When Yin Ziying heard this, she only looked at her with a smile and didn't speak.

Seeing this, Chen Xuelun only thought that she didn't believe her, and hurriedly said: "Our big family naturally has ancestral property, so don't try to use this to slander my father."

Yin Ziying nodded knowingly: "Yes, you also know that your big family has ancestral property. I guess there are farm shops and other properties, right?"

Seeing that she was no longer aggressive, Chen Xuelun nodded hurriedly: "Of course, every household in the capital has these industries. We are not corrupt people."

After she finished speaking, she was not without pride in her heart. After she said this, Yin Ziying couldn't talk about her father any more, right?

Yin Ziying sneered: "Since you know that your family also has ancestral property, and there is also a shop in the ancestral property, then why is it me who tempted Mrs. Dingyuan Hou to open a shop? Although my Great Yan Dynasty had distinct classes, with scholars, farmers, businessmen and merchants behind, but Now in Dayan’s law there is no statement that officials are not allowed to own private property. The whole world, from the emperor down to our village people, all know that if they have money, they need to buy property, and opening shops can attract taxes, so what’s the shame?”

Chen Xuelun was dumbfounded, she really didn't expect it, but because of this topic, Yin Ziying was able to pull out all these things.

And the words in it are even more slapping her in the face, what taxes and the laws of Great Yan, aren't they just saying that she is ignorant?
Just as she was about to say something to refute and go back, she saw crisp applause from the other side, and a dashing young girl in a beard came out. With just one glance, Chen Xuelun knew that this was a person who had just returned to Beijing. Princess Cannes.

"Good! Well said!"

Princess Kangcheng clapped her hands and gave a good compliment. She strode up to Yin Ziying. Just when everyone thought she would say something to Yin Ziying, Princess Kangcheng turned her head and spoke to Chen Xuelun, who had an ugly complexion.

"Chen Xuelun, it's useless for your father to be the parent officer of my capital, and you don't even understand this simple and obvious truth, and you laugh at him for opening a shop."

Chen Xuelun didn't expect that Princess Kangcheng would jump out and stand in opposition to her, and she couldn't hold back immediately: "Princess Kangcheng, no matter what, opening a shop is not a good thing."

Although every household has private property, who would take the initiative to talk about this kind of thing?There is no doubt that the status of merchants, farmers, businessmen and commerce is lower.

At this moment, a cold snort came, which attracted everyone to look over.

After seeing the flowers, Mrs. Dingyuanhou came out with a cold face. Seeing Chen Xuelun who was stunned, Mrs. Dingyuanhou said unceremoniously:
"How did I hear that Mrs. Chen rushed to Yongzhou just a month ago. Since opening a shop is disgraceful, I don't think the Zhai family has this awareness."

Chen Xuelun didn't expect Madam Dingyuanhou to come out suddenly, let alone Madam Dingyuanhou's words were so serious that she was speechless with a pale face.

At this time, many of the noble ladies who came out together showed an inquisitive look on their faces. The capital can't hide any secrets, and of course they also knew the news that Madam Chen had returned to the capital some time ago.

No, a month has passed, and Mrs. Chen hasn't come back yet!Who doesn't know that Mrs. Chen has an uneasy younger brother?Maybe this time it's because of the mess made over there!
Mrs. Dingyuan Hou is not the one who is aimless...

After a while, Chen Xuelun explained with a pale face: "Madam, you misunderstood, it's not what you think."

Not to mention her, but even her mother here, she would shy away from Mrs. Shang Dingyuanhou, a notoriously difficult lady, let alone her home of a girl who has not left the court?
She regretted her slip of the tongue more and more in her heart.

The Princess of Kangcheng snorted: "You bully the weak and fear the hard!"

After hearing this, Yin Ziying on the side couldn't help laughing. Speaking of which, Chen Xuelun's behavior was indeed a bit bullying, but after all, she was a girl who hadn't left the cabinet, so it was not appropriate to be run over by Mrs. Dingyuanhou here.

But she didn't need to worry so much, because soon, a voice appeared in the crowd: "What's the matter? Please come to enjoy the flowers and have tea, and everyone has gathered there."

The person who came was a middle-aged woman in a soft smoky gold pleated skirt with carved gold and hundreds of butterflies. Her clothes were made of excellent materials, but she only had a hairpin made of Dongzhu on her head. Yin Ziying could tell with just one glance. Human origin is not simple.

There is no need to be reminded by the knowledge book behind her, Mrs. Dingyuanhou has already identified the person who came: "Princess Ningle, you are a bit late."

Princess Ningle?Geng Shan's wife, Gao Le's mother?Yin Ziying sized her up a few times without showing any signs.

Princess Ningle is also very beautiful in appearance, but she is not as good as Gaole Township just now. However, Princess Ningle is very careful about her temperament. This kind of bearing can be seen as a noble girl from a famous family.

It seems that the reason why Concubine Geng can be crowned the sixth palace is not unreasonable. After all, even the niece of Gao Le Township is so good-looking, since she is not like her mother, she must be like her father.

Princess Ning Le smiled at Mrs. Dingyuanhou, and then pretended to see Chen Xuelun, "Ah, what are you doing?"

Chen Xuelun kept his head down with a pale face and dared not speak, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou snorted coldly, Princess Kangcheng didn't speak, and the audience was silent for a moment.

At this time, the Gao Le village owner who had just retired couldn't help it anymore, "Mother, Miss Chen and Miss Yin had some conflicts just now, Madam Dingyuan Hou came out..."

After speaking, she briefly summarized what happened just now, and after she finished, she gave Yin Ziying a rather smug look.

That look seemed to say that you thought you were the only one protecting you?Now that my mother is here, it's not certain who will win!

(End of this chapter)

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