Chapter 416 Princess Cannes
Princess Kangcheng returned to the capital not long ago, although she had never seen a row of cabinets made of Langxuan, she had heard it mentioned by the people below, and immediately shook her hand.

"That's not true. I can't afford the cabinets made by Langxuan. I just want to buy more because of the cuteness of those dolls. I have several cousins ​​and one cousin. I believe they will all like it."

It was the first time that Yin Ziying saw someone bluntly say that she couldn't afford a Langxuan cabinet. If you say it's Baijia Village, the point is that this is the capital.

Moreover, it was a princess with a title who said this to her, which is true and frank.

However, Yin Ziying did not doubt her words. After all, everyone knew that Princess Kangcheng's status seemed noble, but in fact she had no father or mother, and she was not favored by the present.

I heard that the reason why she was awarded the title of princess when she was still young was given to her by King Zhennan and Princess Changyue.

Later, she followed Princess Changyun to live in Longyou, Longyou was already remote, Princess Changyun and her son-in-law were not considered favored, it's no wonder they lived well.

Princess Kangcheng raised her eyebrows: "What? You don't believe me?"

Yin Ziying shook her head: "Why don't you believe me, I was wondering what kind of doll the princess likes."

That means they are willing to help. Princess Kangcheng lifted her spirits and looked at Yin Ziying with great interest.

"I think that Kulomi is pretty, but if it's my cousins, they probably like Stardel and Kulomi." After finishing speaking, she looked at Yin Ziying anxiously, as if she was afraid that she would take back what she just said .

Unexpectedly Princess Kangcheng actually liked Kulomi, Yin Ziying nodded with a smile: "It's not difficult, I can help you pay attention, if someday there are goods in the shop..."

Before finishing speaking, Princess Kangcheng said with a sad face: "Your shop is only open for a short time every day, and there are goods every morning, but when our people squeeze in, they are all sold out."

Yin Ziying is funny, even if she can make a small fuss for the princess of Kangcheng, she can't say it in front of the public, right?
Don't look at the fact that there is no one around the two of them now, but in fact, there are still many people who are listening to what they are doing here.

If she really dared to directly tell Princess Kangcheng to open the back door for her, there would be no need to do business in the shop tomorrow.Moreover, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou's previous efforts were in vain, of course she would not do this.

Xu Shi understood her eyes, and Princess Kangcheng suppressed the excitement in her heart and said in a low voice: "Then I'll go find you later?"

Yin Ziying nodded unremarkably, and then she saw that the Princess of Kangcheng breathed a sigh of relief, and her face was full of smiles.

Speaking of which, Princess Kangcheng is extremely beautiful, she is the standard thick-faced beauty.

Thick eyebrows and big eyes, deep facial features, typical of the appearance of an exotic beauty, obviously inherited the appearance of the father on the grassland.

Princess Kangcheng didn't notice that Yin Ziying was looking at her appearance at all. Seeing that Yin Ziying agreed, she felt that Yin Ziying was very appetizing to her both in character and in speech, so she couldn't help asking: "Did you really live in the country before?"

When she said this, her curiosity was undisguised, and she didn't have the domineering feeling that Chen Xuelun and others said just now, so Yin Ziying nodded directly in response.

"That's right! I'm from the countryside. My family is in the Qinan Mansion. The Princess has never heard of it, right?"

Princess Kangcheng had heard of Qinan Mansion, but she had obviously never been there.

Hearing this, she nodded immediately, and then asked curiously, "Then what you said just now, is it true or not?"

Yin Ziying didn't shy away from others, and said directly: "Of course it's true. In our countryside, every household has to cultivate the land. Even the lazy people in the village don't dare to be idle during the busy farming season. Otherwise, if the farming season is busy, the harvest will be delayed next year I can’t get enough to eat for a year.”

Seeing that Princess Kangcheng listened with gusto, she picked up some interesting stories about farming in the village, which made Princess Kangcheng's eyes shine.

After hearing this, the Princess of Kangcheng sighed: "It's great that you have land to grow food. My uncle said that if there is land, the people will not starve to death."

Yin Ziying thought about it again, Princess Kangcheng lived in Longyou since she was a child, where would Longyou be in modern times?Yomo is Gansu?
Does Gansu not farm?It seems that in her impression there are also crops there.Thinking of this, she asked directly: "Isn't there farming in Longyou?"

The Princess of Kangcheng nodded and shook his head: "It's not that they don't cultivate the land, it's that the cultivation is not good. The land over there is not good, and the harvest is very little."

After finishing speaking, she said to Yin Ziying: "Let me tell you, everyone farms in our place, even I did it, but our place is not as good as yours, not to mention the sun and heat, it is planted Food is often an empty shell."

Yin Ziying didn't expect that the princess had also been in the field. As for the problem of grain being an empty shell, it was most likely a problem of seeds, not to mention Longyou, this kind of situation was very common even in Qi Nan Mansion.

The two chatted for a long time about farming, which made many people who followed them roll their eyes.

Is there a mistake?Yin Ziying just talked about farming, but why are you, a majestic royal princess, also talking about farming?She really doesn't look like a lady at all.

Even though they thought so in their hearts, these people didn't dare to say it, they just took advantage of the refreshment time and turned their heads away from the two of them.

Not only Yin Ziying, but even the Princess of Kangcheng was sensitive to the attitude of these people. She raised her eyebrows, and then said to Yin Ziying in a low voice: "Then let's just say that, I will come to visit in a few days."

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile, and heard her say again: "Speaking of which, King Zhennan is my savior. My aunt said that Princess Zhennan raised me for a few months, and I haven't seen Prince Wei when he comes back. And meet."

Yin Ziying didn't know the reason, her eyes widened slightly, seeing that she didn't know, Princess Kangcheng hurriedly explained the matter.

It turned out that after the king of Zhennan rescued the princess of Kangcheng and those palace servants, he took advantage of the victory to pursue the tribe, so he first sent the princess of Kangcheng and those palace servants to Xiao Yi.

At that time, Princess Kangcheng was still young, and Xiao Yi lost his child for several years, so he treated Princess Kangcheng very well.

Until the tribe was subdued and then Princess Kangcheng was sent back to the capital, during this period of several months, Princess Kangcheng was taken care of by Xiao Yi.

Although Princess Kangcheng was young and didn't remember much, the palace servants around her did remember, and later told Princess Changyun all these things in detail.

It is also for this reason that every year Princess Changyun prepares a gift for Princess Kangcheng to let her go to the border, mainly to thank Zhennan Wang and Zhennan Wangfei.

After listening, Yin Ziying couldn't help feeling emotional.

After all, both Princess Zhennan and Princess Changyun are good people. Otherwise, it would be normal for Princess Changyun not to let Princess Kangcheng come out for a while.

However, it can also be seen from the fact that she is willing to adopt the princess of Kangcheng who has no father and mother, Princess Changyun is a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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