Chapter 422 The Princess's Punishment
At the same time, in the princess palace.

Princess Changyue was leaning on the soft couch, and Nanny Zhang was making tea for her, the master and servant were silent.

After a long time, Princess Changyue took the initiative to speak: "Madam, do you think I did something wrong today?"

Nanny Zhang said: "I can't do anything wrong, but this servant really feels that His Highness has made a rash move today."

Things were far from the time when it needed to develop like this. They had already discussed it, and kept the person first, even if they wanted to protect the little girl.

Princess Changyue pulled the corners of her lips: "It's a bit aggressive, but I've been getting estranged from Ning Le in recent days. Anyway, she knows that I don't trust her. If that's the case, it's better to send her back directly, so as to avoid there will always be others in the mansion."

"It's good that His Highness has a decision in mind."

Princess Changyue smiled lightly: "The next thing is to wait for the good show to begin. Please check the wind direction in Beijing in a few days."

Thinking of Yin Ziying's performance today, she wanted to laugh again: "Such an eloquence, no wonder that child likes it. From my point of view, this child clearly asked for it. After all, the Wu family is in business, so how could it be possible to choose such an eloquence for him?" A marriage?"

Nanny Zhang nodded approvingly, isn't that right? Although the information found shows that this girl Yin was appointed by the old man of the Wu family, but a girl who was born in the countryside and has been divorced before, what qualifications does the Wu family have to do for her? Wei Lingyi hired?
Just because of the vermicelli and starch she made?Although that thing is rare, there are not no counterfeit items in Dayan.

In other words, it's not just this one's business.

Therefore, it is self-evident who is the meaning of this.

"Speaking of which, this Miss Yin is indeed extremely intelligent, and she barely escaped danger on several occasions today."

Princess Changyue nodded, thinking of Wei Lingyi who she saw in the palace that day, she felt another wave of emotion in her heart.

These two unmarried couples, whose combined age is not as old as hers, yet they both dare to plot against her, are really formidable young people.

"In this regard, she is very similar to that child, no wonder she can enter the family."

Seeing that she was interested in this, Madam Zhang smiled and said, "Your Highness, I heard that King Zhennan and Princess Zhennan are very dissatisfied with this prospective daughter-in-law!"

"It's normal to be dissatisfied. The child has been missing for so long, and it's hard to find him. They naturally want to match him with the best."

Unexpectedly, this best thing suddenly turned out to be worse than the worst they expected, and it is natural to be dissatisfied.

However, for these two children who dared to take her into account, Princess Changyue was not angry, but had a hint of admiration instead.

At this time, Princess Changyue didn't know that Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi had designed a bigger game to plot against her.

Nanny Zhang said: "Although I am dissatisfied, but Shizi Wei is an unambiguous master, I am afraid that Shizi Wei will win this round."

Princess Changyue nodded: "It's one thing to be dissatisfied, but another thing to respect your son. They had already made plans for this on the day the marriage was bestowed in the palace."

Thinking of what she saw in the palace that day, she sighed again.

If this kind of scheming and planning is to contribute to the Great Yan Dynasty in the court, why worry about the instability of the Great Yan society?
Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Madam Zhang say: "In this case, why did Your Highness give that pot of orchids to the little lady today?"

The punishment for that pot of orchids seems simple, but it is actually very difficult. Knowing how to grow land and how to grow flowers are two different things. Otherwise, why have so many gardeners in the mansion failed to save that potted flower for so many years?
Princess Changyue was startled when she heard the words, and said after a long time: "Try your luck."

Madam Zhang was taken aback, but said nothing more.

The origin of that pot of orchids is not simple, it was planted by the eldest princess and her ex-consort together, after so many years, no one has been able to save it.

This time, the princess asked that girl Yin to help her back, and she didn't know whether she valued that girl Yin or wanted to use this to give herself an explanation.

On the other side, Mrs. Dingyuanhou who led Yin Ziying out was taken aback. She didn't care about her own carriage when she left the house, but got into Yin Ziying's carriage instead.

Yin Ziying knew that Mrs. Dingyuanhou cared about her, so she didn't refuse. Mrs. Dingyuanhou told her all the way to comfort her.

Because Dingyuan Hou's Mansion and Zhennan Wang's Mansion are in different alleys, so the carriage arrived at Dingyuan Hou's Mansion first, and Madam Dingyuan Hou said before getting out of the car: "Ziying, don't worry, I will let Chuan'er go to collect orchids for you tomorrow." , be sure to find the exact same one for you.”

Although Princess Changyuechang said that she couldn't buy orchid grass, she didn't think Yin Ziying could take care of the flowers that even the gardener in Princess Changyuechang's mansion couldn't keep alive.

As for whether it will be discovered, let's talk about it at that time.

When Yin Ziying heard this, she hurriedly stopped her and said, "Ma'am, don't worry about me, I have a way to support this potted flower."

"Can you feed?"

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou raised her eyebrows, obviously a little surprised.

Yin Ziying nodded earnestly: "I'll try first, Madam, don't worry, if you can't support yourself, it's better to let Wei Lingyi run about this matter, after all, you are in the capital..."

She didn't say the rest, but Mrs. Dingyuanhou already understood that although Wei Lingyi was in the capital, King Zhennan and Princess Zhennan still had territory in the borderlands. sensitive.

She is different, there are many people in the capital, if the Dingyuanhou Mansion really does this, there is no guarantee that it will not fall into the eyes of Princess Changyue.

After figuring this out, she agreed, "Then I don't care. If you need help, just come to me."

Yin Ziying smiled and said yes, and thanked her again before she sent him down. Apart from other things, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou was very protective of her when she went out today. She even did not hesitate to offend Jing Zhaoyin. grateful.

After sending off Mrs. Dingyuan Hou, the carriage swayed, and soon arrived at the Zhennan Palace.

Yin Ziying had just entered the mansion and took two steps when she saw a tall man approaching in front of her. If it wasn't Wei Lingyi, who else?
She pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "I thought you weren't here."

Wei Lingyi strode forward, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and then asked, "Why are you back so early?"

Logically speaking, these banquets in the capital are held from morning to afternoon, and lunch is usually reserved.

It is too early today.

Yin Ziying: "Something happened, so the eldest princess let us back."

Wei Lingyi immediately frowned when he heard this: "What's the matter?" After speaking, he turned his head to look at Zhishu and Yinghua who were following Yin Ziying, and happened to see the half-dead orchid in Zhishu's hand.

"This is……"

Yin Ziying said: "The eldest princess' punishment."

Wei Lingyi's complexion changed, and he dragged Yin Ziying towards the study with strides, Yin Ziying, who was walking so fast, almost couldn't keep up.

Feeling the man's worry, she didn't say anything, just tried to keep up with his pace.

"Wu Ling, don't worry."

In the study room, Yin Ziying was placed on the armchair, and then the man stepped down. At this time, his face was full of solemnity, but he didn't see a trace of charm.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying didn't want to make him anxious, so she immediately described what happened today in detail, and finally added: "Don't worry, no one has gotten better from me today."

(End of this chapter)

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