Chapter 426 Sue Imperial Court?
Du Hu said loudly: "Your Majesty, the grassroots would never dare to lie. If the government hadn't let us kill our parents back then, we could have lived in peace."

Thinking of this, he said with tears in his eyes: "The government just killed the villagers who went to work in the iron mine one by one. Later, the government even set fire to our village in the middle of the night. If our village chief hadn't expected it, Leading us to escape overnight, I am afraid that we have already become those lonely ghosts."

"Our Datunzi Village used to be a big village with hundreds of people, but now there are only a few dozen people left, and they are all old, weak, sick and disabled. I beg Your Majesty to make the decision!"

The emperor waved his hand and ordered: "Put this man in the sky prison, and no one will be summoned."

The Heaven Prison has always been directly taken over by the Commander of the Forbidden Army. If it were changed to the usual time when the Commander of the Forbidden Army has not changed, the important ministers would certainly not agree to such an important certification.

But now the commander of the imperial army has changed to someone who has a bad relationship with Geng Shan, so there is no objection.

At this moment, Wei Lingyi took a step forward: "Your Majesty, the witness is now seriously injured, and I think it is necessary to send a doctor for the witness."

Wei Lingyi, who usually had no sense of presence in the hall, suddenly stood up and spoke for the prisoner, but no one was surprised.

Everyone knew that Wei Lingyi had a feud with Geng Shan, so it was normal for him to add insult to injury and not want the prisoner to die at this moment.

The emperor at the top frowned and glanced at Wei Lingyi, but finally nodded in response, "Appoint an imperial physician to the prison. Remember, even the imperial physician is not allowed to enter or leave during this period."

"Geng Shan, what else can you say?"

Geng Shan knelt with his back straight: "Return to Your Majesty, I am willing to accept the investigation."

These words surprised many people, Geng Shan is so calm?Didn't he do it?

Only Wei Lingyi sneered in his heart, Geng Shan could be so calm, he must have arranged a backup.

In Qinan Mansion, who else can be called a backer?

It's impossible for Geng Shan to figure it out, he has already controlled the Qi Nan Mansion.

The emperor was also a little stunned when he heard the words, but he still waved his hand: "Take him to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the same thing, no one is allowed to visit during the period."

Qin Zhao couldn't help but took a step forward: "Your Majesty, no!"

Compared with the Heavenly Prison, the Prison of the Criminal Ministry is too childish. Who knows there will be some ghosts and snakes to help Gengshan deliver the letter?

The emperor said: "Where does Qin Qing think it should be released? To the sky prison?"

Qin Zhao paused, who doesn't know that Wei Zhiqiang, the current commander of the imperial army, was once under the command of the Zhennan King, and if the Zhennan King did something here...

Seeing that Qin Zhao had no objection, the emperor said: "Prepare an order to ask Bian Xiuzhu and Mao Buping to go to Qinan Mansion to investigate this matter on behalf of the emperor."

All the ministers were shocked, Bian Xiuzhu was an expert in the investigation of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and now he has taken the position of the right servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice at a young age.

Not to mention Mao Buping, he is a member of Shang Shusheng. Although he is not a pure minister, he is one of the princes in the court, and he has won the trust of His Majesty.

The two took orders and quickly withdrew.

The court meeting also broke up under the emperor's signal. Of course, before leaving, Qin Zhao and the emperor gave everyone a death order, and this matter should not be revealed anyway.

Of course, an important minister like Qin Zhao couldn't leave, so he followed the emperor to the small study to continue discussing matters.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, it is extremely important, especially when it involves iron ore, it is even more important, and it is impossible for everyone to pay attention to it.

But at this time, Wei Lingyi returned to the mansion, he was leisurely, if Yin Ziying knew that he would ask him soon, maybe this person was not telling the truth.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of wind in the court, and the trees and trees were all soldiers.

In Guojiu's mansion, when only Gengshan's coachman and servants came back at night, Princess Ningle frowned.

"What happened at the meeting today? Why didn't the master come back?"

The servant said: "Ma'am, I don't know, the court meeting ended late today. We waited outside until everyone had left and we didn't see the master, so we went up and asked."

Princess Ning Le's face was extremely ugly: "How do people say it?"

The little servant said with a pale face: "The servant said that the court meeting has ended, and all the ministers have left except for a few important court officials. Those few important court officials are going to discuss matters in the palace tonight."

In other words, Geng Shan was never found no matter what.

The important officials in the court discussed matters in the palace, and they always discussed extremely important matters. Even though Geng Shan was the uncle of the country and was trusted by the emperor, he couldn't get in.

What's more, if this is the case, Geng Shan will also send someone out to send a message. How can there be no news if there is no sound?

Princess Ning Le had a bad premonition in his heart, and after thinking about it, he said: "Send someone to the palace to pass the post to the imperial concubine, and in addition, arrange a few people to go to the home of the adults you have made friends with to inquire."

The housekeeper at the side quickly responded, Geng Shan was arrogant and authoritarian outside, but in the mansion, he obeyed Princess Ningle's orders in everything.It is also because of this that even though Princess Ning Le was not in the mansion more than ten years earlier, it did not affect her prestige.

Until the person sent out came back, Princess Ning Le's slightly relaxed heart lifted again.

"You said that the palace has been locked, so you won't send letters in?"

The servant nodded hurriedly: "I have already told the Jinwu Guard about our family's identity, but they didn't care about it. They only said that it has been locked, and they didn't even pass it on."

If it was the past, with Concubine Geng's popularity, even if the palace gate was locked, someone would still take care of this matter.

Princess Ning Le's heart became heavier and she always felt that something was out of control. She recalled the recent situation in her mind and found that apart from the attitude of the eldest princess, the husband and wife did not offend anyone and nothing new What happened this time?

Not long after, people who went to various mansions to inquire also came back, but only one person brought back useful news.

"Ma'am, the Lu Mansion said that someone filed an imperial lawsuit at the Great Court Meeting today."

The teacup in Princess Ning Le's hand fell to the ground, and she didn't care to pat the water on her body, she just said: "There is more, what else did you say?"

The servant shook his head again and again: "No more, no more, nothing else to say."

Princess Ning Le frowned, and after waving her hand to signal for the servants to go down, she looked at the butler: "Tell me about all the things your master has done that stepped on the line."

She had to identify whether Geng Shan had offended someone recently, otherwise, how could someone sue him?Undoubtedly, the lawsuit against the imperial court is naturally to sue Gengshan, otherwise it is impossible for him to come back without a chance.

This is the reason why she has always disliked Gengshan. She would do all kinds of evil things by relying on the power in her hand. If it weren't for the emperor and Concubine Geng, she would have died [-] times.

The butler's complexion changed drastically, and he was stuttering and unable to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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