Chapter 443 Grain Seed Supply Area

When everyone walked to the edge of Yin Ziying's experimental field, they saw Mr. Chen groping for a crop in the field with a look of love on his face.

Seeing Yin Ziying coming over, Mr. Chen asked directly: "How do you get the peppers here? How do you grow them so well?"

Peppers are also grown in the south, but the yield per mu is not good. It seems that the soil and water are not acclimatized. It is sparse. There are only a few peppers on a pepper tree, which is completely different from the peppers in front of us.

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Maybe this pepper is just suitable for the water and soil here?"

She wouldn't tell Mr. Chen that it was because she watered these crops with spiritual spring water, but speaking of them, these crops are now very adaptable to the land after being improved in space, and they don't need any special care at all. Well done.

Of course, this is compared to the peppers grown in other regions at present. If it is replaced with the peppers she watered with Lingquan water last year, it will still be a little worse.

Just as she was thinking, Uncle Gu and Gu Yunli who were following her both said, "We didn't take care of it well this year. Last year, these peppers grew well."

Gu Yunxuan also nodded again and again: "Last year, sister Ziying planted the chili peppers herself. They were all bright red, and they grew more."

Old Chen opened his eyes wide: "Is this not good? Last year's was even better?"

The peppers in front of him are already the best peppers he has ever seen as a person who often inspects crops in various places. Was there any better peppers last year?It's just unbelievable.

Gu Yunxuan nodded seriously: "Of course, my sister Ziying grows everything well, and I think that the rice planted by my sister Ziying last year was even better."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying thought in her heart that she was going to suffer, and immediately smiled and met Old Chen's eyes, and Old Chen said: "You girl, what method did you use? How did you take care of it?"

Yin Ziying spread her hands: "My method is the method that everyone uses now, and it must have been passed down. I will not keep this secret, Mr. Chen, don't worry. As for the difference between last year's grain and this year's grain, I think it may be Climate issue?"

At this time, Zhou Hui on the side also said: "This year, there is more rain in Qinan Prefecture than last year. There were several rains last month. I remember that last year it didn't rain."

Yin Ziying nodded repeatedly when she heard that, and Uncle Gu and others on the side would also feel sorry for him. This is a high-ranking official, even older than Master Zhou, so they also hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes, that's it , there was no rain last year."

Seeing this scene, Mr. Chen was speechless.

No matter how these people looked at it, they thought he was going to settle accounts with this little girl?Is he such a person?

But in the end he waved his hand, and continued to show Yin Ziying her experimental field after it was over. He asked Yin Ziying to tell the method of planting each crop.

Of course, Yin Ziying followed them one by one. To be honest, she learned how to grow things from the villagers. She didn't have any technical content, so of course she was not afraid of teaching.

The only difference is that she can pour spiritual spring water.

Finally, Mr. Chen thought of a question and quickly asked: "I see, seeds, what are your seeds like?"

If there is no difference in the planting method, then the problem most likely lies in the seeds and water and soil.

Finally, when he saw the seeds that Gu Yunli brought over, Mr. Chen was surprised again: "How did these seeds come from?"

In the Great Yan Dynasty, when they went to the Ministry of Agriculture, they didn't have such good seeds. He said that the reason why these crops grew so well was because of the seeds.

Gu Yunli: "These are the seeds left unplanted before, and they are planned to be planted in the fields after the summer harvest is over."

"Then where did this seed come from? How did it come from? Where did it come from?" Chen Lao felt that if he found a supply place for this seed, it would be a big deal.

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, don't believe me when I tell you that this kind of seeds are only produced here. I have also asked other places. The seeds over there are far from ours."

"Then you are..."

Zhou Hui on the side said: "Mr. Chen, they planted these by themselves, the seeds they kept. The seeds outside are indeed not as good as those here."

Old Chen was very surprised: "What? The seeds you left yourself are like this? When the seeds came in the first place..."

Yin Ziying: "When the seeds came in, they were like the seeds from outside. On the contrary, after a year of planting here, we came out better, so people in our village get seeds from me when they want to plant."

In just a moment, Mr. Chen figured it out, so it was so, so it was so, no wonder he hadn't seen this kind of seed outside, it turned out that it hadn't been circulated at all, if it was circulated...

He asked directly: "Although the pepper seeds you grow here are so good, why don't you circulate these seeds outside? Do you know how many places in the entire Great Yan Dynasty need your seeds? "

Thinking of the good news that if these seeds are circulated to the outside world, he can't help but feel excited. The reason why the peppers have not been promoted before is because there are too few seeds, and even the locals can't satisfy them.

If, as Yin Ziying said, the people here planted it by themselves, the seeds should be evenly distributed, right?
Seeing that Chen Lao raised this question, Yin Ziying did not refuse, but said: "If other places also need chili seeds, it is not impossible, but we must first satisfy our local needs, and it is impossible for every place Give them all."

She wants to use rice and peppers to make their place famous, not to mention their county, at least their village and several nearby villages have become professional households for planting these things.

At that time, even if she is not here, as long as this reputation is spread, the life of the villagers will be much easier.

And she still has a vague hope in her heart, now only nobles in the Great Yan Dynasty can eat chili peppers, but if one day the entire Great Yan Dynasty can afford chili peppers, then she hopes that the first thought of everyone when they mention chili peppers is this chili pepper It must be grown in their county, just like the Shandong scallions in the previous life, which attracted people's attention.

Of course, she wouldn't tell Mr. Chen about such a thing, but she didn't dare to say it.

Chen Lao said in a daze: "Isn't the reason you grow rice here because it is a source of grain supply? Then the pepper is also the same, so what's the problem?" In his opinion, this is not a problem at all.

Yin Ziying shook her head: "Old Chen, you are too naive. Rice is different from chili. Rice is a staple food. Although the price is expensive, it is much cheaper than chili. If we sell chili seeds as seeds Go, what price do you think?"

You know, if the peppers are made into seeds, they are not whole. They have to take out the seeds themselves, and the weight is even lighter. There is no idea how many catties of pepper seeds there are in an acre of land!

Of course, it’s okay to not remove the seeds and dry it in the sun, but of course Yin Ziying would not agree, because the pepper skin has a lot of essence, which can drive the villagers to do other side jobs.

(End of this chapter)

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