Chapter 473

With the emperor's words, Concubine Geng felt relieved. She snuggled into the emperor's arms with a smile, but a cold look flashed in her eyes.

She can't live well, and she can't let the people in the dark live well, especially this time, in her opinion, someone must be instigating behind the scenes. As for whether this person is Princess Changyue or the Zhennan Palace, she will Unknown.

In short, it would be great if we could use this incident to find out a name.

The matter has become a foregone conclusion, but Concubine Geng's heart is steady, and there is still a long time before Qiu Hou's execution, and during this period, she has more ways to turn things around.

The two people in the main hall had different minds, but they looked like they loved each other deeply.

At the same time, the case of Gengshan in the capital also spread to all the prefectures and counties of the Great Yan Dynasty, and all the people applauded for a while.

In Jingzhou Mansion, Gu Yunyan was completely stunned when he learned about this matter. After thinking about it for a moment, he finally remembered that he had forgotten a big thing.

In the previous life, the Zhennan Prince's Mansion was admired by so many people, apart from the fact that the Zhennan Prince's Mansion surrendered to absolute military power, a large part of the reason was that Wei Lingyi had investigated Gengshan back then.

At that time, Geng Shan was also accused of being connected to foreign countries. The difference is that in his previous life, Geng Shan was not found out about the Qinan Mansion iron mine case, nor was it found out who planned the death of Princess Changyuechang's former consort.

He even thought that the son-in-law really died of illness as rumored, so there are these reasons?
So why did all this change?what is the reason?In Qinan Mansion, the eldest princess' daughter was found, and in the Qinan Mansion Iron Mine, Gu Yunyan suddenly thought of a possibility.

All of this may have something to do with Yin Ziying, a non-existent person. There was no her in the previous life, so Wei Lingyi didn't look for it, so naturally he didn't find the iron mine, and he didn't find out about the grievances of the village.

With Yin Ziying in this life, everything will be different.

For a moment, Gu Yunyan's mood was complicated, and he couldn't tell what it was like.
I blame myself for not using my own ability to change the ending earlier, and get close to the Zhennan Palace earlier, and I regret that he gave up the relationship with Yin Ziying so easily. If he was with Yin Ziying, these opportunities would be Wouldn't it be on him?

In fact, Gu Yunyan has already borrowed the opportunity of his previous life in this life. In his previous life, there were a lot of injustice cases in this small county of Jingzhou Prefecture in the past few years. clear.

He knew that Zhennan Wang was an absolutely talented person, as long as he showed these talents, he would definitely be able to gain some benefits that were invisible now.

Because in his previous life, the few unjust cases that happened in this small county were all related to the relatives of Princess Zhennan. He thought he had grasped the opportunity. Now it seems that the biggest opportunity has not come to him. ?
At the same time, in the Tianxiang Building in the county seat, several ladies sat in a group, chatting while playing leaf cards.

Someone took the initiative to flatter Lu Xiuyu who was sitting at the top: "Madam Gu, how did you think about the time I told you last time? My cousin is from Jiangnan, and he owns a shop that sells sex. They are all in short supply from the south, and the business is very good, if you don’t believe me, just ask Mrs. Ye and they will know, they all followed suit.”

Mrs. Ye smiled and said: "No, the shop opened by the cousin that Mrs. Zhou mentioned is really good business. It is much better than the few shops you are investing in now, Mrs. Gu. Really gotta try these."

"Yes, Mrs. Gu, you are an official wife, so let's not talk about an official like Mr. Gu. Even people like us know that they need to use money to establish relationships. If you want to come to Mr. Gu as the head of a county, it's even more important. Is it necessary?"

"Yes, Mrs. Gu, you and Mrs. Gu have no children yet, but if you have children, you will spend a lot of money in the future. And you should take care of one or two in your hometown, right? Oh, this woman After marrying as a woman, you have to deal with money and trivial matters inside and out, so there are too many things to do."

Hearing these words from everyone, Lu Xiuyu's heart was a little moved. It's not about whether to manage or not. Gu Yunyan doesn't need these at all.

But since she quarreled with Gu Yunyan last time, he doesn't care much about her now, and he doesn't care how she interacts with these businessmen's wives on weekdays.

Speaking of which, since she invested in several shops with these businessmen's wives last time, she has a lot more money in her hands, which is much better than the miserable life before.

She thought to herself, the relatively ordinary shops she invested in now can earn 200 taels a month, so if she really invests in Mrs. Zhou and her cousin's shop that sells goods that are in short supply in the south, which one? Wouldn't the monthly income be too much?
Seeing the change in Lu Xiuyu's expression, Mrs. Zhou, who was the first one, secretly thought something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "By the way, my cousin happens to be here today, why don't I do something and get everyone together tonight? Everyone What do you think?"

While she was talking, she slapped faces with the other wives, everyone laughed tacitly, and all the wives nodded for a moment.

"Okay, if that's the case, it would be great."

"When did your cousin come back? It just so happens that we haven't seen that little guy for a long time, so it's okay to see him."

Mrs. Zhou cast a reproachful glance at the ladies: "How many of you are still so rude in front of Mrs. Gu?"

Madam Ye covered her mouth and giggled: "I don't want to either, but your cousin is really too handsome."

"No, your cousin looks like that, tsk tsk, it's a pity that I'm already married, otherwise I would be extremely happy."

Mrs. Zhou pointed at her forehead and scolded with a smile: "Look at what you are saying. If your master knows what you think, he doesn't know what it is."

Mrs. Ye: "Then you can only blame your cousin for being too handsome, hahaha."

Mrs. Zhou said with a smile: "Don't say that. If you want to talk about handsomeness, who can compare to Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu is really a handsome and suave talent, and Mrs. Gu is also blessed."

After finishing speaking, she shook her head and sighed: "My cousin is also true. When my aunt was alive, she said that she should get married and have children earlier, but now she is still alone after all these years. I can't help but feel sorry for him." worry."

Hearing what she said, the ladies looked at each other and giggled.

Lu Xiuyu could hear some nature, "Why, is Mrs. Zhou's cousin extremely handsome?"

Although the ladies said so, in fact she was very disapproving in her heart. It's not that she has never seen a very handsome man. Her husband Gu Yunyan is one of them, and there are several brothers from the Gu family, all of whom are not bad looking.

Of course, the most beautiful person she has ever met in her life is undoubtedly Wei Lingyi, the eldest son of Zhennan Palace.It's a pity that that person is Yin Ziying's fiancé, if it were someone else, she wouldn't be so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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