Chapter 475 It's Totally Wrong
"How about you? Not long ago, I asked your maid to go to the government with my cousin's nanny and said that you followed your cousin to Zhuangzi and didn't come back. If you want to let Mr. Gu know now, just call."

Lu Xiuyu suddenly fell silent. Although she knew that Gu Yunyan loved her a lot, if Gu Yunyan knew that she had done such a thing, then she believed that it must be a disaster.

Sun Xinghua leaned close to her ear and let out a soft breath, his hands kept groping, Lu Xiuyu started to resist, but Sun Xinghua grabbed his hands, his dark eyes looked straight at her, "Why, didn't you hook up at the dinner table just now?" Me? Didn’t I call Zhenghuan just now? Why are you pretending to be serious now?”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Lu Xiuyu blushed angrily, Sun Xinghua chuckled, but his hands kept moving, "Whether you have, you know in your heart."

Between the rustlings, the vibrancy of the room is still going on.

Suddenly, there was only a loud noise outside, like the sound of a door being kicked. Whether it was Lu Xiuyu or Sun Xinghua, they were intoxicated in their own world at the moment, and didn't notice anything unusual.As early as just now, when there were so many people in the room walking in this erotic palace, a lot of things were dumped in the room.

But the next moment, an indifferent yet familiar voice hit Lu Xiuyu's mind, "Tie them all up!"

Lu Xiuyu woke up slightly, and saw that the door of the room opened at some point, and a large group of officials were holding torches and ropes in their hands.

Lu Xiuyu's eyes went dark, and who is the person standing at the front if it's not Gu Yunyan?She screamed and hurriedly pulled the quilt to cover herself.

Sun Xinghua glanced back, and stretched himself lazily: "Do you know who the young master is?"

He thought, now that he has Lu Xiuyu, the county magistrate's wife, it doesn't matter if they are really caught, but they still have to be kept, otherwise who can save them?
On the other side, when Gu Yunyan heard Lu Xiuyu's scream, he looked over. He didn't see if that person was Lu Xiuyu, but he saw the daring Sun Xinghua's self-satisfied and wicked look.

It's all like this, and he still puts on airs in front of him, do you really think you are some kind of young master?

Gu Yunyan was faintly excited, because this person was the one whom King Zhennan had been looking for for a long time in his previous life, and since he caught him ahead of time today, it must be a great achievement.

With that in his heart, his face was extremely cold: "Take it!"

Soon, all the officials started to act, and Sun Xinghua was also tightly tied up. Because he was always talking about something with his mouth, he was the first to be stuffed into a stinky sock by the officials.

Sun Xinghua only felt extremely humiliated, and was about to say something, but Mrs. Zhou over there also woke up. When they found out that the leader in front of them was actually Gu Yunyan, they were instantly terrified.

Sun Xinghua didn't know who this person was, but they did. This is the magistrate of the county, and right now, Lu Xiuyu is still here...

Everyone just felt that their eyes were dark, and they wished they could faint. It's fine if they were caught in such a thing, but they were still caught by someone sent by the government. They could imagine what would happen to them if there was a joint trial.

If they were caught in the past, it might be feasible for them to bribe them to get some money, but now the county magistrate's wife is among them, will the county magistrate put up with his own woman like this?

Everyone regretted it in their hearts, it was really a disaster tonight.

Gu Yunyan didn't know what these people were thinking, he didn't even look at them directly, these people who messed with men and women were not good things in his opinion, and he would not be merciful.

Only suddenly, he heard a familiar scream: "Don't! Don't! Don't tie me up!"

He turned his head to look, but saw a familiar person struggling on the bed where the man was just now. She was naked, her snow-white skin was shaking, and the officials covered their eyes.

Gu Yunyan looked at all this in disbelief. If he read correctly, this is his well-behaved wife Lu Xiuyu, right?Why is she here?Shouldn't she be in the back kitchen?

Lu Xiuyu over there looked up at Gu Yunyan, and seeing his shocked expression, she hurriedly covered her head and face with her clothes and begged, "Don't, don't come near me! Don't!"

The official scolded: "You little girl, which family are you a woman or a lady? Why are you here in the middle of the night for adultery? Do you really think I want to see you? Bah!"

Accompanied by his bah, the next moment, he heard his adult say: "Throw the clothes to them."

The officer scolded and found the clothes and threw them over. Gu Yunyan looked at Lu Xiuyu holding the clothes and crying while turning his head, not daring to look at him. For a moment, he didn't know whether he should be thankful that she had never been to the front office and no one recognized her, or whether he should regret it I have too little control over her.

In her previous life, she was only married to a peddler in the town. Because of the pressure and her natal family, she committed adultery with someone.

In this life, he married her, and he even became a parent. Why did she still make such a choice?

Did he do it wrong?
For a moment, Gu Yunyan fell into his own contemplation, but he didn't notice the eyes those people were looking at him, nor the strange eyes of the officials.

An official couldn't help but said: "My lord, my lord?"

"Ah?" Gu Yunyan came back to his senses, and saw that everyone in front of him was tied up, even those maids and servants. He cleared his throat, glanced at Lu Xiuyu, and felt a little bit of difficulty in his heart. Voice: "Take them all away!"

"Yes!" The officials were very excited.

Gu Yunyan nodded, and said again: "Put their heads on."

The young official couldn't help muttering: "My lord, there's no need to do this. No one will see it in the middle of the night. Besides, people who steal people like this are shameless enough. What face should we give them?"

An old official kicked the young official: "What do you know? If those people know about it and make a fuss, it would be better for the adults to deal with them directly in this way."

It wasn't until he left the house of the Sun family that Gu Yunyan really came back to his senses. Looking at the men and women who were being pushed away by the officials, he felt only endless coldness in his heart.

He thought he was wrong.

It was completely wrong from the beginning.

Gu Yunyan didn't go back to the backyard at all tonight, so he doesn't know why Lu Xiuyu is not in the mansion but here.But no matter what, Gu Yunyan will not lightly expose such a thing.

It's true that he loves her, but for so long, her ignorance has made her progress again and again, and his retreat has caused him a splitting headache. This time, such a thing even happened directly, and he felt that he couldn't bear it.

He ordered men and women to be detained separately, and among them, Sun Xinghua and Lu Xiuyu were both detained separately. Afterwards, he sent letters to the Chu family, the Ye family and the Zhou family.

After doing this, he sat behind the desk and looked at the blank letter paper, not knowing how to react. He originally wanted to tell the news to the other side immediately, but now it seems that the other side will think that he did it on purpose?
(End of this chapter)

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