Chapter 483 Eventful Autumn
Even though Gu Yunxuan was young, she was smart and quick-witted. Not only was Uncle Gu's family taking care of her as his own daughter, but also Mrs. Gao, who went to Baijia Village to see her son from time to time, could not help feeling a little more loving towards Gu Yunxuan.

Especially when I heard Yin Ruilin repeatedly say that Mr. Gu Yunxuan praised Gu Yunxuan's handwriting well and that she is also a good student for studying. Coupled with the care of her daughter Yin Ziying for Gu Yunxuan, the Gao family seemed to regard Gu Yunxuan as her own. He was treated by his own granddaughter.

So at this moment when Gu Yunxuan said this, Gao Shi immediately put on colored glasses: "Yes, sister Xuan is right, my uncle can't do this..."

Yin Ziying was helpless, Zhishu and Yinghua were all silent, what could they say?There is nothing to say, because this matter seems to be true...

In the end, it was Yin Ziying who broke the silence: "You think too much, what danger can there be? Look at the people around me, with them around, even if there are a few more, I won't be afraid."

Hearing what she said, Gao's attention shifted a bit, she turned to look at Ying Hua and said, "I can't see that you little girl is so good at it."

After she finished speaking, her eyes lit up, she looked at Yin Ziying and said, "Girl, I understand, why don't you just learn from this girl? Then you won't be afraid of danger in the future."

Yu Shi on the side shook his head, and said in disapproval: "How can it be done? How can this kind of kung fu be so easy to practice, I think it's better for Ziying to stay away from going out."

"Why can't it work? My daughter is so smart, why don't you learn quickly?"

Yin Ziying: ...

She covered her face, and then said in relief: "Okay, anyway, I have Zhishu Yinghua and them by my side now, what am I afraid of? Mom, why do you think these are studious? Let's go home first and then talk about it."

Speaking of which, she glanced at Gu Yunxuan with bright eyes, smiled and patted her head: "Sister Xuan, do you want to learn?"

It's not easy to make this little girl behave like this, so it can be seen that she was really tempted just now, otherwise her eyes wouldn't be so bright.

Gu Yunxuan looked at Yin Ziying with wide eyes, "Sister Ziying, can I?"

Yin Ziying couldn't help laughing: "Of course you can, you are still young, you can learn, even if it's just to improve your health."

Yin Ziying is a democratic and open-minded person. If the children in the family want to learn, she will find resources even if she has no resources. Now that she has resources, she will of course spare no effort to support the children.

Zhishu and Yinghua felt that the job of teaching children might fall on their heads, but they didn't have any special thoughts about it, let alone any dissatisfaction.

Compared with going back to the military camp, being able to follow the young lady, even if you want to teach the children, what's wrong with that?

When Yin Ziying returned to the house, Wei Lingyi was already waiting there. Because of the accident outside today, Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Yu didn't realize that they were unmarried couples and couldn't see each other when they saw him. Give space to the two of them.

After they left, Wei Lingyi hugged the little girl in front of him into his arms.

He was so strong that Yin Ziying was a little out of breath for a while, she couldn't help but slightly annoyed: "Wei Lingyi!"

Hearing her rapid breathing, Wei Lingyi let go of his hand slightly, but still hugged her tightly. He buried his head on her shoulder and neck, and there was some pleading in his voice: "Ziying... let I'll hold you for a while..."

The voice was pitiful and flattering, just like a little beast. Yin Ziying couldn't help but soften her heart for a moment. She sighed, thinking of what happened just now, she couldn't help being afraid. If it wasn't for the people around her, today she Maybe it's really going to be planted.

She reached out and hugged Wei Lingyi back, "Okay, I'm fine now!"

No one responded to her, but Yin Ziying only felt that the body of the man holding her was trembling slightly, she sighed in her heart, and patted his back lightly: "Okay! Wu Ling, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

After a long time, she heard Wei Lingyi hum in a low voice. Afterwards, the man's big hand released her grip, and he looked at her with red eyes, "I will find out."

Yin Ziying nodded, pretending not to see his red eyes, "OK."

"Have you seen him? I don't know who it is. Now in the capital, it stands to reason that no one has a motive."

Wei Lingyi: "It proves that even if Gengshan fell, the water in the capital would still be muddy. Fortunately, you are fine."

If something happened to her, he didn't know what he would do, maybe, he thought, he would probably stir up a bloody storm in the capital.

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "I'm fine, you can investigate at ease." She knew that he must investigate to find out the truth when such a big thing happened.

No matter in the capital or where they are, they will not allow anyone to have such thoughts towards them, not to mention that it is an eventful time.

Wei Lingyi held her face in both hands, he stroked her delicate skin, and finally planted a kiss on the tip of her nose.


It didn't take long for the interrogation to come out. When Yin Ziying found out, it was midnight, when a tall man stood in her yard and knocked on her window.

Without waiting for Yin Ziying's order, Zhishu and Yinghua had already consciously lit the lamp, and the other took a coat and put it on Yin Ziying. Although it is midsummer, it is still a bit cold at night.

Pushing open the window, she saw a familiar man. The man was exhausted hard to conceal, but his brows and eyes were full of coldness. She didn't know how long he had been standing outside. Yin Ziying felt that his hair and clothes seemed to be stained with stains. It's frosty.

But the man's coldness was only for a short moment, and when he saw her, he immediately raised his brows and eyes gently: "Did I disturb you?"

Yin Ziying shook her head: "No, but why are you here at this time? Are you out of trial?"


This answer was a bit short, without further words.

Yin Ziying was a little surprised and looked up at him.

Wei Ling paused, and then said, "He was sent by the Fifth Prince."

"Five princes?"

Yin Ziying thought for a moment, the fifth prince, isn't that the youngest son of Concubine Geng, he and the fourth prince are twins, and it is said that he is very much loved by the emperor.

However, she has no conflict with the fifth prince, right?

She can understand Concubine Geng Gui and the emperor's aim at the Zhennan Palace, but Geng Shan has just fallen, even if the emperor thinks about getting rid of them, he should know that now is not the right time.

Wei Lingyi nodded solemnly: "That's him, the Fifth Prince."

"For Geng Shan and Princess Ning Le?"

Wei Lingyi shook his head, "It doesn't seem like the fifth prince is less scheming than the fourth prince, so he probably wouldn't take the initiative to do such a thing."

He may not know everything about the sons of the royal family, but he has already investigated the fourth and fifth princes. Judging from his long-term investigation, it is absolutely impossible for the fifth prince to do such a thing.

"You suspect..."

Wei Lingyi: "Gengxi."

"Gengxi? Princess Ningle and Gengshan's daughter?"

"Well, it's her. Some time ago, the emperor couldn't stand the public opinion, and on the surface he threw Gengxi to the extreme north. In fact, she was secretly kept by the emperor and Concubine Geng. If I guessed correctly, she entered the fifth prince Be a concubine in the mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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