Chapter 10 Entering Space Again
Ye Ningyan "..."

What else can she say?Her cheap son's heart is too fragile, so naturally he can't continue joking around, so he can only coax him non-stop.

"Be good, mother's baby An An, why would mother not want you? Mother is joking with you"

"Is An An hungry? Mother will take you to cook, okay?"


In the end, Shen Le'an didn't even look at the man who was picked up, and grabbed his mother's hand tightly and followed to cook.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice~
Ye Ningyan originally thought that it would be good to have some porridge in the evening, but in the end, there was nothing in the kitchen except the pheasant brought back today.

But after working all afternoon, he couldn't help but eat, so he had to cook the pheasant.

It seems that I have to go out tomorrow. Even if I can't buy some rice noodles, I have to find a way to get some rice noodles out of the space.

Because of the end of the world, Ye Ningyan stored a lot of food in the space, only you can't think of it, there is nothing she can't save.

It's a pity that it can't be taken out blatantly.

At night, after Shen Le'an fell asleep, Ye Ningyan looked at the brick house.

There is only one big heated Kang, a cabinet next to it, and a dresser.

This is because the original owner made a fuss and asked Shen Le'an's father to fix it.


Ye Ningyan's eyes lit up, she remembered that the original owner was rich.

In the words here, it is silver.

Ye Ningyan hurried to the dressing table, opened the small drawer, and took out a white cloth strip from the hidden compartment inside.

Ye Ning smoked up and down, there should be quite a few more.

The original owner brought 50 taels of silver when he was kicked out from the main house, but when he first came, he couldn't bear the hardship and spent money everywhere, so now only three taels are left.

That's okay, so she can go to the town to buy some rice noodles.

By the way, take out some things in the space.

Ye Ningyan collected the money, then came to the bed, kissed Shen Le'an's forehead, and then touched his sleeping point.

He took out the night suit and mask from the space, went out and headed towards the village.

Ye Ningyan turned around and came to another remote house in the village, and entered the house quietly.

"Bah! That woman's man is back?"

"It's really not the right time to come back. I haven't asked for that woman yet!"

"No! How could the people who went to the mine come back so soon?"

"Could it be that he ran back secretly?"

"No! I have to go to the village head to have a look tomorrow, maybe I can get some rewards for reporting successfully."

Dong Ergou lying on the bed became more and more excited as he thought about it, as if he had already been rewarded.

"When that man is taken away, isn't that bitch his own?!"


Ye Ningyan frowned slightly, her eyes flashed sharply, she took out a white pill from the space, and flicked it towards the man's bed.

The pill evaporated quickly, and was sucked into Dong Ergou's body colorless and odorless.

Soon Ye Ningyan left the village, instead of going home, she went directly to the mountain.

I have to go up again today to see if I can find the rest of the herbs.

It's a pity that she couldn't find it even after walking half of the mountain.

That's right, the aura here is very thin, and those few herbs have such high requirements for the concentration of aura, how could there be here.

Ye Ningyan went back soon.

Glancing at Shen Le'an on the bed, she walked out, glanced at the room where the man was, Ye Ningyan came to the kitchen, and entered the space with a flash.

The aura blowing across her face made her feel relaxed and happy.

There is no night in the space, so it is dark outside at this moment, but it is very bright in the space.

Ye Ningyan looked at her nursery.

Half of it grows vegetables and fruits, and the other half is precious herbs that she can find from the last days.

Yi Nian picked a big apple at random, and looked at the Ju Ling grass that was planted last night.

Well, it's grown pretty well.

In her previous life, she wanted to refine the Spirit Gathering Pill, but since the aura had only begun to recover in the last days, it was hard to find the Spirit Gathering Grass.

She was busy practicing again, so she forgot to look for it.

But now that there is one plant, she will let it grow a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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