Chapter 129 Han Qinghao Injured

"It's okay, if you want to eat, tell uncle, uncle has a lot here." The disciple shook the candied haws in his hand and said to Shen Le'an.

I like this little guy more and more, especially this little guy is holding a rabbit in his arms.

All the disciples were also interested and gathered around one by one, talking with Shen Le'an.

Seeing this, the leading disciple also heaved a sigh of relief, and then began to pay attention to the compass in his hand.

There are many green dots on it, and each dot represents a candidate.

If the examinee is in danger of life inside, the examinee will be sent out automatically.

Not long after Ye Ningyan entered, Han Qinghao's voice came from behind him.

"Brother Shen, wait for me." Han Qinghao ran up to help Ye Ningyan's shoulder, but Ye Ningyan avoided it.

Han Qinghao didn't care, she was used to it.

"Let's go, let's form a team, you must be first and I will be second!" Han Qinghao said confidently.

Ye Ningyan gave Han Qinghao a look, signaling him to leave quickly.

An An is still waiting outside, she has to find the flag quickly.

Han Qinghao also realized that Ye Ningyan was worried that Shen Le'an was outside alone, so he quickened his movements.

The two fought all the way up the mountain, Han Qinghao was so tired that he almost died.

He was fighting all the way, and this guy was holding the flag aside.

A sense of injustice welled up in my heart.

But when a spiritual meal was served, the unfairness disappeared immediately.

"Stop!" Just as the two of them rested for a while and planned to continue up the mountain, four people suddenly appeared from the side, blocking in front of them.

"Hand over the flags in your hands!" One of them said arrogantly.

Han Qinghao rolled his eyes, "It's a toad that came out of nowhere, with such a loud tone."


Someone in "Don't toast, don't eat fine wine" got angry and wanted to fight Han Qinghao, but was stopped by the people on the side.

"Master likes to drink the most, but he has never had a fine wine." Han Qinghao looked at the few people with his arms crossed, not paying attention to them at all.

Ye Ningyan didn't bother to pay attention to this group of people, and said to Han Qinghao, "Quick solution"

After speaking, he walked towards the mountain.

One of them was pissed off by Ye Ningyan's attitude of not taking them seriously, and wanted to go up and teach Ye Ningyan a lesson.

Han Qinghao stopped the man with a stride, "Your opponent is here"

The two hit each other quickly.

Seeing that the rest of the people were going to stop Ye Ningyan, they were all stopped by Han Qinghao.

Four against one.

Even though Han Qinghao is very confident in his own strength, it is still a bit difficult to face these four people.

After being slapped by someone, Han Qinghao snorted and glanced at the mountain, Ye Ningyan was no longer there.

This heartless person really left him alone and left.

"You're so crazy, you even want to fight with us! I really don't know what Hades looks like." One of them walked towards Han Qinghao with a gloomy expression.

Han Qinghao saw that this man wanted to kill him.

Boosting his energy, he rushed forward, his spiritual power reached its peak, and he wrestled with several people in an instant.

Facing Han Qinghao's sudden surge in strength, the few of them were taken aback, and even accelerated their attack.

Han Qinghao dodged one knife, but not the other knife.

His arm was cut.

swish swish
The sound of several silver needles passing through the air was accompanied by the sound of falling to the ground.

"Trash" Ye Ningyan came down from the mountain and looked at Han Qinghao and frowned and said something.

He said so, but his body squatted down to check Han Qinghao's body.

"Brother Shen is not kind! You are so powerful that you want me to beat you desperately" Han Qinghao looked at Ye Ningyan with a smile while covering the wound on his arm.

Seeing that Han Qinghao only scratched his arm and was still talking angrily, he knew he was fine.

Throw the medicine to him and "prescribe the medicine yourself"

The moment Ye Ningyan turned around, Han Qinghao's face changed drastically.

A mouthful of blood was spat out, and the whole person went down towards the front.

(End of this chapter)

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