Chapter 14 Missing Dad
Thinking of this, the man asked Shen Le'an, "An'an, where's your father?"

"I don't know." Hearing the man's question, Shen Le'an lowered his head again.

When the man thought that Shen Le'an would not say anything, he heard Shen Le'an's voice, "I heard from people in the village that my father was taken to dig a spiritual mine when I was very young."

He has always envied those children in the village who have fathers, and every time he wants to play with them, he will be laughed at by them as a bastard without a father.

And throw stones at him.

So when he saw the man, he felt that his father must look like this, so he wanted to take this uncle back at the risk of being rejected by his mother.

Looking at Shen Le'an's longing eyes, the man's heart moved, and he hugged the little guy in his arms.

He wanted to say that he would protect him in the future, but when he got to his mouth, he realized his situation again, so he never said it.

He himself is like this, so how can he protect the two of them for the rest of their lives?
But he can clean up some people for the two of them.

Thinking of the man who suddenly appeared last night, a murderous look flashed in the man's eyes.

"An'an~" Ye Ningyan saw two figures at the door from a distance, because it was dark, she couldn't see clearly, but she could feel that it was her An'an waiting for her.

Ye Ningyan had never experienced this feeling in her previous life, so it was not bad.

"Mother" heard Ye Ningyan's voice, and Shen Le'an quickly ran towards Ye Ningyan.

"Does An An miss your mother?" Ye Ningyan couldn't see Shen Le'an's face clearly, so she didn't know Shen Le'an's red and swollen eyes from crying at this time.

"Thinking" Shen Le'an said softly holding Ye Ningyan's thigh.

"Let's go, let's go home. I have to give my family An'an a good hug when I go back. I almost miss my mother if I haven't seen her for a day." Ye Ningyan was carrying a lot of things on her body, so she couldn't spare her hands to hug Shen Le'an at all.

These were all taken out of the space by her halfway.

There are bedding, pots and pans, and a lot of delicious food.

"Master, you have worked so hard to take care of An'an." Ye Ningyan thanked him when he walked to the door and saw that there was still a person standing there.

Hearing Ye Ningyan's neither humble nor overbearing voice, the man's eyes flashed with surprise.

This woman's attitude towards herself is obviously different from this morning.

"Should be" the man still replied, and then took the things from Ye Ningyan's body, Ye Ningyan followed him, picked up Shen Le'an and went back.

After entering the room, Ye Ningyan took out a lamp that looked like an oil lamp, and it instantly illuminated the whole room.

"Mother, what is this?" Shen Le'an looked curiously at what Ye Ningyan took out, feeling extremely rare.

"My mother bought this by accident today. It looked pretty bright so I bought it back. An Anxi doesn't like it." Ye Ningyan pinched Shen Le'an's small face when she saw that Shen Le'an was so rare.

But when she saw Shen Le'an's red eyes from crying, she felt a pain in her heart.

She instantly understood why Shen Le'an was crying, so she didn't ask, and could only slowly change Shen Le'an's character in the future.

"Like it" Shen Le'an looked at the light and replied.

"It's good if you like it. Has An An eaten yet?" Ye Ningyan lit Shen Le'an's nose. This light is an electric light from her previous life. Because in the last days, the national power grid was destroyed by those monsters, so she hid a lot of electric lights. This is solar energy. Yes, there is no need to charge. Of course, there are many charging things in her space. She has several generators, so she can still live in the last days.

"Waiting for mother," Shen Le'an looked at Ye Ningyan and replied.

It's good, mother didn't leave, he likes mother so much, he wants to keep looking at mother like this.

"Look what this is." Ye Ningyan took out a big white bun from the package and handed it to Shen Le'an and said.

"Bun!" Shen Le'an shouted in surprise.

"Eat it quickly, mother bought it for you." Ye Ningyan handed the bun to Shen Le'an.

"Mother, eat, I'm not hungry." Shen Le'an swallowed and pushed the bun back to Ye Ningyan.

(End of this chapter)

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