Chapter 177 Promise
Ye Ningyan frowned, and helped the father and daughter of the Bai family up.

This time Patriarch Bai didn't knelt on the ground persistently, but rose up with the trend.

"Meng'er, you can follow Young Master Shen from now on," Patriarch Bai said to Bai Meng.

"But dad..." Bai Meng was a little worried about her dad's health.

"Father's body is fine, don't worry about dad." Patriarch Bai patted Bai Meng's hand to signal that she didn't have to worry about herself.

Bai Meng looked at her father, sometimes she really couldn't understand her father.

Just like this time, their Bai family can be said to be one of the best families in Lanxi City, why must they climb up to Shen Ye.

Even with the luck of the Bai family.

"Patriarch Bai, why are you bothering? I, Shen Ye, have always been used to walking alone, and Miss Bai will only wrong Miss Bai by following me." Ye Ningyan frowned and said to Patriarch Bai.

"Master, what you said is wrong. To be able to follow you is the most correct choice for Meng'er in this life." Patriarch Bai waved his hand, signaling Ye Ningyan not to underestimate himself.

Going to the side and looking outside the door, he said, "Those two people haven't come here these days, presumably it was made by the young master, and those pills, the old man has never heard of them, but he can clearly feel the medicine of the pills." effect, I'm afraid ordinary alchemists can't refine it."

"And the young master took it out easily. From this, it can be seen that the young master should not be from this Xiayuan. Although I don't know why the young master came to Xiayuan, whether it was because of being framed or because of a momentary interest, but the young master's body His temperament is not that of a worldly person”

"I also have my own considerations. I made the oath to reassure you, and I also want to wait until the day when the clouds and cranes soar to the sky, so that you can not forget the Bai family."

Patriarch Bai said and turned to look at Ye Ningyan.

The reason why he said it was because he didn't want the two to have a gap because of suspicion.

He was able to say it so easily because they all made an oath, even if he guessed something right, Mr. Shen would not attack them and silence them.

I said this so that Shen Ye could accept his daughter by his side.

Ye Ningyan frowned, but smiled wryly in her heart.

Shangyuan?She was just a lonely lady in Xiayuan, how could she become a Shangyuan person in the mouths of these people.

Could it be because of her ability to make tenth-level spiritual food, and to take out these three-level pills.

"Patriarch Bai made a mistake. I'm not from Shangyuan, but just an abandoned pawn in an ordinary small family." Ye Ningyan shook her head and said to Patriarch Bai with a wry smile.

Seeing that Ye Ningyan didn't seem to be perfunctory to him, Patriarch Bai was taken aback for a moment, and then he still believed in his decision, "Even so, this old man still believes that Mr. Shen will be able to soar into the sky one day."

Patriarch Bai is not a blind person. He has made a decision after seeing Ye Ningyan's temperament, eyes full of wisdom, and the unknown elixir.

Even people from Xiayuan are stronger than their places where the aura is thin.

Let Meng'er follow Mr. Shen, so he can rest assured.

At least if Meng'er can get out of this world, she will have another chance.

Ye Ningyan did not expect Patriarch Bai to be so persistent.

Bai Meng always knew that his father was persistent.

"Please Mr. Shen accept the little girl." After Bai Meng heard her father's analysis, even though Shen Ye had already said that she was not from Shangyuan, Bai Meng felt that this was an opportunity, so she knelt down on one knee and begged. .

Ye Ningyan looked at Bai Meng, and didn't help her up this time, because she knew that if she helped her up this time, it would be allowing her to stay by her side.

The father and daughter of the Bai family were not in a hurry, waiting for Ye Ningyan to give her an answer.

"Forget it, get up." After a long time, Ye Ningyan sighed and helped Bai Meng up.

Hearing Ye Ningyan let go, the Bai family father and daughter were very happy.

This meant that Ye Ningyan had promised them a big promise.

(End of this chapter)

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