Chapter 3 has a name
This body is really poor, and even after jumping into the river before, Ye Ningyan still felt a little tired even after drinking the water in the space, so she simply hugged the little guy and fell asleep.

Let's talk about it tomorrow.

The next morning the little guy woke up in Ye Ningyan's arms.

Staring blankly at Ye Ningyan who was still sleeping soundly, her little hand was still resting on her mother's body.

Smelling the unique fragrance of Ye Ningyan, the little guy had a smile in his eyes.

It turned out that last night was not a dream, he really slept with his mother in his arms.

The next moment, Ye Ningyan's eyes opened, full of vigilance and sharpness.

The little guy withdrew his hand in fright, "Mother... I... I didn't want to sleep on your bed..."

The little guy hurriedly stood up and explained.

Ye Ningyan rubbed the center of her eyebrows with one hand, and wrapped the little guy with the other to let him continue to lie in her arms, "Mother knows, it's mother who wanted to hug you to sleep."

It seems that he will have to restrain his momentum in front of the little guy in the future.

She thought she was still in the last days.

There are no good people in the last days. Even though she is in the No.1 position, she still has to be vigilant every day.

This is not the end of the world, she can probably sleep well.

Seeing that Ye Ningyan didn't get angry, but actually hugged herself in her arms, the little guy was very happy.

Has his mother started to like herself?

"You..." Looking at the dirty little face, Ye Ningyan really wanted to take him to take a bath, but she didn't know the child's name for a while.

After thinking about it carefully, she remembered that the child's father seemed to have given him one.

Le'an... Shen Le'an.

"An'an will have dinner later, mother will give you a bath, okay?" After remembering the name of the little guy, Ye Ningyan looked down at the little guy and asked.

Shen Le'an was taken aback, his name is An'an?

He never knew what his name was. He only thought that his mother hated him, so he didn't name him. People in the village kept calling him Goudan.

Looking at the children with names, he was very envious, but he didn't dare to come back and ask his mother for his own name.

"Mother... Is my name An An?" Shen Le'an opened her mouth, but still couldn't help asking.

It may be that Congniang's attitude after falling into the water has changed drastically, so he dared to ask.

"Yes, our An'an has a name, Shen Le'an." Ye Ningyan caressed Shen Le'an's small face and said lovingly.

The original owner really committed a crime. If she had a child in the last days, she would definitely treat him well.

It can be said that people's hearts in the last days are unpredictable. She never trusts anyone, it's not that she doesn't believe, it's just that she has been betrayed a lot, so she doesn't believe anymore, let alone her son.

"Mother~" Shen Le'an happily slipped into Ye Ningyan's arms, what his mother said was "we" Le'an.

"An An sleeps a little longer, mother is going to boil water, give An An a bath later, and eat again, okay?" Ye Ningyan couldn't fall asleep anymore, hugged Shen Le'an for a while, then got up to boil water.

Fortunately, there is well water in the courtyard, otherwise I would have to go outside to fetch water.

Ye Ningyan first boiled a pot of water, washed herself, and looked at the reflection in the water, Ye Ningyan took a deep breath.

This body is really beautiful, so I still picked up a bargain by myself.

Soon Ye Ningyan gave Shen Le'an a bath again, and took out a toothbrush from the space for Shen Le'an to use.

Shen Le'an was very curious about toothbrushes, but she followed her mother's example and began to use toothbrushes.

"Awesome" Ye Ningyan hugged the fragrant Shen Le'an and kissed her.

Such a marked baby turned out to be her own, she was so happy.

Look at this little face, obviously following her.

In the future, he will definitely be able to fascinate thousands of girls.

Being kissed for the first time, Shen Le'an blushed with embarrassment, but was extremely happy inside.

At this moment, Shen Le'an's stomach growled, Ye Ningyan put down Shen Le'an and went to the kitchen, and cooked some leftovers from last night.

(End of this chapter)

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