Chapter 32 The Mind of Two Men

"It's time to eat." Bai Xiuyan interrupted the calm.

"Go ask your father to wash and eat." Ye Ningyan patted Shen Le'an on the head, creating opportunities for the two of them.

After all, it's her own father, and she won't prevent the two from talking if they don't meet.

Ye Ningyan went to fetch water to wash herself.

Of course, Shen Chenyi also heard what Bai Xiuyan and Ye Ningyan said. When he saw Shen Le'an walking towards him slowly, he was actually nervous.

When you are nervous, you forget to put away your aura.

"...Father, it's time to wash and eat." Shen Le'an didn't dare to look at Shen Chenyi, and held back for a long time before quietly treating his father, then said loudly, and hurriedly ran towards Ye Ningyan.

Although Shen Le'an's voice was very low, Shen Chenyi still heard it.

A touch of excitement welled up in my heart, but it didn't show on my face.

Putting down the work in hand, I came to the pool and washed with water.

When she saw the toothbrush in Shen Chenyi and Ye Ningyan's hands, curiosity flashed across her eyes.

But when he saw Bai Xiuyan walking over with the same thing, he frowned slightly.

Looking at the three people moving in unison over there, I always feel that these three people are like a family.

This feeling made him feel a little uncomfortable, he tried his best to suppress the discomfort in his heart, washed up quickly and left here.

Seeing Shen Chenyi leaving, something flashed in Bai Xiuyan's eyes, and he quickly washed himself up.

Leading Shen Le'an into the kitchen.

Looking at Bai Xiuyan who came in later and Shen Le'an who was holding his hand, Shen Chenyi frowned unconsciously.

After Bai Xiuyan served Ye Ningyan and Shen Le'an the porridge, he saw Shen Chenyi take a bowl to serve the rice by himself.

His eyes flickered, which saved him from looking for reasons.

Ye Ningyan didn't feel the awkwardness between the two, but turned around and arranged a meal for Shen Le'an.

Shen Le'an was still wandering between Bai Xiuyan and Shen Chenyi, he felt that his own father was also pretty, but he was a bit scary.

He didn't think about anything else until the delicious food arrived in the bowl.

Except for Ye Ningyan, everyone else had different thoughts about the meal.

"I'll go to Zhang Carpenter's house to see if there is a suitable bed." After dinner, Ye Ningyan remembered what she said last night, so she got up and planned to go to the village.

But it was rejected by Shen Chenyi.

"No, I have something to go to the village, I can go by myself." After Shen Chenyi finished speaking, he walked outside.

After Shen Chenyi left, Ye Ningyan heard the little person beside him sigh.

"What's wrong? You started to sigh at such a young age?" Ye Ningyan pinched Shen Le'an's face in a funny way and teased.

"Mother, that father is so scary." Shen Le'an expressed his true thoughts, and looked outside as he spoke.

"Your father is that kind of person, don't worry he won't beat you," Ye Ningyan explained with a smile.

She was also happy in her heart, because of that man's temper, she was not afraid at all that her son would leave her and go with him.

"Xiao An'an's father is back, so do you still want me as a father?" Bai Xiuyan looked at Shen Le'an pretending to be jealous.

"Yes, I like Daddy." Shen Le'an got off the stool, came to Bai Xiuyan's side and hugged Bai Xiuyan and said.

This father is very gentle, he likes this father.

Of course, that dad doesn't dislike him either, he's just a little scared.

Hehe, that's great, he will have two fathers in the future.

He has one more father than those children in the village.

"You, this little mouth is so sweet, Daddy likes An An too." Bai Xiuyan was overjoyed by Shen Le'an's manipulation.

Ye Ningyan smiled and glanced at the two of them, and then began to clean up the dishes on the table.

Bai Xiuyan took Shen Le'an with water to water the cabbage in the courtyard.

Now the cabbages are sprouting a little bit, they got Ye Ningyan's instruction to water these vegetables every four or five days.

(End of this chapter)

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