Chapter 478 Marriage
Ye Ningyan originally thought that it was just a manifestation of genius, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Soon Shen Chenyi brought Ye Ningyan to a table like an altar.

"Yan'er relax," Shen Chenyi said to Ye Ningyan.

Ye Ningyan did as he did, and soon a ray of water fell, covering the two of them.


Two words appeared in the water mist, and then all the water mist entered Ye Ningyan's body.

Ye Ningyan felt a lightness in her body, and looked at Shen Chenyi who was beside her in puzzlement.

Shen Chenyi walked down with Ye Ningyan again, and came to the opposite wall. Shen Chenyi tapped on the side of the wall, and the wall was opened.

Ye Ningyan looked at the opposite world in surprise.

A round of sunset hangs over the sea, the endless sea.

"This is the South China Sea," Shen Chenyi explained to Ye Ningyan.

"Yan'er, have you ever heard of habitats in the South China Sea?" Shen Chenyi looked at Ye Ningyan and asked.

Ye Ningyan nodded, looking at Shen Chenyi, she already had some guesses.

Shen Chenyi walked in directly with Ye Ningyan.

As soon as she came into contact with the water surface, Ye Ningyan wanted to use her spiritual power, but was stopped by Shen Chenyi.

Ye Ningyan was surprised to find that she was able to stand on the water without relying on spiritual power.

"This is a gift from our Xi clan," Shen Chenyi said to Ye Ningyan.

"Are you really Xi?" Ye Ningyan looked at Shen Chenyi in disbelief.

Shen Chenyi didn't speak, and directly revealed his body. It was a huge fish, but it was transparent, but there were many small fish swimming in the fish, and it turned into a small fish and a flower again. There are many changes.

This is the habitat?

Shen Chenyi regained his human form and hugged Ye Ningyan, "Is the daughter-in-law scared?"

Ye Ningyan shook her head, then remembered something in her mind and asked, "Then An'an and Haohao are both Qi?"

"Yes." Shen Chenyi nodded.

"Can you Qi and humans get married?" Ye Ningyan asked again.

She actually married a monster?
Although Xi can't be said to be a monster, it should be a little more powerful than a divine beast.

But... that is also a beast.

"Yan'er dislikes me?" Shen Chenyi squinted at Ye Ningyan and asked.

He could see it clearly, Yan'er just disliked him just now.

"No, no, no, I'm just curious," Ye Ningyan waved her hand quickly and said.

Even if you dislike her, you can't say it.

"Let's go, let's study the issue of human and habitat mating." Then he dragged Ye Ningyan into the bottom of the sea.

At the beginning, Ye Ningyan was afraid of being choked by the water, but she didn't expect to be able to breathe freely after entering the water, just like being on the water surface.

Shen Chenyi took her to a palace.

Without further ado, he threw Ye Ningyan onto the bed and jumped on it.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, uh..." Ye Ningyan was still a little unprepared, and she still had something to ask, so Shen Chenyi blocked her mouth.

After the two reached death and lingered, Ye Ningyan was so tired that she didn't want to move anymore, but Shen Chenyi continued.

"Take it easy." Ye Ningyan could no longer persuade Shen Chenyi, so she could only resign herself to her fate.

"It's not easy, who made me think about it for so long, you have to pay me for the smoke before." Shen Chenyi said forcefully.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Ningyan woke up. Even though she had already transformed herself, she still felt unwell.

"Yan'er woke up." Shen Chenyi dragged his head and looked at Ye Ningyan with a hoarse voice.

"Shen Chenyi, you're going too far!" Ye Ningyan glared at the other party, and then didn't want to pay attention to him.

It's still hard for her to move.

"Yan'er, I'll help you" said Shen Chenyi stretched out his hands to gather the surrounding water around Ye Ningyan, and Ye Ningyan soon felt a warm current flowing over his body.

The tiredness on his body quickly disappeared.

"What kind of exercise is this?" Ye Ningyan looked at Shen Chenyi with bright eyes and asked.

"This is the soft water method that we all have." Shen Chenyi leaned into Ye Ningyan's ear and said.

(End of this chapter)

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